2012 Specialty Crop Block Grant

Proposal Evaluation Sheet

Title of Project:MDARD Project Number:

Total Funds Requested:


Please rate the following areas using the following 5 point scale: Low: 1-2 Average: 3-4 High: 5

1. Project Purpose / Maximum
Points / Points
How well does the applicant define the need for and the purpose of the project? / 5
Rate the achievability of the project. / 5
Rate the level of the project’s timeliness and importance. / 5
2. Potential Impact
How effective will the project be at enhancing the competitiveness of the specialty crops industry? / 5
Rate the positive impact this project will have for Michigan specialty crops. / 5
Does the applicant clearly demonstrate how the project will have an impact on more than one grower? / 5
Rate the ability of the project to have an impact within the next five years. / 5
3. Expected Measurable Outcomes
How well does the measurable outcome support the project’s purpose? / 5
Rate the level of attainability of the measurable outcomes. / 5
Rate the level of outcomes as a direct benefit to the beneficiaries. / 5
4. Work Plan
How well do the activities relate to the objectives and goals? / 5
How well do the activities match the needs or problems that are being addressed? / 5
Rate the appropriateness of the key activities. / 5
Rate the timeline associated with each activity. / 5
5. Budget / 5
Rate the reasonableness of the requested budget and individual line items. / 5
Rate the reasonableness of the budget and include industry support of the project. / 5
Rate the expected benefits commensurate with the total investment. / 5
6. Sustainability
Rate the level of lasting benefits after the end of the project. / 5
7. Additional Information
Rate the level of support this project demonstrates; are stakeholders actively involved or have they pledged their support of the project’s goals? / 5
Rate the degree of proposed project innovation including use of novel methods and approaches. / 5
TOTAL / 100

Application reviewed by:

Project Title:

Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development




What are some of the strengths and/or weaknesses of this proposal?







Please provide any additional comments, questions, or concerns you have regarding this project.







Previous Performance Criteria (submitted by MDARD Staff)

1.Is this applicant a previous SCBG sub-grantee? Yes/No

2.If this is a previous SCBG sub-grantee:

  • Is this a multi-year project? Yes/No
  • Has the sub-grantee been timely in their reporting to MDARD? Yes/No
  • Has the sub-grantee been responsive to inquiries from MDARD? Yes/No