Table of Content:
Global overview
Architecture description
Steps overview
Extract instance
Instance import
Migration console
Data dictionary
Process detailed description
Extraction stage
Starting an import
Download the files.
Uploading the file
Loading data
Document history
Date / Author / Description01/08/10 / monfipa / Final
11/08/10 / Gunnar Pörschke (BVL) / Final – Formatting issues
Global overview
The migration process is based on the Extract-Transform-Load concept.
Data transfer is done by:
- XML files containing metadata
- Direct access to the source system's documents
Architecture description
Steps overview
This document explains step by step how to proceed the migration of an interest group.
Extract instance
Migration console
Browseto data dictionary/migration history/
Download xml files
Instance import
Migration console
Upload API file
Migration console
Migration console
Log on CIRCABC via Alfresco interface
<server>:<port> : direct access to the server (not through load balancer)
Remarque:it is possible that the export instance and the import instance are on the same machine.
Migration console
Data dictionary
Process detailed description
Extraction stage
go to the migration console:
Click on: Manage Exportations
You will see the following screen:
Select one category in the drop down list
(Click the "list" button if the IG list doesn't refresh)
Chose the interest group (multiple selection available)
Click on "Select"
Selected IGs are listed below the list. It is possible to remove them by clicking on.
Type a unique name which will identify the iteration for the Cron job
Type one or more email addresses if you want to be notified at the end of the job.
Click on "Add job" to valid the job.
The list of planed jobs and their status (waiting/pending/success):
Click "Close" to come back to the migration console.
The operation can be repeated for other Categories/IGs and it is possible to migrate IGs from different categories during the same export iteration.
Remarque:the exportation stage requires many resources.One extraction can take several minutes or several hours depending on the number of interest groups selected
Advice:it is preferred to select little set of IG rather than to decrease the number of iterations.
You can find the extraction result in the "data dictionary/migration history" of the export instance.
Starting animport
An import is ready when export files are generated.
/!\ Attention /!\ since new version:
Two ways are available:
-use the export instance available on the server:
- You will not need to upload again the API XML file to launch the importation.
- Please jump to the next step "Loading data".
-Upload the API XML file generated from an other server:
- You will need to read the following instructions.
This must be done ONCE per extraction group.
It is composed in 2 steps:
-Search and download the API XML file.
-Upload the file in the import instance machine.
Download the files.
The generated files are situated in the data dictionary.
To get them:
Go to the data dictionary
Browse to migration history folder and search the folder corresponding to the iteration name.
In this folder you will find an other named "original" containing two xml files:
Click onto download them on your computer.
Uploading the file
Access the migration console:
Click on "Upload a new export file"
Click on browse and select the right file to upload it.
Click open.
Click on "upload" in the principal form.
The application requires information like during the exportation step.
Type a unique name.
[Optional] type a description.
Click on "OK"
The application uploads the file and you will be redirected to the migration console.
The uploaded files are stored in the data dictionary like the export ones.You will find them in the following folder "migration history".
To find it: <server>:<port>/circabc/faces/jsp/browse/browse.jsp
Remarque: the uploaded file is automatically renamed "uploaded.xml".
Loading data
The import process is iterative and allows you to submit it n times in order to increase the information accuracy.
The process suits in 2 steps:
- Transformation
- Loading data
The transformation process will (automatically or manually) modify raw data generated during the exportation in order to make them compatible with the new system..
It only concerns the users, not the document's content.
On the migration console menu:
Click on "Manage user transformation".
The application lists all the available "runs".
Chose the wanted "run"
Click on "next"
The transformation form is composed of 3 parts:
The top area lists all the users who can be imported
This list is automatically filled with valid users.
You can add additional users be searching and validating them in the next step.
In order to modify one user automatically listed:
Click theicon: the user is removed from the list and added in the second list (below).
Users needed to be corrected:
Here are all users who need to be manually selected in order to be imported.
Basic update:
Each row contains a drop down list filled with possible matching entries.
Considering that you have enough information to make the relation between two users:
Select the correct user.
Clickon in order to validate and move the user into the top list.
Click"Next" in order to launch the transformation process.
During the process two files are created:
-Valid file, which will be used for thed upload.
-Residual file, which contains all unusable information.
You do not need to get those files to continue the process.
Click "CLOSE" to come back to the migration console.
From the migration console:
Click "Manage importations"
The application lists all available upload runs (they result from the transformation).
Select the iteration you want.
Define an iteration name
Define the date to launch the job.
Type one or several email address to be notified when the job ends
Click "Add job" to plan the importation.
The job list:
It is possible to see more details about the importation status.In order to do that:
Click on "Running imports"
All current imports are listed here, to see more details click the icon on the right:
You will see a more verbose report.
CIRCABC OSS – User Guide Migration02/11/2018-1-