MEETING:Board of Trustees’ Meeting

MEETING DATE:July 15-16. 2005

SUBMITTED BY:2005 Nominating Committee


SUBJECT: William J. Orchard Medal Nomination

BACKGROUND:The William J. Orchard Medal was established in 1961 by the WEF Executive Committee and is presented in special circumstances to recognize an individual whose extraordinary personal service to the Federation parallels that of Mr. Orchard. It has been awarded 13 times, most recently in 1997 to Gerry Schwartz. This award is given only by the initiative of the Board of Trustees.

Charles A. Sorber has been a tireless member, volunteer, and ambassador for WEF for decades. Prior to serving as a WEF officer from 1990 to 1994, including president in 1992-1993, Dr. Sorber served on the Executive, Policy Advisory, Long Range Planning, Scientific and Technical, Education, and Disinfection committees, serving as chair of Disinfection from 1982 to 1985. He also participated on the Groundwater Task Force, and served on the WERF Board of Directors from 1990 to 1994.

During his tenure as WEF president, the Federation became a Founder of the Stockholm Water Prize (SWP), which has come to be recognized as the most prestigious water environment award in the world. He ably represented WEF on the Scientific Programme Committee for the Stockholm Water Symposium for the past 12 years. This Symposium, held annually during World Water Week, draws over 1,300 participants from many countries around the globe and provides the award venue for both the SWP and the international Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP).

Perhaps most impressive of his efforts is his leadership with the SJWP program. Founded in 1995 in Sweden and expanded internationally in 1997, Dr. Sorber was involved from the very beginning serving as the WEF Public Education Committee SJWP subcommittee chair for the United States program. He has also served as a prize judge throughout his tenure as a leader of this program. He was instrumental in expanding the program to what it is today with an on-site competition that has garnered the enthusiastic support from almost every WEF Member Association and draws participants from almost every state. Not only has his involvement been at the US level, but he has participated on the international jury to select the global SJWP winner since the beginning in 1997. He was publicly recognized during the 2004 ceremonies in Stockholm for his efforts on behalf of the SJWP.

Through his extraordinary efforts on technical committees, executive leadership, international activities, and public education, Dr. Sorber truly epitomizes the personal service of Mr. Orchard and is very worthy of the Orchard Medal.


2005 Nominating Committee:

Joe Stowe, Chair

Jim Clark, Vice Chair

Robert McMillon

Larry Jaworski

Trille Mendenhall

Don Roberson

David Sykes

PRO’S: Appropriately honor a dedicated WEF member

CON’S: None known

FINANCIAL IMPACT: Minimal ($65 for cost of the plaque)


Recommendation: It is the unanimous recommendation of the 2005 Nominating Committee that the William J. Orchard Medal be awarded in 2005 to Dr. Charles A. Sorber.

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