In Attendance: Susan Kamas, Jerry Haisler, Linda Angel, Vivian Naramore, Ben Lopez, Gerry Fluharty, Terry Gearhart, Kimberly Patterson, Debbie Gommert, Lewis Boren, Horace Dicks, Sue Bailey, and Vickie Gideon.

Review of Last Meeting:

ITA Policy: ITA policy is ready to be published. Roy will send out both OJT policy and ITA policy at the same time.

Upcoming Briefing for Ft. Hood new Deputy Garrison Commander: Ms. Himic was not able to meet with Susan and Jerry after the last Board meeting. Susan reported that Ms. Himic reports to base in San Antonio.

DARS Integration with TWC: Meeting with DARS is scheduled this afternoon.

Management Development Program: Action: Inform Jerry if you are interested in attending.

Glenn Shepard Seminar: Nine staff are scheduled to attend training

Workforce Updates:

Sunset Bill for DARS move to TWC: The bill has been filed to move DARS to TWC. If the move does occur, TWC will need to make a significant amount of changes internally. TWC will be meeting with DARS staff for developing processes. We believe the DARS staff would be able to retain state employment status. Vocational Rehabilitation services are one of core services included in WIOA. There is a meeting scheduled this afternoon with Workforce and DARS leadership staff.

Army Listening Session, March 24, 6:00 p.m. Killeen Convention Center: A series of sessions are being conducted around the country to prepare for the next BRAC. Our approach will concern the federal impact on the community and employers. The first practice session will be held tomorrow. If there is a loss of 1,821 federal and military jobs, there will be an initial impact of $19,787,789 on the local economy.

Skills Development – Opportunity for $5,000: Boards can request payment when they have actively participated in business recruitment and development of a skills development fund project. Action: A meeting is scheduled on March 25, 2015, with Dale Robertson and Commissioner Andrate,Economic Development, and the local colleges to discuss this skills development grant initiative.

HR/Leadership training opportunities: Strengths 2 –update: Debbie sent an outline to Roxanne at TWC training department of what we want. Roxanne indicated that it will take them a while to develop. Action: We will wait for TWC to give us some feedback about development and timeframes.

TWC Stephen Covey training options – review options: This was the #1 training requested and voted upon by staff. TWC is in the process of developing the one day training. The two day training is already developed. The cost of the one day training is $79.00 per person compared to $329.00 per person for the two day. There is a maximum of 24 people per session. Action: schedule LT and supervisors for the two day training. This training has been scheduled for May 20 and May 21, 2015. Debbie will continue to work with TWC on the development and scheduling of the one day training for all staff. Action: Jerry will send out an email to staff that we are working with TWC on the development of the Stephen Covey one day training.

Go2Work project with Temple ISD – Need business partners/mentors:The committee is making good progress. The criteria and expectations for the trainee are almost complete. The trainee employment plan is in the process of being developed by Vickie and Fran Smetana. Funding for this project will come from TISD and possibly United Way. There is a need for employer sites for the administrative professional track. Possibly, expand the partnership to the hospitality industry.

NCP Funding Request – No news, referrals are low: We are still awaiting news for the additional funding request. In April, Federal OAG will visit to observe the NCP court process. Action: Bill Minor with OAG has suggested that Workforce meet with local OAG staff for a meeting to share successes and the impact this project has made.

Other: CTHRMA Annual Conference, May 12, 2015, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.: Drayton Mclane will be the guest speaker. Action: Send an email to Jerry and Sandra Russell if you are interested in attending.


Workshops – Lewis Boren: Joy will start meeting with Temple staff in April to start the development of the curriculum for the workshops.

Customer Satisfaction Measurement Committee – Vickie: The customer satisfaction survey has been developed. Action: LT agreed that they should test the survey prior to it being sent to all staff to test. Vickie will send to us and we should all make an effort to respond.

Self-Service vs. Staff Assisted (Review Processes, Customer Flow, and Staff Resources: A meeting has been scheduled for April 10, 2015. Linda A. is scheduled to facilitate the meeting.

Signage and Message Boards – Terry: Terry contacted a vendor but has not received costs back yet. Terry said that TV screens would be wireless and have an interface. Linda suggested that he include rural staff on the workgroup.

Document Management – Vivian: The first meeting was held with the work group. The plans are to begin work on automation of staff time sheets. This process impacts all staff and occurs every month. It can be digital from end-to-end. Vivian would like to implement this July 1, 2015. Action: Susan and Jerry will meet with Jim Reed, CTCOG, for approval.

Leadership Communication – Jerry, Susan, and Linda: Jerry received several kudos and brags and commented back to staff. There are several items/information from this LT meeting to send out to staff.

Nametags and Recognition for Years of Service – Linda, Susan, and Jerry: Linda obtained some information from a vendor regarding a name tag magnetic swipe card system for security access. Also, as a back-up, there is a local vendor who could do regular name tags. Staff has an interest in some type of name tag that recognizes tenure and expertise. Action: Linda will arrange with the vendor for a presentation to a small group of the magnetic swipe name tag system. The small group would consist of Linda, Jerry, Susan, Kimberly, Stan, Lewis, and Vickie.


Review of performance: Debbie reported that this month we are a fraction from meeting the staff guided measure. Currently, due to our improved process, we are having less people exit without a service. Action: Debbie will email Adam again to ask him if he has done the analysis to determine if we should include Choices customers entering employment in the Staff guided performance. A year ago, he had indicated it would hurt our performance if we included them. Our staff guided employment target is 67.7%. Currently, we are not keying Choices EDP as a service. Also, Debbie will ask Adam how cost per is calculated. Debbie will schedule a PIT meeting to discuss.

We are currently number one in our cohort for the 10 week claimant measure. This is great since we have never been number one before. For WIA, we are currently 12% below number one. Ben indicated Choices is strong and we continually to improve. We are doing well on SNAP and have implemented a process to serve more general population customers.


AUSA has a call-out for scholarships. Bill Parry, AUSA Board member, is responsible for this. Susan volunteered that Workforce will do the grading of the applications. Four teams with 4 graders on each team will be needed. There will be a 2 day turnaround and graders will give scores to Linda. The tentative date for this is the first week of May. Action: Susan will get a firm date from Bill Parry.

Susan will give a report (i.e. information item, not action item) at the April Workforce Board meeting regarding a proposed new Temple Workforce Center.

Mick Normington, Business Specialist of Labor Market and Career Information, at TWC will conduct 2 training sessions for staff on LMI. Action: Kimberly will coordinate training with Lewis and Vickie to include other appropriate staff.

NEG Review:

Attendees: Sue, Lewis, Kimberly, Linda, Susan, Jerry, and Vickie

250 soldiers a month are transitioning out of Ft. Hood but we are not getting referrals out of TAP. Reviewed flyer used to recruit military impacted by reductions in force at Ft. Hood.

Linda reported that we did get a one year extension for the Ft. Hood Civilian NEG. She had submitted a no cost extensive request to TWC. The more people we enroll, the more likely we can receive more funding. Red River had received an NEG but was unable to enroll the projected 700 since employees were called back to work. Thus, additional funding is available at TWC.

OJT Grants:

We received approval to transfer all OJT and vocational OJT customers to the second OJT grant. The first OJT grant is slated to end June 30, 2015. We have 80 enrolled in vocational training. These 80 are already co-enrolled in WIA since there is no money for case management in both OJT grants. A customer can’t be in two NEG’s at the same time. We received approval to back date 16,000 in expenditures. Currently, we have 2 customers enrolled in On-the-job training and one more possible customer. Action:Sue will coordinate this with David. Linda will update desk aide. There is not a separate category for long-term unemployed so Linda will send the WIA Dislocated Worker Criteria Sheet form that indicates this to Jason at TWC.

Available supportive services for child care while in training or transportation while attending out-of-area training is not mentioned in the supportive service policy for NEG vocational training customers. Action: The supportive services policy needs to be updated to include child care while in training. Jerry will review policy with Roy for revisions.

NEG Review

Attendees: Sue, Susan, Linda, Kimberly, Jerry, Vickie, and Lewis.

Next LT Meeting: Changed from April 9, 2015, Killeen to April 29, 2015, in Temple 8:30 a.m.

Meeting Evaluation:

What was good?

We hit the points/topic and keep moving. It is good we don’t get too “bogged” down.


Great meeting! Good meeting!Good meeting flow.

Appreciate updates!

Great information on everything.

What could we improve?

We could have held the meeting in Branson so that Roy could take meeting notes!!