Deltona High School English Department

English III Hon

Course Syllabus 2016-2017

Teacher: Mrs. Pam Hicks Email:

Course Description: In this course, we will study American literature and world-wide literature as found in non-fiction, fiction, poetry, drama, and oratory. Focus will be given to textual evidence as used in student writing, research, discussions, and presentations. The study and application of vocabulary and grammar will take place within the context of what is read and written during the course. The essential questions guiding our exploration include the following:

·  How have Americans continually challenged the ideas of freedom and justice?

·  How do valid reasoning, organization, and relevant evidence strengthen an argument?

·  What are the defining characteristics of American Literature?

·  How does an author’s personal experience and literary style shape a literary analysis?

·  What are our responsibilities as American Citizens?

·  How are texts used as evidence to inform and explain?

·  How do individuals and their societies affect each other?

·  How do writers express their ideas while maintaining an appropriate tone and mood?

Unit of Study / Required Reading Selections / Required Assessments
1st semester / Building a Democracy
A New Birth of Freedom
The Individual and Society / Drama Study: The Crucible
“Declaration of Independence” and/or “from The United States Constitution”
“Second Inaugural Address” and/or other selected texts of persuasion/argument
“I Hear America Singing” and other poems
“The Pit and the Pendulum” or “Minister’s Black Veil”
Close reader selections
Other selected texts / News Article
Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Persuasive Speech or Debate or Socratic Seminar
2nd semester / An Age of Realism
The Modern World / “Jungle”
“Food Product Design”
“Images: Tenement Photos”
Selected short stories
Media Analysis
Poetry selection
Novel Study: a level-based novel selection from American literature
Close reader selections
Other selected texts / Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Personal Narrative
Photo Essay
Literary Analysis/Novel study

Please Note:

v  The study and application of vocabulary and grammar will take place within the context of what students read and write.

v  Additional supplemental texts, activities, and assessments (formative and summative) will be selected based on students’ needs.

Content Standards/Measurement Topics: By the end of the course, students will be able to do the following:


ü  Read, comprehend, analyze, and evaluate complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

ü  Analyze points of view and cultural experiences, drawing on a wide reading of various genres of literature.


ü  Produce clear, well-supported, and coherent writing (analysis, argumentative, narrative, and informational) routinely over extended and shorter time frames in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

ü  Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects, synthesizing multiple sources, to answer a question or solve a problem.

Speaking and Listening

ü  Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations including the presentation of information and supporting evidence in which organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

ü  Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, use of evidence, and rhetoric.


ü  Demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

ü  Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar, usage, punctuation, and capitalization when writing or speaking.

Textbooks: Florida Collections, cost $86.93… so do not lose or damage your book!!

Grading Policy: Course grades are a reflection of the student’s level of academic achievement in regards to the content standards. A student’s nine weeks grades will be computed as follows:

Diagnostic Assessments: 0% (assessment measurement)

Formative Assessments: 40% (average of assignments and assessments)

Summative Assessments: 60% (average of assignments and assessments)

*Students and parents can access course grades on Pinnacle located on the Volusia County website:, under VIMS (Volusia Instructional Management System) located in the Toolbox/Resources of the "Parents" tab. (You will need your child's account information, provided by the Counseling Dept.)

Website: Students and parents can find useful information as well as email access on my page of the Deltona High School website:

Grade / Range / Quality Points / Description
A / 90-100 / 4.0 / Outstanding Progress
B / 80-89 / 3.0 / Above Average Progress
C / 70-79 / 2.0 / Proficiency
D / 60-69 / 1.0 / Passing
F / 0-59 / 0 / Needs Intervention

Please see the DHS Student Handbook for the VCS Grading Policy and the DHS Homework Policy.

Submissions and Make-Up Policies: All student work is expected to be turned in by the assigned due date. Those students who are absent from school on a due date must turn in the work on the day they return to school. Students who are absent from class but on campus any part of that day must turn in work prior to the end of the day. For each day absent, a student is given one day to complete the work. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with the teacher about missed work. Formative and Summative Assessment work that cannot be made up at home must be completed in the Wednesday Lunch Lab the following Wednesday; failure to do so (or to arrange another time to make up missed assignments and assessments by that day) will result in a zero for that assignment.

Retakes: Students are allowed at least one retake for one summative per quarter. There are no retakes for formative grades. Retakes for summatives must occur before the next summative assessment is given.

Wednesday Lunch Lab: I will be in my classroom during lunch each Wednesday to provide tutoring help/interventions as well as make-up work for students who were absent during the week before.

Honor Code: Cheating is a level 2 discipline infraction and a student will receive a referral for such an infraction. Students will receive an F on any assignment or test on which they have cheated. Cheating consists of plagiarism, “cut and paste essays,” copying from other students, or submitting work done by someone else.

Classroom Expectations:

ü  Be prompt, polite, and prepared for the day’s activities. Have books, notebook paper, and pen/pencil ready when the bell rings.

ü  Respect your fellow students. Do not talk when someone else has the floor and refrain from side conversations. When you are talking, you are not listening, and when you are not listening, you are not learning. We all learn from each other!!

ü  Follow all rules as found in the Student Code of Conduct, especially in regards to dress code. (Cell phones, MP3 players, and other electronic devices are to be used for instructional purposes only. (Parents: please don't expect your child to answer a call or text during class instructional time.)

Required Materials: Blue/black pens (or mechanical pencils as there are no student pencil sharpeners located in the classroom), and notebook paper. Donations of classroom supplies such as tissues, paper, pencils, pens, and hand sanitizer are always appreciated!! J

I am looking forward to working with you this year. If you or your parents have any concerns or questions, please email me () or feel free to schedule a parent conference through our School Counseling department at 575-4153. I do not have phone access in my classroom.

Please complete, sign, and return this page to Mrs. Hicks.

Internet Permission:

(Please check one.)

______My student has permission to use the Internet for school assignments.

______I prefer that my student use alternative reference sources and not use the Internet.

Movie Permission:

(Please check one.)

______My student has permission to view literature selections, documentaries, interviews, speeches, commercials, and any other selections provided in the syllabus (versions rated G, PG 13, and/or PG).

______I prefer that my student be provided alternative assignments.


I have read and understand the rules and requirement of English III

Student Name (print):______

Student Signature:______

Parent (Legal Guardian) Signature:______

Phone number where parent can be reached:______

Email of Parent/Legal Guardian:______

Please circle which applies on each statement below:

The above student DOES/ DOES NOT have internet access at home.

The above student DOES/ DOES NOT have access to a phone with text messaging.

The above student DOES/DOES NOT have a home printer available to use.