Ottawa Hybrid 2015

Round 2 - Michigan State (Connor Teevens, Dillon Edwards, Chris Wolfe, Justin Dusaj)

1. This man's invasion of the Marinids was overwhelmed by an "army of many kings" under Lazeraque, Yahya al-Wattasi. Glorified by his biographer Gomes Eanes de Zurara, this leader governed Algarve and the Order of Christ, and he led a disastrous invasion of Tangiers. This Duke of Viseu was wounded in helping his father capture (*)Ceuta, and he sponsored work by AntaoGoncalves, Dinis Dais, and NunoTristao. A member of the Illustrious Generation, this third son of John I founded the Institute of Sagres and sent GileEanes to Cape Bojador in a caravel. The discovery of Cape Verde and much of the west coast of Africa was sponsored by, for 10 points, what prince of Portugal?

ANSWER: Prince Henry the Navigator [or Henrique o Navegador; prompt on “Henry”]

2. This actor told GQ he didn’t believe in banks, because he didn’t see how they could fit all the money in there, and he played John Malkovich’s evil sidekick Burke in Jonah Hex, a film which he later denied having ever seen. This actor is wrapped in barbed wire and has expensive sunglasses stolen in the movieEden Lake, and in a movie written by (*) Cormac McCarthy, he is screwed over on a drug deal and kills Brad Pitt using the “bolito.” This actor calls himself Frankenstein’s monster as he kills retired Nazis in Argentina, and in another movie, he commands an army of Sentinels and tries to kill Richard Nixon. For 10 points, name this actor who argues with James MacAvoy and has telekinetic powers as Magneto in the X-Men movies.

ANSWER: Michael Fassbender

3. The Morning Star flag is used by one group of separatists in this country. A 2005 magnitude 8.6 earthquake devastated this country’s Nias Island. This country is suffering from deforestation meant to clear land for the cultivation of palm oil, of which this country is the world’s leading producer. This country is home to the massive(*) Borobudur Buddhist monument. The 2004 tsunami helped lead to the resolution of a separatist conflict in this country’s Aceh province. The Year Without a Summer was caused in part by the eruption of Mount Tambora in this modern-day country, while another volcano here in the Sunda Strait destroyed Ketimbang and Merak and is Krakatoa. For 10 points, name this largest Muslim country in the world.

ANSWER: Republic of Indonesia [or RepublikIndonesia]

4. One man who worked for this character once used a glass singing bowl in an attempt to study the reanimation of Michael Coleman. In a recent appearance, this character retrieves a backgammon board and revolver from Bill Jenkins’ apartment(*) and adopts a name which he saw spray-painted on a barn. Shumpert and Martinez have worked for this character, and he is first seen investigating a helicopter crash. This character keeps fish tanks containing human heads in his apartment, where he lives with his daughter who is a zombie. For 10 points, name this character who lost an eye to Michonne, the psychotic leader of Woodbury on The Walking Dead.

ANSWER: The Governor [accept PhillipBlake or Brian Heriot]

5. A shirtless youth named Elvis appears on this album's cover art, and a slow song on this album says, "You've got a face not spoiled by beauty" to describe the teenage Ali Stewart. Ryan Tedder, Paul Epworth, and Danger Mouse all produced big chunks of this album, which controversially got named Album of the Year(*) by Rolling Stone. A heavy song asks, "Do you live here or is this a vacation?", and another song on this album begins with the band chanting the words "Santa Barbara." A single about teens sneaking into a concert begins this album, which includes "Song for Someone" and "California (There Is No End to Love)." "The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)" appears on, for 10 points, what album by U2 that was automatically released into everyone's iTunes Library?

ANSWER: Songs of Innocence

6. Hornworts are the only plants to have pyrenoids in these structures, which serve the same function as cyanobacterial carboxysomes. In some dinoflagellates, one type of this organelle is separated from a captured diatom or algae and only used temporarily; that is the (*) “klepto” variety, which also appears in some sea slugs. Proteins found in these organelles include plastoquinone and the cytochrome B6F complex. These organelles are thought to come from cyanobacteria through endosymbiosis, and they contain stacks of thylakoids in the stroma. The Calvin cycle occurs in these organelles. For 10 points, identify these plant organelles, the site of photosynthesis.

ANSWER: chloroplasts

7. This man directed the only on-screen pairing of Humphrey Bogart and Spencer Tracy; that film, Up the River, was the debut of both Bogart and Tracy. This man who Best Director for a movie about a traitor to the IRA and won Best Picture for a movie about coal miners in Wales. He delayed a climactic boxing match until after the two hour mark to force editors not to shorten his (*)The Quiet Man, one of his several collaborations with an actor called "The Duke." For 10 points, name this director of The Informer,How Green Was My Valley, and The Grapes of Wrath, who made Monument Valley westerns with John Wayne, like Stagecoach and The Searchers.

Answer: John Ford (or John Feeney)

8. An Ezra Koenig lyric mentions this event after “Shmoney dancing with some goth teens.” Following this event, Google was threatened with a $100 million lawsuit by Martin Singer. One person allegedly involved in this event tweeted out “my lil ass is cuter than that,” while Justin (*)Verlander gave an interview regarding this event during the Detroit Tigers' 2014 playoff run. It was initially believed that the perpetrators of this event exploited a flaw in the Find My iPhone app, although the consensus now is that it was accomplished through password guessing. For 10 points, name this 2014 incident where websites like 4Chan and Reddit acquired private photos of people like Kaley Cuoco, Kate Upton, and Jennifer Lawrence.

ANSWER: The Fappening [or nude pictures leak; prompt on partial]

9. A victim in this event was accused of "the worst treachery in world history," and another victim had the epaulets ripped off his uniform. Perpetrators of this event used the codeword "kolibri" and targeted the Catholic Centre Party, and this event was partly a response to a speech warning about a "second revolution." Edmund Heines was discovered in bed with an eighteen-year-old (*) soldier during this event, which saw the death of a "machine-gun king" who led the "Storm Batallion." Following Franz von Papen's Marburg Speech, this event included the killings of Kurt von Schleicher and the left-wing GregorStrasser. Code-named "Hummingbird" and carried out by Hitler and the SS, for 10 points, name this 1934 purge that saw murders of Nazi and SA officers including Ernst Rohm.

ANSWER: Night of the Long Knives

10. One character in this novel once saved a monkey by performing mouth-to-mouth on it; that character becomes depressed when the monkey eventually dies. This novel’s title character visits an elderly couple named the Tuttles to ask for help fixing his house. The protagonist of this novel is betrayed by his lawyer, (*) Sandor Himmelstein, and struggles to deal with his wife’s budding relationship with Valentine Gersbach. The main character is also romantically involved with a woman named Ramona, and cares very deeply for his daughter Junie. This novel’s title character constantly composes mental and real letters to various friends and famous people. For 10 points, name this novel about a divorced Jewish professor, written by Saul Bellow.

ANSWER: Herzog

11. The NFL amended its end game fumble rules after this team controversially lost the so-called Holy Roller game in 1978 to the Raiders. Standout defensive line units for this team have included its late 70s Bruise Brothers and an AFL-era, non-Rams Fearsome Foursome coached by(*) Sid Gillman. This team lost its only Super Bowl appearance to the 49ers; that team included long-time star linebacker Junior Seau. This team’s Air Coryell vertical passing offence earned Charlie Joyner, Kellen Winslow Senior and star quarterback Dan Fouts spots in the Hall of Fame. For 10 points, name this team led by Antonio Gates and Phillip Rivers, currently the only NFL team in Southern California.

ANSWER: San DiegoChargers [accept either]

12. This thinker distinguished between knowledge of the self, knowledge about the minds of others, and knowledge about the physical world as three distinct types of knowledge. This thinker criticized what he saw as a distinction between conceptual scheme and empirical content, which, in reference to Quine, he identified as a third dogma of empiricism.(*) He denied that linguistic conventions are the basis for understanding, claiming “there is no such thing as a language.” This philosopher discussed the properties of mental events, and postulated a thought experiment in which he is killed by a lightning bolt and an exact replica of him is created and resumes his life. For 10 points, name this philosopher, known for the “Swampman” thought experiment.

ANSWER: Donald Davidson

13. While driving a car in this film, one character that wears two pairs of sunglasses runs over a man on a bike before being chased by a group of men on horseback. A Yuban coffee commercial is parodied in this film after two men relate a Ben Franklin aphorism(*) while subtitled. A group from the “Church of Religious Consciousness” are assaulted after handing out flowers, and one woman in this film is given the pamphlet "Famous Jewish Sports Legends" when she asks for light reading. The death of George Zip contributed to Ted Striker’s “drinking problem” in this Zucker brothers movie, which features the blow-up doll Otto and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. For 10 points, name this movie in which Leslie Nielsen says that he is serious and don’t call him Shirley.

ANSWER: Airplane!

14. A long-winded character in this game asks if you use a bidet and wants you to destroy propaganda centers, and it has a serial killer called “The Goat” who leaves behind Masks of Yalung. Yogi and Reggie provide drugs in this game, which take you to (*) Shangri-La where you walk around with a Sky-Tiger. This game introduces gyrocopters and grappling hooks, and it includes rare animals like the Ghost Bear and Black Water Dragon, the skins of which you collect for Mr. Chiffon. Naveen Andrews voices Sabal, one of the leaders of the Golden Path, in this sequel to a game about the tattooed Jason Brody. For 10 points, name this open-world Ubisoft adventure game in which Ajay Ghale rides elephants and tries to liberate Kyrat.

ANSWER: Far Cry 4

15. Aldehydes are treated with octasulfur and morpholine in the first step of a synthesis of these things named for Kindler and Willgerodt. Compounds with this functional group are reacted with phosphoryl chloride in the first step of the Vilsmeier-Haack reaction. They aren’t carboxylic acids, but this functional group can occur when a nitrile is treated with a strong acid in an aqueous environment. These (*) neutral compounds include urea, and they're stable due to the resonance effects of protonating their oxygen, rather than their nitrogen. Hydrolysis of these compounds makes a carboxylic acid and an amine. For 10 points, name this functional group that consists of a carbonyl group bonded to a nitrogen.

ANSWER: amides

16. In an early episode of this show, a character is called a “toeslut” after her fellow classmates discover that she sucked her boyfriend’s toes in the back of her car while in the school parking lot. In another episode, a main character hides ecstasy pills in a bottle of aspirin, which his (*) mother later consumes on a camping trip. In this show’s pilot, a character has sex with Brenda in a janitor’s closet right after they meet; soon after, he discovers his dad died in a car accident. Set in Los Angeles because, according to creator Alan Ball, it’s the "world capital of the denial of death," the series finale of this show is famous for showing how each character will ultimately die. For 10 points, name this show about the Fisher family and their funeral parlor.

Answer: Six Feet Under

17. This organization’s current leader is known as “The Charmer” and was an acclaimed violinist and singer in Boston. This organization rallied against the NYPD for beating up Johnson Hinton, and on Savior's Day 1975, this organization’s best-known leader was succeeded by his moderate son Wallace. This group’s current leader founded their newspaper, the (*)Final Call, and organized a Million Man March to Washington DC. Members of this organization often take a surname indicating an unknown heritage. A man murdered by Talmadge Hayer at the Audubon Ballroom had been suspended from this organization after referring to the JFK assassination as “chickens coming home to roost.” Led by people like Louis Farrakhan and Elijah Muhammad, for 10 points, name this black separatist cult to which Malcolm X belonged.

ANSWER: Nation of Islam (accept NOI)

18. In a song off their debut album, they sing, “Maybe I will never be all the things that I want to be, but now is not the time to cry, now's the time to find out why.” One of their songs claims, “Someday you will find me caught beneath the landslide.” Ringo Starr’s son(*) Zak Starkey was the drummer of this band from 2004-2008, playing on such albums as Don’t Believe the Truth and Dig Out Your Soul, after which this band broke up and its members formed Beady Eye and High Flying Birds. For ten points, name this band that rivalled Blur and recorded “Champagne Supernova,” “Don’t Look Back in Anger,” and “Wonderwall.”


19. In one story by this man, a poet named Han Fook learns to play lute and zither from an old sage, and in another story, a flute player and singer meets a girl named Brigitte and gets on a boat piloted by a creepy old man. Besides “The Poet” and “Flute Dream,” this author wrote a novel in which the title expressionist painter meets fellow artists namedTu Fu and Louis the Cruel, and a novel in which a womanizer enters a monastery in order to atone for a life of sin. This author also wrote a work where one of the two title characters sleeps with a gypsy and is inspired to become a sculptor after seeing a beautiful carved Madonna. He also wrote a novel in which Harry Haller is invited to a theater that is “for madmen only” and one in which Joseph Knecht masters the title game. For 10 points, name this author of Narcissus and Goldmund, Steppenwolf,and The Glass Bead Game.

ANSWER: Hermann Hesse

20. One work by this artist shows a lion sitting next to a man with wings and is titled Homesickness, while another work features sections of paintings of trees, windows, and fire, and was used in a later painting that includes a cannon. Besides The Six Elements, this man created a painting that shows a man standing next to a gramophone and about to be assailed by two men with a net and club, as well as a painting in which the back of a man’s head is reflected in a mirror. This artist of Not to be Reproduced and The Menaced Assassin may be better known for one painting in which a green apple covers a man’s face and another in which a train juts out of a fireplace. For 10 points, name this Belgian surrealist and creator of The Son of Man and Time Transfixed,who wrote “This is not a pipe” in his The Treachery of Images.

ANSWER: Rene Magritte

21.He’s not a regular cast member, but on an episode of AMC’s Comic Book Men, this actor sold comic books out of an ice cream truck, and nobody knew who he was. In another television appearance as himself, he offers a phone to Marshall in How I Met Your Mother while standing outside a firehouse that’s for sale. Other TV roles for this actor include Judge Perry on (*)Franklin & Bash and the prison warden on Oz. On the poster for the sequel in a movie franchise, he appears with the three other title characters, but is credited below Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis. Also appearing as Captain Kelly in Congo and Sergeant Albrecht in The Crow, for 10 points, who played Winston Zeddemore, the often forgotten black Ghostbuster?

Answer: Ernie Hudson


1. This polity existed for only three weeks before the United States took control of Sutter's Fort and the Sonoma Barracks. For ten points each:

[10] Name this unofficial state that rebelled against Mexican rule. It collapsed following Joseph Revere's raising of the United States' flag.

Answer: Bear Flag Republic (or California Republic; DO NOT PROMPT OR ACCEPT California)