Multnomah County Department of Community Justice
Adult Services Division
I. MI/EBP and Mission/Vision Commitment
Performance Targets:
§ Knowledge of Motivational Interviewing (MI), Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS) and Evidence-based Practices principles.
§ Implementation of MI, EPICS and EBP in job performance.
§ Daily practice role models the District’s mission, vision, values and goals.
§ Officer’s use of intermediate sanctions.
§ Audit scores and quality of the contacts.
§ Officer’s fee collection rates.
Performance Indicators (you know the above targets are met as evidenced by…..)
§ Use of Motivational Interviewing and EPICS model skills
o Ability to communicate consequences for certain behavior (appropriate sanctions and interventions).
o Articulate both positive and negative consequences.
o Uses open ended questions.
o Uses reflective statements to summarize.
o Confronting in a non-threatening manner
o Demonstrate use of appropriate empathy.
o Able to demonstrate when a directive or collaborative approach is appropriate.
o Ability to use directive communication for clarification in a non-threatening manner.
o Ability to use collaborative communication to establish rapport.
o Demonstrates interviewing skills
o Builds rapport and enhance offender motivation.
o Audits/observations of MI skills.
o EPICS Officer Rating Form.
o Use of positive and negative reinforcement.
o Effective use of authority.
o Use of effective reinforcement and disapproval.
o Enhances intrinsic motivation-Use of MI (observation and audits).
§ Knowledge of EBP
o Accurately identify risk and needs (audits).
o Accurately targeting of interventions (risk/needs/responsivity) (audits).
o Skill training- role modeling/ role playing/rehearsals and practice) (audits).
o Engage on-going support in natural communities/informal controls (audits).
o Measure Outcomes (audits, completions).
§ Carrying out Evidence Based Practices
o Accurately identify risk and needs (audits; LSCMI inter-rater reliability results).
o Accurately targeting of interventions (risk/needs/responsivity) (audits) – target highest criminogenic needs.
o Skill training- role modeling/ role playing/rehearsals and practice) (audits)
o Engage on-going support in natural communities/informal controls (audits)
o Measure Outcomes (audits, completions)
o Aligns supervision strategies [action steps] with risk, need and responsivity.
o Aligns supervision intensity and access to services with risk to re-offend.
o Utilizes effective sanctions and interventions [that target risk/need] in right intensity and consistent with supervision strategy.
o Administers cognitive behavioral interventions and treatment as needed.
o Audits of risk assessments and case plans.
o Use of intermediate sanctions.
o Use of custodial containment/incapacitation as needed.
o Use of referrals to programming and interventions.
o Knowledge and documentation of victim resources and referrals.
o Demonstrates victim advocacy.
o Interventions take into consideration the importance of culture in responding to treatment programming and goal setting.
MI/EBP and Mission/Vision Commitment: Performance RatingInsufficient
/ Provisional
/ Proficient
/ Advanced
/ Exceptional
■ Lacks either knowledge, support or practice of EBP
■ Almost always has assessment scoring errors.
■ Average percent of case plans that are current under 50%.
■ Rarely demonstrates knowledge or behaviors consistent with EBP
■ Rarely uses MI skills nor shows the spirit of MI
■ Rarely uses EPICS skill sets.
■Lack of victim contact. Lack of victim awareness or understanding of victim issues.
■ Behavior and performance not in alignment with District mission/vision/values / ■ Has a basic knowledge of and is supportive of EBP and is implementing a few practices
■ Often has assessment scoring errors.
■ Average percent of case plans that are current between 51-70%.
■ Occasionally demonstrates knowledge and behaviors consistent with EBP or demonstrates knowledge but rarely demonstrates behavior
■ Making an effort to use MI and EPICS skills and the spirit of MI/EPICS yet could benefit from more practice and improvement
■Inconsistent victim contacts. Lack of documentation or follow through.
■ Behavior and performance usually aligns with District mission/ vision/values / ■ Demonstrates knowledge, support and implementation of EBP
■ Occasionally has assessment scoring errors.
■ Average percent of case plans that are current between 71-85%.
■ Often demonstrates knowledge and behaviors consistent with EBP
■ Consistently uses MI skills and has the spirit of MI.
■Consistently uses EPICS yet could use some polishing and advanced skills practice
■Victim contacts made and documented in CIS.
■ Behavior and performance is mission/vision/values consistence / ■ Demonstrates advanced knowledge, support and implementation of EBP
■ Usually has no assessment scoring errors.
■ Average percent of case plans that are current over 85%.
■ Usually demonstrates knowledge and behaviors consistent with EBP
■ Consistently uses MI skills and always shows the spirit of MI.
■ Shows advanced EPICS skill-sets
■Victim contacts are made and updated in CIS. Victim sensitivity utilized and referrals made.
■Shows commitment to the District’s mission; behavior and performance is perfectly aligned with District’s mission/ vision/values / ■ Recognized as an “expert” who shows advanced knowledge, support, commitment and implementation of EBP; is a change-agent for the District
■ Almost always has no assessment scoring errors.
■ Average percent of case plans that are current over 95%.
■ Almost always demonstrates knowledge and behaviors consistent with EBP and assists others with their understanding of EBP
■ Consistently uses MI skills and always shows the spirit of MI. ■Shows advanced EPICS skill-sets and serves as a model/mentor or resource to others
■Expert on victim issues and serves as a trainer/mentor for other staff.
■ Shows commitment and passion for the District’s mission; behavior and performance are perfectly aligned with mission/ vision/values
II. Interpersonal Relations/Communication and Professionalism:
Performance Targets:
§ Respectful, prompt and tactful when interacting with clients, victims, staff, the public and other customers.
§ Uses crisis prevention/intervention and de-escalation skills effectively.
§ Selects, organizes and presents information effectively.
§ Displays and models effective written and verbal communication.
§ Adapts communication style and approach to diverse audiences.
§ Fosters teamwork and a cooperative/positive work environment.
§ Conducts self in a manner that positively reflects upon self, the unit and the District.
§ Adapts to new situations embraces change.
§ Demonstrates sensitivity and appreciation for individual and cultural differences.
§ Behaves in a manner that promotes a workplace free of violence, harassment and intimidation.
§ Respects and maintains confidentiality.
§ Models ethical and pro-social workplace behavior.
§ Maintains personal appearance appropriate for the job.
§ Sets standards for and reinforces cross-culturally inclusive behaviors (i.e. respect for different perspectives, non-acceptance of stereotyping, etc.) in all work processes.
§ Understands one’s own cultural identity and biases; redirects behavior to minimize these biases.
§ Operates effectively in the diverse communities which Multnomah County serves.
Performance Indicators: (you know the above targets are met as evidenced by…..)
§ Feedback from peers, staff and others and founded complaints.
§ Observing positive role modeling.
§ Team work – working cooperatively with others.
§ Ability to work with everyone regardless (showing respect).
§ Responding to his/her supervisor in a positive manner.
§ Interactions with clients, staff, agencies, victims and other customers.
§ E-mails and telephone messages responded to professionally.
§ Direct observation or audits.
§ Behavior at training.
§ Ability to adapt, understand and respond to different cultures.
§ Ability to manage and respond to incoming volume of information (e-mail, voice mail).
§ Demonstrating culturally aware communication.
§ Demonstrating victim advocacy.
§ Coordinating with local law enforcement agencies.
§ Demonstrating effective report writing.
§ Treats others with dignity and respect.
§ Matches style and mode of service delivery to key offender characteristics; i.e. culture, gender, learning style.
§ Participation in training, committees, etc. related to diversity awareness
Interpersonal Relations/Communication and Professionalism : Performance RatingInsufficient
/ Provisional
/ Proficient
/ Advanced
/ Exceptional
■ Does not meet the expectations of interpersonal skills in this category
■ Ratings on Individual PO Feedback Questionnaire are often “Never” or “Rarely”
■ Does not work cooperatively to achieve common goal and/or has poor collaborative skills
■ Rarely meets the level of professionalism expected for the position and/or actions do not reflect the mission/vision of the district. Lacks understanding or commitment to overall District mission/vision
■ Often is resistant to change
■Behavior shows a lack of cultural sensitivity or appreciation for cultural differences; operates ineffectively in diverse communities; does not match communication and services delivery to key offender characteristics
/ ■ Is inconsistent and could use some improvement on interpersonal communication skills
■ Ratings on Individual PO Feedback Questionnaire are often “Rarely” or higher
■ Can work cooperatively with others, but may choose not to when collaboration may be more effective
■ Shows some professionalism but could improve and/or actions do not always reflect the mission/ vision of the district. Sometimes lacks understanding or commitment to overall District mission/vision
■ Occasionally resists change
■ Shows some cross-culturally inclusive behaviors but not always proactive in searching out training opportunities that will advance skill-sets; can improve on matching communication and services delivery to key offender characteristics and operating effectively in diverse communities. / ■ Communicates effectively and has proficient interpersonal communication skills
■ Ratings on Individual PO Feedback Questionnaire are often “Sometimes” or higher
■ Usually works cooperatively with others and has effective collaborative skills
■ Meets the level of professionalism expected for the position and abides by the mission/vision of the district.
■ Demonstrates understanding and commitment to overall District mission/vision
■ Adapts to change
■ Understands cross-culturally inclusive behaviors and usually operates effectively in diverse communities; usually matches communication and services delivery to key offender characteristics; recognizes growth areas and actively seeks out training/ growth opportunities. / ■ Shows advanced interpersonal communication skills. Communicates effectively and models these skills to others
■ Ratings on Individual PO Feedback Questionnaire are usually “Often “ or higher
■ Works cooperatively and has excellent collaborative skills
■ Exceeds the level of professionalism expected.
■ Demonstrates understanding and commitment and executes the mission/ vision of the District.
■ Embraces change
■ Exceeds standards for cross-culturally inclusive behaviors; consistently operates effectively in diverse communities; demonstrates advanced skills in communication and services delivery to key offender characteristics. / ■ Consistently communicates skillfully; is a key influencer/motivator
■ Ratings on Individual PO Feedback Questionnaire are almost always “Always”
■ Works cooperatively and has excellent collaborative skills, supports a culture of teamwork, invites the contribution of others and supportive of their efforts
■Significantly exceeds the level of professionalism expected and is a role model. Adds unique and exceptional value to the unit and to the District mission/vision as a whole
■ Embraces change and helps others work through resistance
■ Sets standards and advocates for cross-culturally inclusive behaviors; operates effectively in diverse communities; Always matches communication and services delivery to key offender characteristics.
III. Work Methods and Organizational Skills
Performance Targets:
§ Organized, prioritizes work and uses time productively.
§ Time management.
§ Attention to detail.
§ Consistently meets deadlines, delivers outcomes on time.
§ Follows policies, procedures, guidelines, administrative rules and statutes.
§ Meets established productivity standards of quantity and quality of work.
§ Steady growth and improvement (for example, case plans consistently improve)
§ Maintains a safe and healthy work environment.
§ Sets and adheres to priorities.
§ Produces accurate, thorough and timely work with minimal assistance or supervision.
§ Corrections Information System information/reports and chronological history entries.
§ Clients’ employment, housing, treatment status and other contact info/demographics kept up to date.
§ Prompt and effective response to offender attendance to interventions and sanctions.
Performance Indicators: (you know the above targets are met as evidenced by…..)
§ Timely and thorough information system data entry.
§ Timely e-mails and telephone responses.
§ Completing probation/parole intakes within appropriate time frames based on policy.
§ Case plans completed within the time frames.
§ Meeting contact standards.
§ Quality content of chronological history entries and notes
§ Report of violations within the time frames of notification and recommendations adhere to department guidelines.
§ Critical incidents, including violations, are handled timely and appropriately given the behavior, risk, need, responsivity and other circumstances.
§ Discharges [expirations, closures, inactive supervision] completed on time.
§ Assessments and Reassessments are accurate and completed when due.
§ UAs completed and entered into CIS.
§ Clients’ employment, housing and other contact info/demographics is kept up to date.
§ % of offenders that successfully complete supervision
§ Case activity, including referrals, conformance, special condition status current and documented.
§ Assigned investigations are thoroughly researched and completed by due dates.
§ Demonstrating ability to access and enter data into DOC, JJIS, SPIN, Caseload Explorer, or access database associated with your assigned work site.
§ Demonstrating ability to run, read, and interpret records from EPPDS, ESWIS, LEDS,
§ Demonstrating familiarity with the county internet and intranet system (MINT).
§ Demonstrating ability to access and use organizational systems in DOC (To Do List), SPIN
· Demonstrating ability to prepare for court and ability to testify in a succinct manner to the details of the violations.
· Demonstrating triage skills.
· Capability to schedule and prioritize mandatory trainings, court, meetings, committees
§ Interpreting and applies OAR, ORS, and adjudicating authority documents; works within OAR, ORS relating to PPO legal authority and application.
§ Demonstrating that reports are formatted correctly and contain all required information.
Work Methods and Organizational Skills: Performance RatingInsufficient
/ Provisional
/ Proficient
/ Advanced
/ Exceptional
■ Rarely meets deadlines even after frequent follow up and prompting by supervisor
■ Often does not follow policies or procedures
■Lacking accurate CIS entry, poor generic notes / ■ Occasionally meets deadlines and requires frequent follow up from supervisor
■ Follows policies and procedures for the most part but sometimes needs reminded of the standard
■ Some CIS entry, generic notes entered but, lacking in information / ■ Almost always meets deadlines and when unable to is very good about communicating issues
■ Work is consistent with polices and procedures
■ CIS entry is sufficient and generic notes are up to date and informative / ■ Consistently meets deadlines with little required follow-up and often completes task ahead of timeline
■ Has advanced working knowledge of policy/procedure and consistently follows it
■CIS entry is almost always up to date and able to decipher exactly what is going on by generic notes / ■Almost always exceeds work production and deadlines and serves
as a resource to others
■ Consistently follows policy and procedures. Serves as a resource to new staff and offers innovative changes for policy/procedure.
■CIS entry is exceptional with no clean up required and generic notes are excellent
IV. Public and Officer Safety/ Field work: