Illinois Forest Management Plan (IFMP) Checklist of Required Elements

IDNR | USDA Forest Service | USDA-NRCS | American Tree Farm System™

Landowner Name: / County:
Consultant / TSP Name: / Date Plan Submitted:
Plan Review by: / Date Plan Reviewed:
This plan (Meets / Does Not Meet / Meets with adoption of comments)the minimum standards as set forth by the IFDA [Ad. Code 1537], USDA-NRCS CAP-Forest Management Plan (106), and ATFS®. IL DNR, IL NRCS and IL Tree Farm Association has developed and adopted a common Illinois Forest Management Plan (IFMP) outline of individual detail items to address criteria stated in the above sponsored programs. All items listed in the IFMP outline must be addressed and included in relatively the same order as found in the outline for purposes of consistent review and interpretation for program implementation.
Illinois Forest Management Plan Requirements / Acceptable Detail / IncompleteDetail / Missing / Comments / Suggestions
1. Cover Page
Contact information (owner & plan writer)
Plan acreage, plan preparation date, and plan expiration date
2. Signatures & Approvals
3. Forest Management Goals & Resource Concerns
Are landowner’s forest management goals clearly stated and are landowner’s resource concerns properly addressed?
4. Property Location & Description
Township, County, and General Legal Description
GPS coordinates (latitude & longitude)
Detailed narrative regarding how to access the property
Address adjacent land use relative to this property; address land use and/or mgt. history; identify any easements, land designations, or other legal encumbrances
5a. Detailed Stand Descriptions & Analyses
Stand # and acreage
General description including topographic features/aspect
Soils data (SMUs, site index, productivity in bf/ac or ft3/ac)
Forest cover type, forest site type, or natural community
Stand age class / structure (ex: Even-, Uneven-, or Two-aged)
Tree size classes & Canopy position
Invasive plant species & Adv. regen & Understory conditions
Stand-level summary data [TPA, BA, Vol, QMD, Stocking]
Species-level summary data, by stand [TPA, BA, Vol, Ave. DBH]
Timber quality / production assessment; Timber harvest forecast
Logging, management, and conservation practices history
5b. Afforestation or Reforestation Land (if applicable)
Stand or field # and acreage
Describe existing vegetative cover or land use
Topographic features and aspect
Describe any site limitations or afforestation challenges
Soils data (SMUs, site index, productivity in bf/ac or ft3/ac)
Plan Requirements (continued) / Acceptable Detail / Incomplete Detail / Missing / Comments / Suggestions
6a. Detailed Stand Recommendations (Forest Land)
Were stand-specific objectives properly identified and described?
Sufficient description of silvicultural Rx?
Are appropriate treatment targets properly quantified in the plan (ex: BA remove; # crop trees/ac release; % stocking, etc.)?
Invasive species control measures and specifics
Underplanting specs.; wildlife habitat specs.; adv. regen specs; or Rx fire specs.
Timber harvest schedule / harvest projections
6b. Detailed Stand Recommendations (Tree Planting)
Species; Stock type; and Quantity
Planting method
Site preparation specs. & Cover crop recommendations
Row Spacing (between & within row spacing)
Vegetation control and general maintenance
Post-planting care and management recommendations
Min. performance standards (i.e., min. stocking levels 300 TPA)
7. Conservation Opportunities, Constraints, and Concerns
Recreation & Aesthetics
Air, Soil, and Water Conservation
Wetland Protection
Fish, Wildlife, and Biodiversity
Forest Health & Protection
Threatened & Endangered Species
Special Sites & High Conservation Value Forests
8. Planned Management Activity Schedule (10-yr Outline)
Are all planned management activities (i.e., treatments) properly identified, described, and coded?
9. Important Considerations Specific to IFDA Program
Is part 9 (see IFMP Outline) properly addressed in this plan?
10. Important Considerations Specific to NRCS Programs
Is part 10 (see IFMP Outline) properly addressed in this plan?
11a.Plan Maps / Property Map (copy-ready; 8.5” x 11”)
High resolution aerial photo (imagery date)
North arrow, Legend, and Scale bar (min. scale 1”=660’; 1:7920)
Landowner name, Township, County, and GPS coordinates
Property boundary, Stand boundaries, Roads, Fields, Water, etc.
11b.Plan Maps / Soils Map (copy-ready; 8.5” x 11.0”)
A custom Web Soil Survey Report will satisfy all requirements;
Otherwise, soils map must include North arrow, Legend, and Scale bar (min. 1:16,000 or larger); Landowner name, Township, County, and GPS coordinates
12. Appendices
Glossary of technical terminology
Documents cited in the plan
Forest inventory data or report