A bulleted response is a response that was received from IPA membership. I did attach our policy for tardiness to school or class, which is placed at the end of the document. Thank you all for your responses.

  • TARDIES: Unexcused tardies will be given for being late for school or a particular class without just cause. Examples of just cause: dentist or doctor appointment, or a student-teacher conference. Over-sleeping, car trouble, being stopped by a train, or being at your locker are not just causes. Tardies will also be assigned to students who need to leave class to go to restroom or locker and do not have their planner.

Consequences for accumulated tardies per semester are as follows:

1st tardy - written warning, notice given to students

2nd tardy - written warning, 1st & 2nd notice to parents

3rd tardy – Teacher’s Detention 3:05-3:55 (After School) (1-day), notice to parents

4th tardy – Office Detention 3:05-4:45 (After School) (1-day), notice to parents

5th tardy – Office detention 3:05-4:45 (After School) (1-day), notice to parents

6th tardy – Office detention 3:05-4:45 (After School) (1-day), notice to parents

7th and subsequent tardies, out-of-school suspension (1-day), and conference with parents

We are a high school of 210 students. This policy works very well for us.

  • Two tardies per semester are warnings, third tardy is a dean's detention, 4th tardy is an in school class and parent notification, 5th tardy same as 4th except two days in school class, 6th tardy the student is removed to study hall with an F in the course.
  • This is for individual classes and is cumulative for the semester then it starts over 2nd semester.

1st Tardy- Warning

2nd Tardy- Afterschool assigned for next day by teacher

3rd tardy- Saturday detention assigned by principal

If a student does not serve Saturday detention they go into in-school suspension all week and make up the Saturday the following week.
Saturday detention for each additional tardy

  • 3 tardies = Detention (30 minutes) by classroom teacher on the 5th (total from any class) = Detention from Office On the 7th (total " ") = in school suspension rarely gets to the ISS but has stopped at this point. Otherwise, for every two additional Tardies, another ISS would occur. We start over at semester time.
  • We try to keep to these numbers...

Readmit Slips

Every student appearing on the absent list must report to the office for an admit slip and arrive to their first hour class before 8:05 a.m. If the student does not obtain an admit slip before that time and comes late to obtain the slip, they will be given an unexcused tardy.


If you arrive late to school, the teacher will report you tardy. I f you arrive late to class, your teacher will make you tardy. If a teacher, guidance appointment, office, or other legitimate reason detains you, ask for a late slip from the area in which you were detained. This will not be counted as a tardy. Penalties for students accumulating in excess of these tardies per semester will be subject to the following disciplinary measures:

4th-6th Tarries: One after school detention for each occurrence

7th-9th Tardies: Two after school detention for each occurrence

Students who accumulate in excess of nine tardies during a semester will be subject to In-School and/or Out-of-School Suspension as determined by the administration.

Sign Out Sheet

Any student who leaves the campus during the school day schools get permission and sign out in the office. When they arrive home, the parent/guardian must telephone the school to let us know that they arrived safely. Failure to follow this procedure may result in disciplinary action including the possibility of having declared an unexcused absence.

Make Up Work

A student absent for any reason will be required to do makeup work. All makeup work must be completed. Only in extreme cases of prolonged absence will more than a week be allowed for work to be made up. As a rule a student will be allowed one day to make up the work for each day missed. Absence does not necessarily excuse a student from responsibility for recitations or test on the day of return. It is the student's responsibility to obtain makeup work upon their return to school.


A "chronic or habitual truant" is a student who is subject to compulsory school attendance and who is absent without a valid cause from such attendance center for 10 percent or more of the total days that school had been in session at that time. An example would be that if school had been in session for 50 days, a student who had been absent without valid cause 5 days would be a chronic truant.

If truancy continues after supportive services have been offered, the building Principal may call upon the resources of outside agencies, such as juvenile officer of local police department, the truant officer of the Educational Service Region, or the State's Attorney of Franklin County.

1st offense = Warning

2nd offense = 2 hour detention

3rd offense = loss of driving privileges and in-school suspension 4th offense = 1 day out of school 5th offense = 3 day out of school 6th offense = 5 day out of school 7th offense = 10 day out/expulsion eligible

  • We are pretty conservative- Tardies to school or after lunch result in an automatic detention. Three tardies to class result in a detention. That would be applied per class, per every three tardies.
  • We have a tardy policy that escalates with disciplinary consequences, but what has been most effective is our Excessive Tardy Plan. After students reach 8 tardies, they are put on the E.T.P. At this point, students are told that if they go beyond 8 tardies the following quarter, they will lose privileges: for juniors it is prom, or parking privileges. For seniors, it is prom or graduation. For freshmen and sophomores, it is lunch privilege or extra-curricular activities )games, dances, etc). The privileges can be decided upon by the discipline committee, by a student group, by the admin, whatever is most effective at your school.

The students are met with and told why they are being put on the plan.

They sign the Excessive Tardy Plan Agreement, and a copy of it is sent home.

We just started this after second quarter, and so far, the results have been excellent. We initially put 74 kids on the plan (they had more than 8 tardies during second quarter), and our tardies were drastically reduced. For fourth quarter, we only had to put 8 additional students on the plan (word spreads fast!). Yes, we have had to take away prom from six students, but for fourth quarter, those kids are working really hard to get to class in order to avoid the possibility of parking

(juniors) or graduation (seniors) being revoked. We have also had 3 freshmen and 2 sophomores lose their lunch privileges (they eat in an office by themselves instead of being able to socialize with their friends), but they are working to gain that privilege back.

  • For each semester:

5 tardies = 1detention for 2 hours

10 tardies = 2 detentions for 2 hours each

15 tardies = 3 detentions for 2 hours each, etc At 25, it is out of school suspension.

  • County High School Tardy policy

1st warning

2nd warning

3rd after school detention 3:08 to 3:45

4th after school detention 3;08 to 3:45

5th an there after Saturday detention 8:00 to 12:00 starts over at the semester we still have problems

  • TARDY POLICY: West High School sincerely believes quality education is enhanced and positive work habits are reinforced by punctuality. All students are expected to be at school and in their classrooms on time. Students will be considered tardy to 1st through 7th hour classes if they are less than 5 minutes late without a pass from a staff member. If a student is later than 5 minutes - the tardy is considered excessive and additional consequences will be issued.


First - Second Tardy – Teacher/Student conference –possible detention. Parent notified by teacher through mailing or phone call

Third Tardy – Administrative detention issued by Student Services. Parent notified by teacher through mailing or phone call

Fourth Tardy – ASA issued by Student Services

Fifth Tardy – Dean Intervention: Suspension ASA/ISS/(OSS) - Parent notified by Student Services through mailing or by phone

Sixth Tardy – Dean Intervention: Suspension ISS/(OSS) - Parent notified by dean through mailing or by phone, Parent conference may be requested by dean.

Seventh + Tardies (Excessive) – Dean Intervention: Suspension (OSS) - Parent conference requested by dean.

Tardiness to class disrupts the educational process. Students who are tardy at such a rapid rate as to make initial/continuing interventions impractical may be referred directly to dean and appropriate consequence will be given to student