January 2014

Professor Toni Makkai



Strategic Responsibility for:

  • Recurrent budget of $57million
  • External income of $9m in grants, $7.5m in consultancies, $31m in Endowments
  • Infrastructure (25 buildings, 1 museum, 1 art gallery, 1500 desktop computers)
  • 300 academic staff, 120 administrative staff, 50 technical/research staff
  • 2,500 undergraduate students, 650 HDR students
  • 146 active ARC grants
  • 100 visiting fellows per year
  • Approx 100 conferences/seminars per year
  • Approx 50 public lectures/concerts/exhibitions per year


1989 PhD Sociology (three years fulltime), University of Queensland, Australia.

1983 Master of Social Planning and Development (two years fulltime), coursework and dissertation,University of Queensland, Australia.

1979 MA Qual, (one year fulltime) coursework, major Sociology, University of Queensland, Australia

1978 BA (three years fulltime), Capricornia Institute of Advanced Education, Australia

Full‐time Positions

Past appointments

Sept 2003–April 2008 Director, Australian Institute of Criminology

July 2001–Aug 2003 Director of Research, Australian Institute of Criminology

Nov 2000–June 2001 Deputy Director of Research, Australian Institute of Criminology

Oct 1997‐Oct 2000 Senior Research Analyst, Australian Institute of Criminology

Sept 1995‐Sept 1997 Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Salford

July 1994–Aug 1995 Fellow, Sociology Program, RSSS, Australian National University

Nov 1992–Jun 1994 Research Fellow, Sociology Program, RSSS, Australian National University

Nov 1989–Oct 1992 ARC Postdoctoral Fellow, Law Program, RSSS, Australian National University

Dec 1988–Nov 1989 Travelled — Britain, Europe, and North America

Jan 1986–Dec 1988 PhD student, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Queensland

Jan 1983–Dec 1986 Senior Research Assistant, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Universityof Queensland

Jan 1981–Dec 1982 Research Assistant, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University ofQueensland

Visiting/Honorary appointments

July 2000–June 2003 Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, National Drug Research Institute, Curtin Universityof Technology

May–Dec 2000 Visiting Fellow, Law Program, RSSS, ANU

Feb‐Aug 1995 Visiting Fellow, Centre for the Study of Public Policy, University of Strathclyde

Mar–Aug 1993 Visiting Fellow, Centre for the Study of Public Policy, University of Strathclyde


ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship (3 years)

Commonwealth Postgraduate Scholarship (3 years)

Commonwealth secondary school scholarship for years 11 and 12

External Committees/Boards


2013-ACT Fulbright Scholars Committee

2011-Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Executive (Secretary)

2011National Drug Law Enforcement Fund (NDLERF), External Reviewer

2010‐Ted Noffs Foundation, Governing Board

2005Advisory Board Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice & Governance, Griffith University

2004‐ Technical Advisory Group National Drug Strategy Household Survey (AIHW)


2008-10ACT Rhodes Scholarship committee

2007‐11 Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD)

2004‐ 11ANCD Asia‐Pacific Drug Issues Committee

2003-08Australian Institute of Criminology Board of Management

2004-08International network of Directors of National Government Crime and Justice Research agencies

2006-08Crime Stoppers Australia Ltd

2005-08ABS Advisory Committee, National Information Development Plan for Crime and Justice Statistics

2004-08Attorney General’s Department, National Crime Prevention Grants Programme

2004-08United Nations, Program Network Institutes (PNI)

2002-08ABS National Criminal Courts Statistics Advisory Group

2002-08ABS National Crime Statistics Advisory Group

2005-07ANCD National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol committee

2004-07ACT Police Consultative Board

2004-07ACT Crime Prevention Committee

2003-08International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC) Scientific Committee

2003Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy Working Party on PIEDS

2002-08Institute of Criminology (University of Sydney) Advisory Board

2002-04Intergovernmental Committee on Drugs (IGCD) National Expert Advisory Committee on Illicit Drugs (NEACID)

2000-04Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated council; treasurer for 03/04

2000-05Board Toora Inc (NGO provides domestic violence shelters and drug and alcohol services within the ACT)

1999-02IGCD National Drug Research Strategy Committee

1999-02National Steering Committee, Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS)


S013-Review of the Faculty of Arts, UWA, External

2010BA Criminology, University of Queensland, External

2009CASS/CAP Educational Design Studio Review

2013Centre for European Studies, Chair

ANU Committees


2012Academic Board

2010ERMS steering committee

2010-Reconciliation Action Plan Committee

2010-National Security College Advisory Board

2008-VC Senior Management Group


2010-13College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Promotions Committee, External Member

2012College Of Business and Economics Promotions Committee, External Member

2008-12ANU Humanities/ Social Sciences ethics committee

2009-11ANU Scholarly Services Planning Advisory Committee (Chair)

2009-10College of Law Promotions Committee, External Member

ANU College Committees

2008-CASS Executive Committee (Chair)

2008-CASS Promotions Committee (Chair)

2008-CASS Reconciliation Action Committee (Chair)

2008-Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies advisory board

2008-Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute advisory board

2010Centre for European Studies (Chair)

Professional activity


2006‐Editorial Board, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology

2008‐ Member, The Australian Sociological Association

2003-Member, Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences, ACT Branch

1990‐ Member, American Society of Criminology

1997‐ Member, Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology

Reviewer for Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, Australian and New Zealand Journal ofSociology, Australian Journal of Social Issues, Health Education Research, Addiction Research,Journal of Public Policy, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, British Journal ofSociology, Drug and Alcohol Review, Medical Journal of Australia, Law and Society Review, SexRoles, Law and Policy


2007‐ 2011Chair, Editorial Reference Group, Of Substance

2003-08Editor, Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, Australian Institute of Criminology

2003-08Editorial Board, Crime and Justice International, Worldwide News and Trends

2000-02Co-Editor, Australian and New Zealand Criminological Society’s newsletter

2000Ditchley Park UK, Workshop on International Action on Illegal Drugs

1994-95Co-editor, NEXUS, Newsletter for The Australian Sociological Association

1994-95Executive, The Australian Sociological Association

1994Executive, The Alcohol and Drug Foundation of the Australian Capital Territory Inc

1992;02-04Editorial board, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology

1986-88Alcohol and Drug Foundation, Australia. Chairperson of the National Social Policy Committee


Books/Monographs (peer reviewed)

  1. Allen, Liz, Archer, Tempe and Toni Makkai 2013 Academic leadership for succession: research and implementation across the arts, social sciences and humanities in Australia, Office for Learning and Teaching, Australian Government, 69pp
  2. Braithwaite, John, Toni Makkai and Valerie Braithwaite 2007 Regulating Aged Care: Ritualism and the New Pyramid, Edward Elgar, xi+372pp
  3. Schulte, Carmen, Jenny Mouzos, and Toni Makkai 2005 ‘Drug Use Monitoring in Australia: 2004 annual report on drug use among police detainees’. Research and Public Policy Series, No 65. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology 111pp
  4. Mouzos, Jenny and Toni Makkai 2004 ‘Women’s Experiences of Male Violence’ Research and Public Policy Series, No 56, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology 143pp
  5. Makkai, Toni, Jerry Ratcliffe, Keenan Veraar and Lisa Collins 2004 ‘Act Recidivist Offenders’ Research and Public Policy Series, No 54, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. 83pp
  6. Makkai, Toni and Jason Payne 2003 ‘Drugs and Crime: A study of incarcerated male offenders’ Research and Public Policy Series, No 52, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology 143pp
  7. Makkai, Toni and Kiah McGregor 2003 ‘Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA): 2002 Annual Report on Drug Use Among Police Detainees’ Research and Public Policy Series, No 47, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology 109pp
  8. Carlos Carcach and Toni Makkai 2002 ‘Review of Victoria Police Crime Statistics’ Research and Public Policy Series, No 45, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. 64pp
  9. Makkai, Toni and Kiah McGregor 2002 ‘Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA): 2001 Annual Report on Drug Use Among Police Detainees’ Research and Public Policy Series, No 41, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. 73pp
  10. Makkai, Toni and Kiah McGregor 2001 ‘Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA): 2000 Annual Report on Drug Use Among Police Detainees’ Research and Public Policy Series, No 37, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. 67pp
  11. Makkai, Toni 2000 ‘Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA): Drug Detection Testing’ Research and Public Policy Series, No 25, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. 33pp
  12. Makkai, Toni 2000 ‘Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA): 1999 Annual Report on Drug Use Among Adult Detainees’ Research and Public Policy Series, No 26, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology 25pp
  13. Makkai, Toni 1999 ‘Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA): A Brief Description’, Research and Public Policy Series. No 21, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. 30pp
  14. McAllister, Ian, Rhonda Moore and Toni Makkai 1991 Drugs in Australian Society: Patterns, Attitudes and Policies,Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, xvi+275pp

Journal articles (peer reviewed)

1)Makkai, Toni 2006 ‘Researching Transnational Crime: The Australian Institute of Criminology’ Global Governance, 12, 119-125

2)Makkai, Toni and Rob McCusker 2005‘What do we need to know? Improving the evidence base on trafficking in human beings in the Asia Pacific Region’ Development Bulletin, 66, 36-42

3)Makkai, Toni and Jason Payne 2005 ‘Illicit Drug Use and Offending Histories: A study of Male Incarcerated Offenders in Australia’ Probation Journal, 52 2, 153-168

4)Ratcliffe, JH and Makkai, T. (2004) Diffusion of benefits: evaluating a policing operationTrends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No 278, July 2004.

5)Makkai, Toni and Jason Payne 2003 ‘Key Findings from the Drug Use Careers of Offenders (DUCO) Study’Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No 267, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology

6)Makkai, Toni 2003‘Substance use, psychological distress and crime’ Editorial. Medical Journal of Australia, 8, 179, 399-400

7)Taylor, Bruce, Henry Brownstein, Charles Parry, Andreas Pluddemann, Toni Makkai, Trevor Bennett and Kate Holloway 2003 ‘Monitoring the use of illicit drugs in four countries through the International Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (I-ADAM) program’ Criminal Justice: An International Journal of Policy and Practice. 3, 3 269 – 286

8)McAllister, Ian and Toni Makkai 2003 ‘Antisocial behaviour among young Australians while under the influence of illicit drugs’ The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 36 2 211-222; reprinted in Mangai Natarajan (Ed.) 2010.Drugs and Crime Vol II Ashgate.

9)Weatherburn, Don, Craig Jones, Karen Freeman and Toni Makkai 2003 ‘Supply control and harm reduction: Lessons from the Australian heroin ‘drought’. Addictions, 98(1), 83-91

10)Western, Mark, Kathryn Dwan, Toni Makkai, Chris del Mar &, John Western 2003 ‘Levels of computerisation throughout Australian general practice’, Australian Family Physician, March 32,3:1-6

11)Shand, Fiona, Libby Topp, Shane Darke, Toni Makkai and Paul Griffiths 2003 ‘The Monitoring of drug trends in Australia’. Drug and Alcohol Review 22, 61-72

12)Wei, Zhigang, Toni Makkai and Kiah McGregor 2003 ‘Drug Use Among a Sample of Juvenile Detainees’ Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No 258, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology

13)McGregor, Kiah and Toni Makkai 2003 ‘Self-reported drug use: How prevalent is under-reporting? Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No 260, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology

14)Morris, Leesa, Jo Sallybanks, Katie Willis and Toni Makkai 2003 ‘Sport, Physical Activity and Antisocial Behaviour in Youth, Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No 249, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

15)Makkai, Toni 2002 ‘The Emergence of Drug Courts in Australia, Journal of Substance Misuse and Use, 37, 1567-1594

16)Makkai, Toni 2001 ‘Drug Use Amongst Police Detainees: Some Comparative Data’ Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No 191, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

17)Makkai, Toni 2001 ‘Patterns of recent drug use amongst a sample of Australian detainees’, Addictions, 96, 12, 1799 – 1808

18)Western, John, Toni Makkai, and Kristin Natalier 2001 ‘Professions and the Public Good’, Law in Context, 19 21-44

19)Makkai, Toni and Ian McAllister 2001 ‘Prevalence of Tattooing and Body Piercing in the Australian community’, Communicable Diseases Intelligence 25 2,

20)McAllister, Ian and Toni Makkai 2001 ‘The Prevalence and Characteristics of Injecting Drug Users in Australia’, Drug and Alcohol Review 20 29-36

21)Makkai, Toni, Doug Johnson and Wendy Loxely 2000 ‘Patterns of Drug Use Amongst Police Detainees: 1999-2000’ Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No 185, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology

22)Teece, Michael and Toni Makkai 2000 ‘Print Media Reporting on Drugs and Crime, 1995-1998’ Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No 158, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology

23)Makkai, Toni 1999 ‘Linking Drugs and Criminal Activity: Developing an Integrated Monitoring System’ Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No 109, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology

24)Makkai, Toni and Marni Feather 1999 ‘DUMA: Preliminary Results from the Southport site’ Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No 142, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology

25)Makkai, Toni 1998 ‘Alcohol and Disorder in the Australian Community: Part II – Perpetrators’ Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No. 77, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology

26)Makkai, Toni 1998 ‘Drugs Courts: Issues and Prospects’ Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No. 95, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology

27)Makkai, Toni 1997 ‘Alcohol and Disorder in the Australian Community: Part I – Victims’ Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No. 76, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology

28)Hayes, Bernadette and Toni Makkai 1996 ‘Politics and the Mass Media: The Differential Impact of Gender’, Women and Politics, 16, 4, 45-74

29)Makkai, Toni and John Braithwaite 1996 ‘Procedural Justice and Regulatory Compliance’, Law and Human Behavior 20, 1, 83-98

30)Braithwaite, Valerie, Toni Makkai and Yvonne Pittelkow 1996 ‘Inglehart’s Materialism-Postmaterialism Concept: Clarifying the Dimensionality Debate Through Rokeach’s Model of Social Values’, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 26, 17, 1536-1555

31)Rose, Richard and Toni Makkai 1995 ‘Consensus or Dissensus about Welfare in Post-Communist Societies?’ Studies in Public Policy 219, Centre for the Study of Public Policy: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow 33pp. Reprinted 1995 in European Journal of Political Research 28 203-224

32)Cottrell, Alison and Toni Makkai 1995 ‘Australian Perceptions of Indonesia as a Threat’, Asian Studies Review, 19 2, 59-71

33)Braithwaite, John and Toni Makkai 1994 ‘Trust and Compliance’, Policing and Society, 4, 1-12

34)Makkai, Toni, Ian McAllister and Margo Goodin 1994 ‘Public Knowledge About Passive Smoking: Results from a Survey in the Australian Capital Territory’, The International Journal of the Addictions 29, 4, 415-427

35)Makkai, Toni and John Braithwaite 1994 ‘Reintegrative Shaming and Compliance with Regulatory Standards’, Criminology, 32, 3, 361-385.

36)Makkai, Toni and John Braithwaite 1994 ‘The Dialectics of Corporate Deterrence’, Journal of Research on Crime and Delinquency, 31, 4, 347-373

37)Braithwaite, Valerie, John Braithwaite, Diane Gibson and Toni Makkai 1994 ‘Regulatory Styles, Motivational Postures and Nursing Home Compliance’, Law and Policy, 16, 4, 363 - 394

38)McAllister, Ian, Toni Makkai and Margo Goodin 1994 ‘Who Quits Smoking? Evaluating the Explanations’, Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 4, 1, 38-40

39)Makkai, Toni and Valerie Braithwaite 1993 ‘Professionalism, Organizations and Compliance’, Law and Social Inquiry, 18, 1, 33-59

40)Makkai, Toni and Ian McAllister 1993 ‘Public Opinion and the Legal Status of Marijuana in Australia’, The Journal of Drug Issues 23, 3, 409-427

41)Makkai, Toni and John Braithwaite 1993 ‘Praise, Pride and Corporate Compliance’, International Journal of the Sociology of Law 21, 73-91

42)Makkai, Toni and John Braithwaite 1993 ‘The Limits of the Economic Analysis of Regulation: An Empirical Case and a Case for Empiricism’, Law and Policy, 15, 4 271-291

43)McAllister, Ian and Toni Makkai 1993 ‘Institutions, Society or Protest? Explaining Invalid Votes in Australian Elections’, Electoral Studies, 12, 1 23-40

44)Braithwaite, John and Toni Makkai 1993 ‘Can Resident-Centred Inspection of Nursing Homes Work with Very Sick Residents?’, Health Policy 24, 19-33

45)Makkai, Toni 1992 ‘Entrepreneurial Professionals: Australian Engineers, 1965-84’, Work, Employment and Society, 6, 4, 577-599

46)Makkai, Toni and Ian McAllister 1992 ‘Measuring Social Indicators in Opinion Surveys: A Method to Improve Accuracy on Sensitive Questions’, Social Indicators Research 27 2, 169-86

47)Makkai, Toni and John Braithwaite 1992 ‘In and Out of the Revolving Door: Making Sense of Regulatory Capture’, Journal of Public Policy, 12, 1, 61-78. Reprinted 1998, in Baldwin, Robert, Colin Scott and Christopher Hood Eds, A Reader on Regulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press

48)McAllister, Ian and Toni Makkai 1992 ‘Resource and Social Learning Theories of Political Participation: Ethnic Patterns in Australia’, Canadian Journal of Political Science 25 2 269-294

49)Braithwaite, Valerie, John Braithwaite, Diane Gibson and Toni Makkai 1992 ‘Progress in Assessing the Quality of Australian Nursing Home Care’, Australian Journal of Public Health, 16, 1, 89-97

50)Gibson, Diane, John Braithwaite, Valerie Braithwaite and Toni Makkai 1992 ‘Evaluating Quality of Care in Australian Nursing Homes’, Australian Journal on Ageing, 12, 4, 3-9

51)Makkai, Toni 1991 ‘The Formation and Evolution of Professional Engineering Values’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology 27, 3, 332-350

52)McAllister, Ian and Toni Makkai 1991 ‘Whatever Happened to Marijuana? Patterns of Marijuana Use in Australia, 1985-88’, International Journal of the Addictions 26, 5, 491-504

53)Makkai, Toni, Rhonda Moore and Ian McAllister 1991 ‘Health Education Campaigns and Drug Use: The ‘Drug Offensive’ in Australia’, Health Education Research, 6, 1, 65-76

54)Makkai, Toni and John Braithwaite 1991 ‘Criminological Theories and Regulatory Compliance’, Criminology 29 2, 191-220

55)McAllister, Ian and Toni Makkai 1991 ‘Correcting for the Underreporting of Drug Use in Opinion Surveys’, The International Journal of the Addictions, 26, 9, 945-961

56)McAllister, Ian and Toni Makkai 1991 ‘Patterns of Cocaine Use in Australia, 1985-88’, Australian Journal of Social Issues 25 2, 107-121

57)McAllister, Ian and Toni Makkai 1991 ‘The Formation and Evolution of Party Loyalties: Patterns Among Australian Immigrants’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology 27 2, 195-217

58)McAllister, Ian and Toni Makkai 1991 ‘Changing Australian Opinion on Defence: Trends, Patterns and Explanations’, Journal of Small Wars and Insurgencies 2, 3, 195-224. Reprinted in P. Young (Ed) 1992, Defence and the Media in Time of Limited War London: Frank Cass

59)Braithwaite, John and Toni Makkai 1991 ‘Testing an Expected Utility Model of Corporate Deterrence’, Law and Society Review 25, 1, 7-39

60)Makkai, Toni and Ian McAllister 1990 ‘Alcohol Consumption Across the Lifecycle in Australia, 1985-1988’, Drug and Alcohol Dependence 25, 305-313

61)Makkai, Toni and Ian McAllister 1990 ‘Knowledge about Drugs in Australia’, Journal of Drug Education 20, 4, 337-352

Chapters in books/reports

  1. Makkai, Toni and Jennifer Beattie, 2012 ‘The impact of ATS use on law enforcement: patterns and responses‘ in Allsop, S and Lee, N (eds) Perspectives on Amphetamine-Type Stimulants, Melbourne, IP Communications.
  2. Makkai, Toni and Tim Prenzler 2011 ‘The Nature and Prevalence of Crime in Australian Society’ in Tim Prenzler and Hennessey Hayes (Eds) An Introduction toCrime and Justice in Australia Pearson Education Australia 3rd Edition
  3. Hayes, Hennessey and Makkai, Toni 2011 ‘Measuring Crime’ in Tim Prenzler and Hennessey Hayes (Eds) An Introduction toCrime and Justice in Australia Pearson Education Australia 3rd Edition
  4. Makkai, Toni and Natalie Taylor 2009 ‘Immigrants as victims of crime: the Australian experience’ in William McDonald (Ed) Immigration, Crime and Justice, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  5. Makkai, Toni and Jenny Fleming 2009 ‘Diffusion’ in Alison Wakefield and Jenny Fleming (Eds) The Sage Dictionary of Policing, London: Sage Publications
  6. Makkai, Toni and JeromeyTemple 2008 ‘Drugs and Crime: calculating attributable fractions’ in David Collins and Helen Lapsley (Eds) Counting the cost: estimates of the social costs of drug abuse in Australia in 2005-2006, National Drug Strategy Monograph, Canberra: Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing
  7. Makkai, Toni 2002 ‘The Emergence of Drug Courts in Australia’ and ‘The most critical Unresolved Issues Associated with Contemporary Drug Courts’ in L. Harrison, F. Scarpitte, M. Amir and S. Einstein (Eds) Drug Courts: Issues & Future Perspectives, Huntsville, TX: Office of International Criminal Justice
  8. Makkai, Toni and Kiah McGregor 2002 ‘Drugs and Crime: calculating attributable fractions from the DUMA project’ in David Collins and Helen Lapsley (Eds) Counting the cost: estimates of the social costs of drug abuse in Australia in 1998-9, National Drug Strategy Monograph Series No 49, Canberra: Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing
  9. Makkai, Toni and Doug Johnson 2002 ‘Australia’ in NIJ (ed) I-ADAM in Eight Countries: Approaches & Challenges. US Department of Justice: Washington. PDF available at:
  10. Makkai, Toni 2002 ‘Illicit Drugs and Crime’ in Adam Graycar and Peter Grabosky (Eds) Cambridge Handbook of Australian Criminology, Cambridge University Press
  11. Western, John, T. Makkai, J. McMillan and K. Dwan 2002 ‘The Nature and Characteristics of Professionals in Australia’ in R. Smith (Ed) Crime in the Profession, England: Ashgate Publishing Limited
  12. Goode, Susan and Toni Makkai 2001 ‘Australia’ in Karen McElrath (Ed) HIV and AIDS: A Global View, Greenwood Press, London: 1-16
  13. Makkai, Toni 2001 ‘Statistical Systems: Crime’ in N.J. Smelser and Paul B. Bates, (Eds), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Oxford: Pergamon, 15053-15056
  14. Makkai, Toni 2001 ‘Alcohol and Disorder in the Australian Community: Some Results from the National Drug Strategy Household Survey’ in Paul Williams Ed, Alcohol, Young People and Violence, Research in Public Policy Series, Canberra: AIC
  15. Makkai, Toni 2000 ‘Drug Trends and Policies’ in Chappell, D. and P. Wilson, (Eds), Australian Criminal Justice System, 5th Edition, Melbourne: Butterworths, 63-86
  16. Makkai, Toni 2000 ‘Drug transactions: Some results from the DUMA project’ in ABCI Australian Illicit Drug Report, 1998-1999, Canberra: ABCI, 91-99
  17. Makkai, Toni 2000 ‘Crime in Australia’ in J. Najman and J. Western (Eds), A Sociology of Australian Society, Second edition, Melbourne: Macmillan 239-258
  18. Makkai, Toni 1999 ‘Drugs and Property Crime’ in ABCI Australian Illicit Drug Report, 1997-1998, Canberra: ABCI, 105-113
  19. Makkai, Toni 1999 ‘Harm Reduction in Australia: Politics, Policy and Public Opinion’in Inciardi, J. and L. Harrison (Eds), Harm Reduction and Drug Control: Concepts and Policies, California: Sage Publications, 171-192
  20. Makkai, Toni 1999 ‘Australian Report’ in NIJ (Eds), I-ADAM Technical Report, Washington: National Institute of Justice
  21. Makkai, Toni and Ian McAllister 1993 ‘Immigrants in Australian Society: Backgrounds, Attainments and Politics’ in J. Najman and J. Western (Eds), A Sociology of Australian Society, Melbourne: Macmillan
  22. Makkai, Toni, Ian McAllister and Rhonda Moore 1993 ‘Illicit Drug Use in Australia: Trends, Policies and Options’ in D. Chappell and P. Wilson (Eds), The Australian Criminal Justice System: The Mid 1990s, Melbourne: Butterworths, 121-140
  23. Makkai, Toni 1994 ‘Social Policy and Gender in Eastern Europe’ in D. Sainsbury (Ed.), Gendering Welfare States, London: Sage Publications, 188-205
  24. Makkai, Toni and Ian McAllister 1992 ‘Public Opinion, Politics and the Legal Status of Marijuana in Australia’ in J. White (Ed.), Drug Problems in Our Society: Dimensions and Perspectives, Adelaide: Drug and Alcohol Services Council, 115-126

Government reports (not peer reviewed)