Would you be willing to take 5 minutes to make sure that people in our community (county) have drug coverage and/or Medicare Advantage coverage that they need for 2017?
It’s as easy as 1…2…3…
- All you need to do is ask local groups if you can stop by their meetings in September, October or early November and make an announcement. Contact groups such as Rotary, Sunday school classes, American Legion, Elks, Eagles, AAUW, Lions, Senior wellness program, bank or hospital senior programs, meal sites/senior center, senior housing, support groups (e.g. Alzheimer’s, stroke, diabetes) to set up a time to visit the group. Call them or send them the attached letter.
- Use the attached short (5 minute) presentation.
- Report your “presentation” in Shiptools under the Events tab.
Dear (name of organization),
During the next couple of months Iowans on Medicare are going to receive a lot of information about changes to Medicare drug plans (Part D), Medicare Advantage plans and other benefits for 2017. The Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) at (sponsor site) wants your members to be on top of these changes--whether they’re on Medicare themselves or have family members on Medicare. We know that a review of Medicare plans from October 15- December 7 can save money for 2017. In fact last year SHIIP helped Iowans on Medicare save more than $16 million. Could we stop by your meeting in September, October or early November for 5-10 minutes to share information on how your members can review their Medicare coverage for next year?
If you could schedule us in for a few minutes or have questions please call (name of a person) at (sponsor site) , (phone number).
(name of individual sending letter)
P.S. SHIIP does not sell, promote or endorse any plans or insurance products. We work in partnership with Medicare and the state of Iowa’s Insurance Division to help, and advocate for, people on Medicare.
Don’t Miss Your Chance to Save Money
With Medicare in 2016
I would like to thank______for letting me stop by to speak to your group and talk about some important things you need to know about Medicare Part D drug coverage and Medicare Advantage plans for 2017. Even if you’re not on Medicare yourself, think about family members, friends or neighbors who are and share the important information I’m about to give you. I am a volunteer counselor with the Senior Health Insurance Information Program or SHIIP. SHIIP is a service of the State of Iowa Insurance Division. We help folks with questions or problems related to Medicare and health insurance. This time of year we focus all our energy on helping Iowans compare Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans for 2017. SHIIP does not sell, promote or endorse particular companies, products or agents. We just help people compare so they are in the plan which is best for them next year. SHIIP provides confidential and objective up-to-date information—and it’s free.
Let me ask you a couple of questions. How many of you check your drug plan every year to make sure it covers all of your drugs?
Did you know it could cost you money if you don’t review your Medicare drug plan every year? In one hour a SHIIP counselor can complete a review, let you know if you can save money and make sure you have access to the drugs you need in 2017. In fact last year we helped Iowans on Medicare save more than $16 million.
Do you know if your drug plan will cover your drugs next year?
Each plan must send an Annual Notice of Change to their enrollees by September 30. This notice explains the benefits, cost changes and the drugs they will cover for next year.
Have you reviewed your notice of change? Don’t assume that drugs covered in 2016 will continue to be covered in 2017. Doing a Part D comparison will tell you if your current plan will cover your drugs next year, how much your drugs will cost and if the plan has any rules you must follow before they will cover your drugs. An example of a rule or restriction might be limiting the quantity of the drug you can purchase, getting prior approval from your doctor or making you try a less expensive or generic drug before approving a more expensive brand-name drug. Your drug plan may also change the pharmacy that you can use.
How many of you have prescription drug coverage through an employer retiree plan?
Did you know that your employer coverage must provide you with a Notice of Creditable Coverage by October 15? This notice tells you if your plan’s coverage is “as good as” Medicare’s Part D coverage. If it
is not creditable, you need to consider whether you want a Medicare Part D plan for 2017.
Did you know that Medicare offers help with prescription drug costs?
If your income and resources fall below certain levels Medicare will help pay your premiums and co-payments. You might be able to pay $0 premium for a plan and co-payments between $2.95 and $7.40. There are even some drug manufacturers which help with drug costs if you meet their guidelines. SHIIP counselors can help you find out if you’re eligible and apply for the Extra Help.
SHIIP counselors are available to help you compare plans. We use the Medicare website which has information about all the plans offered for 2017. It calculates your cost for the year based on the drugs you take and the pharmacy you want to use. It’s easy and it doesn’t cost anything to review your options. But it is IMPORTANT to review plans each year so you don’t end up at the pharmacy in January and find your drugs aren’t covered or you could have saved money by changing. Remember—October 15 through December 7 are the key dates.
If you do not have drug coverage, this is also your chance to enroll in a Medicare drug plan. If you decide not to enroll in a plan for 2017: Your next opportunity to enroll will be October 15- December 7, 2017. Just like with other types of insurance, if you do not enroll when you are first eligible and you do not have creditable coverage from a former employer, VA or TRICARE, your monthly premium will be higher in future years.
REMEMBER-- SHIIP has resources to help people get more information.
SHIIP counselors are available to help you compare your choices and understand Medicare drug coverage. You can schedule an appointment with a SHIIP counselor by calling our local sponsor at______.
SHIIP toll-free number - 800-351-4664 Answered Monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. You can use the toll-free number if you need answers to a quick question or want to request a copy of one of our guides or fact sheets.
SHIIP web site[If you hand out magnets, show it has the Web site on it]
You can read or order any SHIIP consumer guide, read or make copies of fact sheets or read our monthly press release.
Handouts for this presentation (order online):
OEP 3-upflier (1/3 page size)
SHIIP magnets & local brochures