Meeting started at 7:45 pm

Attendees: Alex Cuozzo, Rob Lemke, Sheryl Hall, Gary Westerfield, Ron Nardo, Bridget McCann, Harry Penny, Rich Degnan, Pam Lee

Minutes:Motion to acceptby Gary Westerfield, seconded by Rob Lemke

Budget & Bank balance 1/31/15 = $24,891.33

Finance:2/9 Ledger balance = $20,556.02

Membership:918individuals, 40 clubs & organizations

Alex will send an email to Nina Vanerck about clarification about whether if HS students can wear their

high school uniforms at non-high school meets

President’s 5 Associations and the AAC sent letters to the National Board about Bob Hersch. Alex will, with Bob

RemarksHersch send letters to the other Association Presidents.

Old business:1. Awards Brunch: everything set, envelopes with address stickers will be prepared by Dennis Boyd for the Grand Prix winners.

2. Delegates to 2014 National Convention – rep to AAC: Maria was not happy with the outcome of the vote. Athlete Rep did not do as was expected by the AAC

3. 2013 Association Award: no word from the National office as yet

New business:1. The 55-59 age group record in the Race Walk was broken at the Feb 8 indoor meet

2. Bruce McDonald was moving into an assisted living facility in Port Washington

3. It was suggested that the USATF-LI Board has a lethargic attitude – there is never enough help at meets. This attitude should be corrected

4. Officials need to do a better job

Committee Reports:

Track & Field (Rich) – 6 meets in the summer on Wednesday nights from first Wednesday in July to first Wednesday in August. Open & Masters Championships will be on August 1st. Masters Championships cannot be held at NorthShore track since it has been condemned. Suggestions for site – StonyBrookUniversity, St. Anthony’s HS; Youth Championships will be on June 14th; Meet of Champions on June 15th; Bellmore PAL on April 19th

LDR (Alex) – 1st Grand Prix was on Saturday at Long Beach on the Boardwalk – 4miles and 479 finishers; Farmingdale money came in for Farmingdale Mile; there is still $1000 outstanding for races – this year the Grand Prix should take in $5500; Association received $500 for marketing budget

Race Walk (Mary Ann) –No report

MUT (Carl) – No report

Masters (Rob) –working on a write up from Masters Results for the Masters News

Youth Athletics (Sheryl) – Will send email to Rolling Thunder and Baldwin Blazers to find out if they will be again hosting a spring meet, also setting out the guidelines for a USATF sanctioned meet

Meeting adjourned @ 10:00

Next Board meeting March 2nd