Thursday, July 21, 2016 – 1:30-2:30 PM (ET)

Facilitator: Chip Bailey, Jr., ONS Board Director-at-Large

Participants: See Attached List

  1. Welcome and Introductory Remarks
  • Chip Bailey, Jr., ONS Board Director-at-Large, welcomed the Community Leaders/VC administrators who participated in the call.
  • The purpose of the call is to provide an opportunity for leaders to be given an update on progress towards launching the new collaboration platform, status of transition project team work, and plans for Leadership Weekend, since not all leaders will be attending Leadership Weekend.
  • For those not able to be on the call, we are recording the call and it will be posted on the leader’s Virtual Community page for later access.
  1. Update on New Collaboration Platform Development
  1. A contract was signed earlier this week with the vendor for a new online communication and collaboration platform. The vendor is Higher Logic, which is the premiere provider of such services. Groups such as ACCC, HOPA and AONE already use their platform.
  2. Implementation of the new platform is already underway, and additional details will be shared next week at ONS Community Leadership Workshop, including the anticipated timeline. Attendees next week will be given a visual tour of the platform’s capabilities.
  3. This process has taken longer than expected due to the expansive nature, and detailed technical requirements, of the project. But we still anticipate launching the new Community sites before the end of the year.
  1. Discussion of Preliminary Transition Project Team Recommendations

The five transition project teams have each had an opportunity to have conference calls to discuss their charge and to develop initial recommendations. As a reminder, those teams are:

  1. Development of the platform Rules & Etiquette

Team Members: Michele Barber, Pat Frank, Elaine Stenstrup

  1. Development of Succession Planning Model

Team Members: Angela Adjetey Appiah, Kathleen Blazoff, Michele Barber, Trish Canfield

  1. Development of Community Leader Position Description

Tahitia Timmons, Jean Sellers, Pam Paplham, Angela Adjetey Appiah, Thelma Baker

  1. Community Presence at Congress

Kathy Blazoff, Barb Wilson, Sangeeta Agarawal, Darryl Somayaji, Cathy Belt, Liana Wheatley

  1. Need for a Community Advisory Panel

Pat Frank, Kathy Blazoff, Darcy Burbage, Sangeeta Agarawal, Christina Zambrano

  1. Leadership Workshop Agenda
  • The workshop agenda was shared with leaders.
  • Community leaders will be more integrated with other leadership groups than in the past. This includes participating in the joint leadership session Friday morning with the three corporations and Leadership Development Committee, and Saturday morning with the ONS Board and chapter leaders.
  • Community leaders will still have their own session on Friday afternoon. During that session they will be given a visual tour of the new online platform, discuss reports from the transition project teams, and communication plans moving forward.
  • B. Theil stated with the new communication plan moving forward, we would like to have the opportunity for regular dialogue – updates, etc. – with the ONS Community Leaders so they can be fully informed. He asked participants to think about the best date/time for this type of call and how often these calls should take place. Bring those ideas to the workshop to discuss further.
  • To provide a framework moving forward, we will be creating a set of guiding principles for the ONS Communities (purpose, composition, operating values, desired outcomes). A draft will be shared with ONS Community Leaders at the workshop to discuss.
  • S. Schneider shared that the weekend will be an opportunity for ONS Community leaders to converse with the Board members of all the corporations to brainstorm/discuss how the new communities can be beneficial to the ONS members through collaboration, engagement, sharing of ideas, and interaction with other ONS members easily. The Community platform will give ONS members new opportunities and a voice to share with ONS.
  1. Questions
  1. P. Frank stated her appreciation of the work of the ONS Community leaders and staff.
  2. C. Belt, member of the Community Presence at Congress Project Team asked about additional project team conference calls. D. Scheuring stated the project team recommendations will be reviewed/discussed at the workshop and additional calls will be scheduled as needed.
  1. Adjourn

C. Bailey thanked those who took time out of their day to participate in this update call. The call was adjourned at 2 PM (ET).


Angela Adjetey-Appiah/Nurse Leaders & Program Development Community

Chip Bailey, Jr., ONS Board of Dirctors

Cathy Belt/Cancer Genetics Community

Kathy Blazoff/Home Care & Palliative Care Community

Denise Brigham/Clinical Trial Nurses Community

Pat Frank/Community Advisory Panel

Michele McCorkle, ONS Executive Director

Brenda Nevidjon, ONS Chief Executive Officer

Pamela Paplham/BMT Community

Diane Scheuring, Manager of Member Relations

Sue Schneider, ONS President

Brian Theil, Director of Membership

Tahitia Timmons/Pain Management Community

Barbara Wilson/Neutropenia Community

Liana Wheatley/Complementary and Integrative Therapies

Communities/Community Leadership Conf Call Notes 7 21 16.docx