Public Health

General health & Well-being Grant

Men’s Health

Please note this grant fund is an addition to the grant programme available earlier this year and is aimed specifically at projects for men. It is only available to projects not funded under previous Middlesbrough Council health grant programmes during the financial year 2017/18. If in doubt ring 01642 729309.

The aim of this fund is to improve the health and well-being of Middlesbrough males. We want to support people and projects with funding of up to £2,000and are looking for projects of varying sizes which meet one or more of our six priorities;

  1. To engage, develop skills and knowledge to empower individual males across the life course to improve their health and wellbeing
  2. To engage workplaces and settings in promoting men’s health.
  3. To increase access and retention of males accessing health and wellbeing related services.
  4. Undertake targeted work to engage males who are vulnerable to early mortality and of greatest need.
  5. To gain a broader user base of gender data, strengthen local evidence to influence local strategies and commissioning partners to align with men’s health needs.
  6. To develop men’s health network opportunities to share best practice, plan interventions and steer the men’s health plan, with appropriate representation from partners and community representation.

Please indicate which of the prioritiesbest fit with your proposal

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In advance of completing this form we suggest you read through the JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment) for Middlesbrough. (

Please make sure to read each question carefully and provide the information requested.

Your information
  1. Project lead name &
  1. Project contact details
Include Address, telephone number andemail address
  1. Tell us here what you are trying to achieve and what you are going to do. Tell us here if there is a charge for people and if so how much this is.

  1. Tell us here the status of your organisation (ie constituted group/CIC) and, if relevant include registration number.

  1. Please tell us here the total cost of your project and how much you are applying for from us
/ Item of expenditure e.g. room hire, equipment
Amount requested from us
If the amount requested is lower than the total project cost detail how the balance is being met
  1. What difference do you think the funding will make to your project and how will you make sure the project keeps running after the funding finishes.

  1. Please tell us about any funding you have had from Middlesbrough Council over the last 2 years.

  1. Please tell us about any grants/funding you have received from other funders over the last 2 years

Please submit your constitution/set of rules and insurance certificate with your application. In addition if your project includes delivery involving vulnerable adults please provide your groups appropriate protection policy.


I confirm that the statements contained in this application are correct

Middlesbrough Council reserves the right to withdraw or recover any grant aid awarded in the event of non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the grant aid.

All applications must be signed and dated.

Signature Date

All funding applications must be returned to: or alternatively by post to Sharon Barker, Market Management Officer, Commissioning (Prevention), PO Box 505, Civic Centre, Middlesbrough, TS1 2FZ.

Middlesbrough Council Public Health

General health & Well-being Grant (Men)- Guidance notes

  • Applications will be judged on the extent to which they demonstrate how effectively they meet the criteria for each question.
  • Funding can be requested for new, innovative projects, or for projects that can demonstrate a proven track record of success.
  • Who is eligible? Applications from the Voluntary & Community organisations will be well received though other sectors may apply.
  • The overall grant pot is relatively small, approximately £11,000 and there is no indication whether this will continue beyond this year.
  • The funding available is for projects costing up to £2,000; if your project costs more you must demonstrate how you will meet the balance.This funding can be used for both revenue and small capital costs.
  • A maximum of 10% requested can be used towards management/overheads costs
  • Match funding: We are keen to see projects which have a match funding element but will not discount those that don’t, providing it can be demonstrated that the project can be delivered effectively without it.
  • Projects working with vulnerable adults must have the appropriate safeguarding policy in place, including staff DBS checks. For the latter support is available by following this link:
  • Projects must take place in Middlesbrough and be for the benefit of Middlesbrough residents.
  • Please note: if successful you will be required to comply with monitoring requirements including providing appropriate financial information and receipts. Please make sure you have familiarised yourself with the monitoring requirements before signing terms and conditions.

If you require any further information or are having difficulty accessing some of the documentation mentioned in the application please contact Sharon Barker on 01642 729309 or email her at