Ryedale District Council
Ryedale House, Old Malton Road, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HH
Tel: 01653 600666 Fax: 01653 696801
Working with you to make a difference
Our Ref: RB/CP005/FOI/2059
Please ask For: Roger Barnsley
Ext: 284
Date: 24 April 2013
Ryedale District Council
Ryedale House, Old Malton Road, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HH
Tel: 01653 600666 Fax: 01653 696801
Working with you to make a difference
Dear Farida Vis and Yana Manyukhina
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Ref: 2059
Request for information Request regarding Allotment Costs
Thank you for youre-maildated 9 April 2013.
You are entitled under section 1 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to know whether the Council holds the information requested and if so, to have that information communicated to you if no exceptions apply. I must point out that what you are entitled to is the information contained in a document, rather than a copy of that document, although very often the easiest way to provide the information may be to copy it.
The information that you requested was as follows:-
- How many council allotment sites are there within your Council?
- How many council allotment plots are there in total in yourCouncil?
- Can you please send us the cost of an allotment within your Council for the years: 2012
and 2013 and what they will be for 2014. Please state clearly if this is for a full or a half plot an
what size these are?
- Can you please send us the cost of using water as charged toindividual plot holders within your Council for the years: 2012 and 2013 and what they will be for 2014?
- Can you please send us the rate of the discount available for renting an allotment plot within your Council for the years: 2012 and 2013 and what they will be for 2014?
- What has the cost of waste removal been to the Council inrelation to allotment sites for 2012 and what are they likely to be for 2013 and 2014?
The response to your request is as follows:-
- Ryedale District Council does not own or manage any allotments
We hope you will be happy with our service. But if you are not satisfied with the way your request is being handled, please contact—
Freedom of Information Officer
Ryedale House, Malton, North Yorkshire
or email
and your complaint will be considered by an Appeal Panel.
If, after their decision, you are still not happy, you may appeal to—
The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 01625 545745 Fax: 01625 524510
e-mail: website:
Yours sincerely
Roger Barnsley
Asset Management Surveyor
Ryedale District Council
Ryedale House, Old Malton Road, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HH
Tel: 01653 600666 Fax: 01653 696801
Working with you to make a difference