Minutes of October 19, 2015
Amador Social Services, 10877 Conductor Blvd., Sutter Creek, CA 95685
I.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Marge Warner, Advisory Council Chairperson at 10:04 a.m. A quorum of members was present.
- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Floy Goulart led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance
Council Members present: 13
Joan BowenBarbara GroganTerri Peresan (P)Ruth Perrine
Thelma ClancySusan RichDale SilvermanMarge Warner (Chair)
Floy GoulartPhil Sherwood
Elizabeth Thompson (P)Rex Whisnand (Vice-Chair)
Alex Wiser (CSL)
Excused/Unexcused Absences: 9
Skip Schaufel (E)Marnelle White (CSL) (E)Don Fox (Sec) (E)Larry Bodiford (E)
Niarja Marchand (E)Leon Casas (P) (E)
Jim Grinnell (E)
Carol Southern (E)
Dick Southern (E)
(CSL) – California Senior Legislature
(P) – Provider
(E) – Excused
(U) – Unexcused
A12AA Staff present:
Kristin Millhoff, Executive Director
Doreen Schmidt, Planner
Janet Mumford, Administrative Assistant
George Fry and wife, Calaveras County
- PUBLIC COMMENT - The public may speak on any item not on the printedagenda. No action may be taken by the Advisory Council. The public will also be given the opportunity to comment before or during the legislative body’s consideration of the item [§54954.3(a)].
- Elizabeth(Common Grounds) announced that their congregate meal site in Arnold (closed for past 4-5 months) will not reopen as the number of participants and volunteers has declined due to aging and/or passing away. The area’s current seniors haven’t shown interest in congregate dining at this time. Participation at their new congregate site, Jenny Lind Veteran’s Memorial in Valley Springs, is gaining participants. The site served as a Butte Fire Evacuation Center.
- Marge thanked both Elizabeth and Rex for their many hours of assistance to Amador and Calaveras County residents during the Butte Fire.
Motion: It was moved by Ruth Perrine and seconded by Susan Rich to approve the Agenda as presented.
Vote: The motion carried 13-0.
- AMEND / APPROVE MINUTESofAugust 17, 2015.
Motion: It was moved by Susan Rich and seconded by Rex Whisnand to approve the Minutes of August 17, 2015.
Vote:The motion carried 12-0-1 (Terri Peresan abstains).
CSL Annual Presentation – Marnelle White absent. Alex Wiser stated, sadly, that it appears there is no money for CSL to “go on” – the donation method, primarily via check off on the State Income Tax form, is limited and not effective, and promoting support for CSL has become difficult. Previous CSL volunteer members used to donate a lot of money to the organization. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. Despite these significant challenges, last year’s CSL proposal success rate was great. Alex led an interesting discussion on the status of several senior-related bills. There are many bills moving through legislature and some that have been written into law. Legislators tend to think they will never get old or need services; thus, senior-related proposals face unique challenges.
Calaveras Disaster Relief Center – Rex Whisnand spoke about the ways that he, and many others, helped those affected by the Butte fire. Rex stated that he found out about the opportunity to help through Doreen at A12AA and that hefelt privileged to be a part of this huge undertaking. Rex volunteered for approximately 45 hours,assisting 250 families by identifying, through an interview process, what services were needed. He stated that the primary areas of need were: food, clothes, money, credit cards, medicine, tents, sleeping bags, driver’s licenses, lodging, gas, mental health, animal care/leashes, and places for the animals.
- Appointment of Nominating Committee for 2016 Advisory Council Officers – Marge appointed Phil Sherwood (Chairperson), Joan Bowen, and Ruth Perrine to serve on the Nominating Committee. Council members should make their nomination(s) known to one of the committee members before December.
- Ad Hoc Committee on Homeowners Insurance – Marge stated that JPA Board Director Sherri Brennan is more than willing to sit on an Ad Hoc Homeowner’s Insurance Committee with AC members to work on issues related to losing Homeowner’s Insurance. The committee would focus on why this is happening,how to be proactive, and how to leverage voices to the state level. A motion for the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee will be on December’s meeting Agenda.
There was further discussion about the increased need for quickand efficient access to community volunteers (many retired)who have valuable knowledge and experience that would be helpful during times of emergency. It was suggested that the Advisory Council consider forming a committee that would offer support to the Office of Emergency Services, A12AA and the Providers during and after a disaster.
- Advisory Council Committee break-out session to work on 2016-20 Area Plan Objectives – Doreen applauded Council member’s for lending their abilities and expertise to the formation, writing, and carrying out of the Council’s Area Plan Goals and Objectives.This is the beginning of the new 4-year Area Plan cycle and Council Goals and Objectives will be based on the results of the Needs Assessment (available in December) as well as information gathered by Council members while being the “eyes and ears” in their communities.
Lunch was served before the break-out session. Committee heads reported on nature and status of objectives after the break-out session.
A.Kristin Millhoff –A12AA Executive Director –
- Kristin gave an extensive report on A12AA’s role during the Butte Fire.
- Marge and Kristin met with Amador BOS to discuss Homeowner’s Insurance letter and issues.
- One-Time-Only (OTO) money has been received from CDA; Providers must submit requests for purchases; AC Finance Committee will meet 10/28/15 to approve requests for JPA consideration.
- HICAP counselors are very busy assisting Medicare recipients with reviewing Part D plans; Part D is Oct 15 – Dec 7; most appointments booked - some openings in Amador and Mariposa; walk-in clinics scheduled.
- Ethics Trainingfor all Council members must be taken every two years; classes available at Tuolumne CountyBOS on11/6/15, or take online training anytime (2 hour minimum required); submit your Proof of Participation Certificate to Janet after completing training.
B.Marge Warner – Finance Committee, TACC – TACC will meet Dec 1-2, 2015; Members of Finance Committee requested to attend meeting on 10/28/15 at 10:00; Providers are encouraged to attend meeting but will not be able to vote.
C.Rex Whisnand, Advisory Council Attendance – member attendance doing very well; Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne have seats available.
D.Alexis Wiser, CSL Senior Senator – Legislative Committee – Alexis resigned.
E.Marnelle White, CSL Senior Assembly Person – Legislative Committee – absent.
F.Joan Bowen – Nutrition Committee – report given previously.
G.Alexis Wiser – Public Information Committee–new Chairperson will be Dale Silverman.
H.Elizabeth Thompson – Transportation & Housing Committee – report given previously.
Meeting adjourned.
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