HRSA Definition (2-1-2016)

Linguistic Services provide interpretation and translation services, both oral and written, to eligible clients. These services must be provided by qualified linguistic services providers as a component of HIV service delivery between the healthcare provider and the client. These services are to be provided when such services are necessary to facilitate communication between the provider and client and/or support delivery of RWHAP-eligible services.

Key Service Components

Linguistic Services including interpretation (oral) and translation (written) services, that comply with the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) provided by qualified individuals as a component of HIV service delivery between the provider and the client, when such services are necessary to facilitate communication between the provider and client to support delivery of Ryan White eligible services.

Linguistic Services include:

·  Interpreter Services: the activity of providing an oral session of interpreter service;

·  Translation Services: the activity of translating policies, procedures, and other materials for the client; and

·  Sign Language Interpretation Services: those services provided to deaf and/or hard of hearing people living with HIV and eligible family members.

If necessary linguistic services will be provided for family members affected by HIV disease through their relationship and shared household with a person living with HIV.


Staff Qualification / Expected Practice
Language interpretation and translation services will be provided by appropriately qualified interpreters able to communicate
fluently in English and the native language of the client and who possess necessary interpreter training. / Personnel files/resumes/applications for employment reflect requisite experience and education.
SLlS will be provided by qualified
interpreters able to communicate fluently in ASL and certified by the Registry of interpreters for the Deaf, the American Consortium of Certified interpreters or the National Association
of the Deaf / Personnel files/resumes/applications for
employment reflect requisite experience and
Contractors engaged to provide
interpretation services must abide by
ethical standards outlined by their
respective professional associations
including (but not limited to):
·  Confidentiality
·  Accuracy and completeness
·  Impartiality
·  Scope of practice
·  Preparedness
·  Cultural responsiveness / Program manager to monitor ethical


Units of Service

Number of unduplicated clients receiving linguistic services annually

Number of service hours provided in language interpretation or translation services.

Number of service hours providing ASL interpretation.


Percent of clients report satisfaction with availability and quality of interpreter services they received.


Number of non-English speaking and/or hearing or visually impaired persons who report being able to communicate effectively with health providers one on one.

Performance measure / Outcome Measure / Numerator / Denominator / Data Source / Goal/Benchmark
Non-English speaking and hearing impaired clients can communicate effectively with health providers / Client surveys document using interpretation and ALS services and receiving translated material. / Client reporting using linguistic services / Non-English speaking or hearing impaired clients in need of linguistic services. / Surveys
Focus groups
Client interviews / 90% of clients report using available linguistic services
Availability of translation and interpretation services / Service provider has contracts with translators that reflect the language and hearing disabilities of the client population / Contracts / Contracts on file