2018 AP French summer workWSHS/Barczak

You need to listen to and/or read French every day. If you don’t keep up your French skills, you will be behind before the first day of class even begins. To help keep you accountable, you will be required to blog about your listening and reading. You must spend 30 minutes either listening to or reading in Frenchevery day. Spend equal amounts of time reading and listening; don’t read every day and never listen, and vice versa. You can take one day off per week; you choose the day. Each Monday, I will post a blog asking what you are listening to and reading that week. You must post on three 30-minute listening sessions and three 30-minute reading sessions by commenting on my blog post. You can post each day, or you can make one post for the week. Whatever method you choose, all six of your blog entries are due by Monday of the next week at 8:00am.

Here is the blog address:

For each listening and reading session (six per week), you must include the following:

  • the web address of what you watched or read.
  • a brief (one to two sentences) description of the main idea or a synopsis of what you watched or read in French. (NOTE: Your grammar does not have to be perfect. Do the best you can and move on. You do need to summarize. Do not copy and paste. Do not repeat exactly what the video or article said. Do not use a translator. Do not have someone else do your work for you. You WILL suffer in AP French if you do not get used to writing a lot, making mistakes, and moving on.)
  • three new French words you learned and their English translations.

I understand that you may be traveling this summer and it may be difficult to do your French work while on vacation. It is best if you can continue your 30 minutes of French per day while you are traveling, but if it is not possible, you may make up your work and post late two times over the summer. The work is still due; you will have to double up to get it completed. Contact me if you or your parents have an issue that needs to be discussed further at .

I have included a list of sources to get you started. You will likely find other sources that you enjoy as you search for material. Please post them in the blog comments. You are welcome to use resources that one of your classmates posts, but you must do your own work from that resource, i.e., you will have a different summary and different words that you learned in your post.

Each week you will also have a grammar and vocabulary focus to review. They will be listed on the week’s blog post. Review the topics until you are very comfortable using them. Post questions on the blog (by commenting on my post) if you need help. Help your classmates if you know the answer to one of their questions. I will be monitoring and will step in to help if needed.

In addition to the above,you must submit one print and one audio selection for each of the six AP themes (listed below). Both the print and audio sources must be in French. You can choose whatever subtheme you want within each of the major themes. You do not have to use the same subtheme for both your print and your audio source, but you can if you want. Make sure that you are pulling your texts and audio from a reliable source (news site, Ted talks, etc). I will list some sources to get you started, but you can use any reliable source you find. The six print sources (one for each big theme) and six audio sources (one for each big theme) will be due on the first day of class.

Thème 1 : les défis mondiaux / global challenges

  • la tolerance / diversity issues
  • l’économie / economic issues
  • l’environnement / environmental issues
  • la santé / health issues
  • les droits de l’être humain / humanrights
  • l’alimentation / nutrition and food safety
  • la paix et la guerre / peace and war

Thème 2: la science et la technologie / science and technology

  • les découvertes et les inventions / discoveries and inventions
  • la recherche et ses nouvelles frontières / currentresearch topics
  • les nouveaux moyens de communication / the new media
  • l’avenir de la technologie / future technologies
  • la propriété intellectuelle / intellectualproperty
  • la technologie et ses effets sur la société / social impact of technology
  • les choix moraux / ethical questions

Thème 3: la vie contemporaine

  • la publicité et le marketing / advertising and marketing
  • l’éducation et l’enseignement / education
  • les fêtes / holidays and celebrations
  • le logement / housing and shelter
  • les loisirs et le sport / leisure and sports
  • le monde du travail / professions
  • les rites de passage / rites of passage
  • les voyages / travel

Thème 4: la quête de soi / personal and public identities

  • l’aliénation et l’assimilation / alienation and assimilation
  • les croyances et les systèmes de valeurs / beliefs and values
  • la langue et l’identité / language and identity
  • le nationalisme et le patriotisme / nationalism and patriotism
  • la sexualité / gender and sexuality
  • le pluriculturalisme / multiculturalism

Thème 5: la famille et la communauté / families and communities

  • les rapports sociaux / age and class
  • l’enfance et l’adolescense / childhood and adolescence
  • les coutumes et les fêtes / customs and ceremonies
  • la famille / family structures
  • l’amitié et l’amour / friendship and love
  • la citoyenneté / citizenship

Thème 6: l’esthétique / beauty and aesthetics

  • le patrimoine / contributions to world artistic heritage
  • l’architecture / architecture
  • le beau / ideals of beauty
  • les arts littéraires / literature
  • les arts visuels / visual arts
  • la musique / music
  • les arts du spectacle / performing arts


*NOTE: Use your judgement when selecting material to watch and read. There are a variety of topics covered in the sites and shows listed. If you know your parents would not approve of you watching a certain video/show/movie or reading about a certain topic, choose something else.


(also search for Tedx videos in French)



Quand on a 17 ans


Bienvenue à Marly Gomont

Banlieu 13

Je ne suis pas un homme facile

Ma vie de courgette

Il a déjà tes yeux

Dix pour cent



Norman fait des vidéos



Mister V

Frédéric Molas

McFly et Carlito


Hugo Tout Seul

Le Rire Jaune

La cuisine en vidéo

Remi Gaillard

L’aventure à deux



I will post explanations for these grammar topics and vocabulary lists on the blog each week. Here are the topics and vocabulary that will be covered :

Week 1 :5/28/18

grammar:present tense of regular verbs (-er, - ir, -re) ; spelling change verbs (-ger, -cer) ; stem change verbs (-yer,eler/eter,e_er/é_er) ; gérondif

vocabulary:contact information, physical descriptions, personality descriptions

Week 2 : 6/4/18

grammar: presenttense of irregularverbs(avoir, être, aller, faire, venir, vouloir, pouvoir, devoir, lire/dire, dormir/partir/sortir, prendre, mettre, voir, croire, écrire, tenir, connaître, savoir)

vocabulary:activities, entertainment genres

Week 3 : 6/11/18

grammar :le passé composéavecavoiretêtre(know when to use avoir, when to use être, when/how to make past the participle agree, and irregular past participles)

vocabulary :food, clothing

Week 4 : 6/18/18

grammar :l’imparfait ; adjective agreement and placement

vocabulary:family, places in town

Week 5: 6/25/18

grammar: le passé composé vs l’imparfait

vocabulary:common verbs, transition words, nationalities

Week 6 : 7/2/18

grammar : le plus-que-parfait; l’impératif

vocabulary :idiomatic expressions with avoir/être/faire, body parts

Week 7 : 7/9/18

grammar :le futur ; les questions

vocabulary :descriptions of people, moods

Week 8 : 7/16/18

grammar:le conditionnel ; le futur proche; le passé récent

vocabulary :social media, holidays

Week 9 : 7/23/18

grammar :le subjonctif (will go over more in class with French 4 students)

vocabulary :daily routines, chores,classes

Week 10: 7/30/18

grammar: les objets directs; les objets indirects;en; y; les contractions avec à; les contractions avec de; les adjectifs possessifs

vocabulary: childhood memories, weather, shopping