Writing Checklist

Step 1-Basic Information

Fill in the appropriate information in the space provided.

Student Name:

Reviewer (if applicable):

Course Code:

Subject Area:

Assignment Type:

Due Date:

Step 2- Guidelines for Paper

Fill in the appropriate information in the space provided.

Length of paper:

Number of Sources:

Types of Sources:

Reading Audience:


Step 3- Development and Structure

Check the boxes to indicate you have completed the task.

Introductory Paragraph(s)

☐Do you have a specific and relevant opening statement?

☐Do you have a thesis or purpose statement?

☐Do you briefly summarize the main points of the paper?

☐ Do you define key terminology needed to understand the topic of your paper?

☐Do you briefly highlight necessary background information on the topic?

Body Paragraphs

☐Do you include a topic sentence(s) that summarizes the main point of the paragraph?

☐Do you have evidence that supports your topic sentence and links to your overall argument?

☐Do you analyze your evidence and discuss how it links to your main argument?

☐Do you account for counter-arguments or contrary evidence if it exists?

☐Do you include fitting transition words, phrases or sentences between main points?

☐Do you explain relevant terms and concepts to your audience?

☐Does the last sentence(s)conclude the paragraph?

Concluding Paragraph(s)

☐Do you return to your main argument without re-stating it?

☐Do you avoid the inclusion of new arguments and evidence?

☐Do you explain the impact or significance of your work?

Step 4- Sentence Structure

Check the boxes to indicate you have reviewed your writing and addressed the following items (if applicable):

☐Awkward constructions

☐Comma splices

☐Dangling/misplaced modifiers

☐Sentence fragments

☐Run-together / run-on sentences



For additional information, review the writing resources available through the Writing and Communication Centre.

Step 5- Mechanics

Check the boxes to indicate you have reviewed your writing and addressed the following items (if applicable):


Correct use of:



☐Plural marker “s”




☐ Subject-verb agreement


Correct use of:





☐End punctuation

☐Quotation marks


☐Correct spellings

☐Accurate word choice


For additional information, review the writing resources available through the Writing and Communication Centre

Step 6- Academic Integrity

Check the boxes to indicate you have completed the task.

☐If quotations are appropriate for your assignment or genre, have you used them correctly?

☐Punctuation is correct

☐You have not started a sentence with your quotation

☐For integrated quotations (i.e. quotations not following a colon), you have changed verb tenses and plurals, as needed, and indicated changes using square brackets

☐If you have altered or removed a section of the original text, you have indicated these changes according to your style guide

☐The selection you have quoted is appropriate to your purpose

☐Have you paraphrased information accurately but without copying the original?

☐Have you explained your evidence (quotation, paraphrase, or summary)?

☐Have you included in-text citationsformatted according to your style guide?

☐Have you included a reference list (bibliography or works cited) formatted according to your style guide?

For additional information, review the writing resources available through the Writing and Communication Centre

Step 7- Next Steps




Step 8- Questions for Consideration




If you have any questions or need clarification, come and talk with staff at the Writing and Communication Centre.