Minutes Of The

August 29, 2017 Special Meeting

Chairman Paul Harrington called the SPECIAL meeting of August 29, 2017 to order at 6:30 p.m.

MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chairman Paul Harrington, Michael Ciarcia, Norman Boucher, Cornelius O’Leary and David Weigert, Malcolm Hamilton.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis Gragnolati

Alternate Member Norman Boucher voted on behalf of Dennis Gragnolati.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Amanda Moore, Finance Director; William Hamel, Town Clerk; Terrie Becker, Board of Finance Recording Secretary; Member of Public; and Member of Press.


Mr. Mark Whitten was introduced to this Board. Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to accept the recommendation from the Democratic Town Committee to appoint Mark Whitten as Alternate Member for the Board of Finance. David Weigert seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried. Mr. Whitten was immediately sworn in by Town Clerk, William Hamel.


Chairman Harrington began discussion stating he met with First Selectman Kervick on Friday, August 25, 2017. The purpose of this meeting was to create a list of Capital requests which they felt were urgent and need to be immediately addressed. There are some projects with time constituents and processes need to be started.

An issue concerning a program for personal property tax audits was discussed. A contract with Tax Management Associates has been signed and the initial phase has begun. Presently there is no funding for this program. Discussion continued about how to fund this program.

This Board discussed the urgency of the following essential items and agreed that they should be funded in advance of FY18 Budget Approval:

Department Request Project Name and Description Amount

Finance Financial ERP Software $160,000

Present software is no longer supported. New financial software has been agreed upon.

Board of Finance

Minutes of August 29, 2017 Special Meeting

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Public Works (Projects) Engineering Account $ 60,000

Funds are needed for preparation of planned projects in conjunction with Roadway Planning.

Public Works (Projects) Roadway Planning and RFP $ 75,000

Public Works (Projects) Library Roof and Evaluation Repairs $ 7,500

For evaluation and temporary repair of roof. The Library is presently using buckets to contain leaking.

Public Works (Equipment) One Ton Utility Truck-Park Forman $195,000

One vehicle has already been removed from service due to un-repairable maintenance issues and another is expected to be removed in the near future.

Total Proposed to Fund in Advance of FY18 Budget Approval $497,500

Norman Boucher made a motion to approve the funding in advance of the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Approval for Capital Items as presented in amount of $497,500.00 from Undesignated Fund Balance and to be referred to the Board of Selectmen for their approval and to be sent to Town Meeting. This motion was seconded by Cornelius O’Leary.

During discussion, Chairman Harrington asked if there was anything else any member felt should be included. There was nothing to be included. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion passed.


There are more transfers being submitted.


James Roche spoke about bricks at the train station and inquired about a possible matching grant.


There was discussion regarding the TMA (Tax Management Associates) contract and a suggestion was made to seek legal opinion. No decision was made regarding that suggestion.

A motion to adjourn was made by Norman Boucher and seconded by Cornelius O’Leary. All were in favor. The vote was unanimous and the meeting stood adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terrie Becker

Recording Secretary