The Julius Caesar Project, 5 groups – even in numbers.


Manager: The manager is responsible for managing the group. This is the person who will keep everyone on task and set up meetings and ensure that required reports are filled out for Ms. Koller. This is the ONLY person in the group who should be coming to Ms. Koller with questions, only after asking 2 other groups (The rule of 2). Managers must provide documentation of every meeting, what was discussed, roles assigned – basically show Ms. Koller what every person did (or didn’t do).

Script Keeper: This is the person who will collect everyone’s modern translations and then scale it down into a script in SCRIPT FORMAT for the movie/storyboard and to fit within a 15 minute time frame. Keep each person’s translations because you will have to turn this in. You have the final say on what scenes will be in and what will be out.

Art Director: This person is in charge of setting the scenes. If doing the movie option, this person will procure video equipment, develop scenes chosen by Casting and supply all the props needed for each scene. If doing a storyboard, this person will procure all the art supplies needed, camera, etc and will be in charge of printing the pictures and adding colorful and interesting visual presentation.

Master of Shakespeare: This person will take on the role of locating sonnets, soliloquies, asides, all things “Shakespeare” in your act. For example, you will be in charge of locating a sonnet(s) in your act (if it exists) and if it doesn’t, writing one that might be a great addition to your script. You will also be in charge of locating pentameter and helping with vocabulary.

Editor/Art Assistant (up to 2): This person will assist the art director in creating the movie or storyboard (this is the final product so it needs to be spectacular). Your other key role is to fill out your portion of the study guide AND to obtain quality answers from other groups. Your job is to help obtain the supplies and to create amazing artistic representations with the art director and to assist where needed.It will be imperative for you to make sure you get enough work from the other members of your group to “help out” and justify your grade.

Everyone should have input on what’s going on in the group and help where needed, but everyone needs to INDIVIDUALLY take credit for task, so if, for example, something doesn’t happen with the script – it’s the script keeper’s responsibility. For instance, the manager will need to assist with just about everything in order to fulfill the role responsibly. It is IMPOSSIBLE not to communicate with this project!

How you will be graded:

TEST grade

Script, modern translation: 50 points

Storyboard/Movie: 100 points

Study Guide: 25 points

Reflection: 25 points

HW Grades: Reports: 25 points based on Ms. Koller’s observations and feedback from the manager.

Rubrics will be provided for Script & Storyboard requirements.

You may NOT have ONE person do the bulk of the work. If this is discovered, Ms. Koller will write everyone in the group up for academic dishonesty. It is dishonest to falsify that you did work that you didn’t do or ALLOW others to take credit for something. You also can not adapt, change or make decisions about other’s jobs without discussing with the entire group. If there is a problem with a MANAGER, speak with me after class about the issue.

Recognize different learning styles – assign tasks AHEAD of time, then come together with ideas. This helps the introverts have time to process and the extroverts to be themselves too! Exchange emails, phone numbers and communicate via Skype/FB, etc.

Note: You can’t blame someone after the fact for the failure of a group project. Your responsibility is to IMMEDIATELY communicate with your teacher if someone is NOT showing up, NOT contributing, NOT meeting deadlines, not emailing/texting back, etc. The manager should be the person reporting this to Ms. Koller.

Script Rubric:

You will be creating a modern translation of ONE act of Julius Caesar. Be sure to LABEL THE LINES, SCENES, SPEAKERS, ETC.The main point is to incorporate the ENTIRE act into your script. From THIS, you will choose what to do in your movie. This script should be MUCH longer than your movie or storyboard. This must be typed, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt Times New Roman font and should look like a SCRIPT with dialogue, stage settings, etc.

Clearly label each Scene and Act and LINE numbers and include an additional sheet that details which members of the team translated which lines.

Julius Caesar in Modern Script

CATEGORY / A / B / C / D -F
Accuracy of Content / Modern translation of dialogue stays true to its original content in all sentences. Modern language is evident 95% or more of the time and sounds like speech today. / Modern translation of dialogue stays true to its original content in 90% of the sentences. Modern language is evident 80%-95% of the time and sounds like speech today. / Modern translation of dialogue stays true to its original content in 80% of the sentences. Modrn language is evident 70-80% of the time and sounds like speech today. / Modern translation of dialogue stays true to its original content in 79% or less of the time. Modern language is evident 69-less% of the time. Speech may still sound too “Shakespeare” in places.
Completeness of Content / No character's dialogue is omitted from the modern text. All messages and explanation are transformed into the modern text. / Most of the dialogue is used, although not all of the messages are conveyed into modern text. / Much of the dialogue is used; however, translation into modern text is brief; lacks detail. / Much of the dialogue is used; however, translation converts to one or two words per line; lacks thought and understanding.
Inclusion of Stage Directions / All stage directions are included in modern text. / 80% stage directions are included in modern text. / 70% stage directions are included in modern text. / 60% stage directions are included in modern text.
Division of Scenes / Each scene is clearly labeled in student's text. Scene labels are a larger size than written text and are indicated in bold print. / Each scene is labeled; however, they are written in same size type as the rest of the text. / Each scene is labeled but not easy to read from the rest of the text. / Scenes are indicated with numbers only and are not clearly stated from the rest of the text.
Conventions / All translations are typed according to instructions and contain no spelling or grammar errors. / All translations are typed according to instructions and contain few spelling and/ or grammar errors. / All translations are typed according to instructions with minor errors and contain several spelling and/or grammar errors. / All translations are typed according to instructions with major errors and contain many spelling and/or grammar errors..

Storyboard Rubric

CATEGORY / A / B / C / D-F
Clarity and Neatness / Storyboard is easy to read and all elements are so clearly written, labeled, or drawn that another student could create a presentation if necessary. / Storyboard is easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, or drawn. Another person might be able to create the presentation after asking one or two questions. / Storyboard is hard to read with rough drawings and labels. It would be hard for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions. / Storyboard is hard to read and one cannot tell what goes where. It would be impossible for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions.
Content / All content is in the students’ own words and is accurate. / Almost all content is in the students' own words and is accurate. / At least half of the content is in the students' own words and is accurate. / Less than half of the content is in the students' own words and/or is accurate.
Use of Time / Used time well during each class period (as shown by observation by teacher, and documentation of progress) with no adult reminders. / Used time well during most class periods (as shown by observation by teacher, and documentation of progress) with no adult reminders. / Used time well (as shown by observation by teacher and documentation of progress), but required adult reminders on one or more occasions to do so. / Used time poorly (as shown by observation by teacher and/or documentation of progress) in spite of several adult reminders to do so.
Required Elements / Storyboard included all required elements as well as a few additional elements. It is visually exceptional and includes more than 10 scenes. / Storyboard included all required elements and one additional element. It is visually above average and includes more than 10 scenes. / Storyboard included all required elements and 10 scenes. It is visually average. / One or more required elements was missing from the storyboard, and/or lacks visually pleasing aspects. Poor workmanship/quality. And/or Less than required scenes.

Movie Rubric

CATEGORY / A / B / C / D-F
uction / Focus and content of exceptional quality. Movie shows exceptional content, but appropriate detail and length. / Established a clear focus throughout. Movie did not seem to short or too long. Good amount of detail. / Established purpose & focus for most of the movie. Need slightly more detail in places. / Needed more scenes or is lacking in production. It was either too long or too short and there were some lapses in focus.
Content / All content is in the students’ own words and is accurate and easily heard in the movie. / Almost all content is in the students' own words and is accurate. Content is easily heard. / At least half of the content is in the students' own words and is accurate. Some issues with volume. / Less than half of the content is in the students' own words and/or is accurate. Movie can not be heard/understood.
Use of Time / Used time well during each class period (as shown by observation by teacher, and documentation of progress) with no adult reminders. / Used time well during most class periods (as shown by observation by teacher, and documentation of progress) with no adult reminders. / Used time well (as shown by observation by teacher and documentation of progress), but required adult reminders on one or more occasions to do so. / Used time poorly (as shown by observation by teacher and/or documentation of progress) in spite of several adult reminders to do so.
Required Elements / Movie included all required elements as well as a few additional elements. It is visually exceptional and includes more than 10 scenes. / Movie included all required elements and one additional element. It is visually above average and includes more than 10 scenes. / Movie included all required elements and 10 scenes. It is visually average. / One or more required elements was missing from the movie, and/or lacks visually pleasing aspects. Poor workmanship/quality. And/or Less than required scenes.

Manager’s ReportAct ______DATE: ______

Fill the following out in complete sentences, neatly and give specific details. I’m expecting to see a few sentences giving a thorough picture of what is happening in your group.

Name the following people and tell me what he/she is working on at this time. What is he/she responsible for? What is each person doing really well? Note any areas of concern or tasks that aren’t or weren’t completed as expected.


Script Keeper: ______(name)

Art Director: ______(name)

Editor/Art Assistant: ______(name)*if a group of 4, how have these tasks been assigned?

Master of Shakespeare: ______(name)

Additional Role ______(name)

As a group, what are you doing WELL?

As a group, what do you need to improve on?

What is the group goal right now? What will you be working on next?