Template for
Final Technical Implementation Report
valid for
Actions of Type 1 (Projects)
from Call for proposal 2005 and
with grant agreement number EIE/06/XXX
Version: April 2007
Intelligent Energy – EuropeSAVE, ALTENER, STEER, COOPENER, Horizontal Key Actions
Template for Final Technical Implementation Report (FR), 15-20 pages
This reporting template for the Final Technical Implementation Report is valid for SAVE, ALTENER, STEER, COOPENER and Horizontal Key Actions of Type 1 (projects) of the Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) Programme, resulting from the Call for proposal 2005 and, therefore, with grant agreement numbers EIE/06/XXX. It is meant purely as a documentation tool and do not claim to be exhaustive. Users shall always refer to the provisions of the grant agreement, including any written amendment, which are binding and obviously take precedence. A grant agreement amendment cannot be requested within a Technical Report; on the contrary, it must be submitted to the IEEA in good time before it is due to take effect and in any case one month before the closing date of the action.
The beneficiaries shall submit in English, through the co-ordinator, a common FinalTechnical Implementation Report, together with the Final Financial Statements for each beneficiary. For project-specific requirements please consult Annex III, together with Articles I.5 and I.6 of your grant agreement.
The Technical Reports are not only an administrative or contractual requisite, but are real management and working tools for all beneficiaries involved in an action. They should be clear, concise, meaningful and comprehensive.
In case of any question, please do not hesitate to contact your project officer.
Please indicate the grant agreement number, acronym and page number in the header/footer of each page.
Front page – Example in Appendix.
Table of contents – Should include page numbering, also for appendices.
1.Final Report Summary (2-3 pages)
1.1Objectives of the action – Give an overview on the objectives of the action.
1.2Achieved results and lessons learnt during the action – Summarise the achievements for the whole duration of the actionin bullet points, such as work performed and the mainachieved results; agree with your consortium 3 main lessons learnt emerging from your project.
1.3Identified problems and corrective actions taken during the action – Comment on the most important problems during theactionexplaining also their impact and the corrective actions undertaken.
1.4Activities and impact after end of the action – Give an overview onthe activities planned after the end of the action; review the short/medium/long term impact of the action; demonstrate sustainability.
Template for Final Technical Implementation Report for grant agreement numbers IEE/07/503/SI2.499430Page 1 of 34
Intelligent Energy – EuropeSAVE, ALTENER, STEER, COOPENER, Horizontal Key Actions
Objectives of the period / Achieved results(lessons learnt at point 4. of this report) / Identified problems and corrective actions / Activities and impact after end of the action1) Development of a business case and a development plan / 1) Development plan and business case have been developed / Development plan was adjusted after Nijmegen meeting may 2010 / Sustaining the project throughEnerCities Foundation and Paladin
2) Development of project descriptions (educative toolbox, game-based platform and community facility) / 2) toolbox structure is ready. / Toolboxes differed in quality. The suggested format in the document was replaced by a template build by Qeam (Erik Knol)
3) Map and analyse in-depth energy-related education materials / 3) toolbox is ready in all languages / 3)Communication problems concerning the toolbox and related to the WP leadership and shift of deadlines have been tackling the normal development of the toolbox. Anyway the toolbox has been developed according to the requirements and the project plan. / Partners have to check for “dead”links after project lifetime/
4) Redevelopment existing materials and development of new materials (students’ education materials and teachers’ training manuals) / 4) Teachers’ manual ready in all languages;student education materials included in the toolbox / Teacher manual was not used as a single document. Partners put the manual in the toolbox.
5) Pre-pilot (Development of Enercities version 1.0 and related test run by a small group of teachers/students) / 5) Pre-pilot realised
6) Pilot (testing Enercities 1.0 in all countries); pilot reflection workshop / 6) Pilot realised; reflection workshop realised
7) Final version of Enercities (1.0) game based learning platform; system configuration representing game based platform as service; delivery of manuals / 7) Enercities learning platform running (on and Facebook), feedback from IEE and results of both pre-pilot and pilot have been used to improve the game; instead of student and teachers’ manuals a support team has been set up in each land (see Rollout plan for details) / Discussed issues: not real enough, no game over, to much score for only nature, Unity 3D not in every school.
The gameplay was adjusted. In real-life there will not be a game over. / There will be need for translating the game in other languages.
There will be possibility to further develop the game.
During as well as after the project life time questions from Israel, Finland and Hungary were addressed in order to translate the game into their home languages. This will be organised by the Foundation after the project life time
8) Development of community facility; system configuration?; manuals / 8) Community facility running on
9) Rollout development plan / 9) Rollout development plan ready.
10) Remote training for educational institutions / 10) Training is delivered via e-mail, messenger, chatand community facility
11) Contacting and contracting 45 rollout educational institutions in 11 countries; model contract / 11) Final number of schools
There are 114 schools registred as schools using the EnerCities game.
- ROC Nijmegen 18
- Lancaster & Morecambe 20
- Akademie Klausenhof11
- VTC Cyclades29
- LU Velenje12
- Agencia Granada24 / 11) There were difficulties in contracting educational institutions.eg. In the Netherlands several organisations stated to be interested in the game and willing to implement it into their curriculum, but:
- the EnerCities project did not arriveat the right moment and it was not possible to embedthe game into the curriculum, because it was already set up.
- the annual calendar was toobusy for implantation of new activities / The Hong Kong educational department has asked permission to refer on their website to the game Enercities as an interesting didactical tool for teachers
12) Communication strategy implemented / 12) A list of all communication/dissemination activities is visible at point 2.1 and 2.3 of this final report
13) Analysis of project results / 13) University of Twente (NL) has been subcontracted for this aim. A report is attached to this document
(Attachment 1)
Template for Final Technical Implementation Report for grant agreement numbers IEE/07/503/SI2.499430Page 1 of 34
Intelligent Energy – EuropeSAVE, ALTENER, STEER, COOPENER, Horizontal Key Actions
2.Consortium management during the action (1-2 pages)
Report on the main consortium management tasks and co-ordination activities during the action, such as communication between partners, quality control, project meetings, possible co-operation with other projects/programmes etc.; provide feedback on the comments of your project officer for the last report, if any; indicate by whom the project websitewill be maintained, which must be accessible until at least 2 years after the end of the action.
PMG meeting / Dates / Host Partner1 / 25 – 26 September 2008 / ROC Nijmegen, Netherlands
2 / 9 – 11 March 2009 / Ljudska Univerza Velenje, Slovenia
3 / 5 – 6 November 2009 / Akademie Klausenhof, Germany
4A / 19 -20 April 2010 / Agencia de la Energía de Granada, Spain
4B / 11-12 May 2010 / ROC Nijmegen, Netherlands
5 / 8-9 November 2010 / Lancaster & Morecambe College, UK
6 / 4-5 April 2011 / Unified Vocational Training Centre Of Cyclades, Greece
7 / 18-19 June 2011 / Dublin, Ireland
2.1Communication and 2.3 Dissemination
ROC Nijmegen
Activity / Place / Date / Persons reached (number) / Evidence (pic, flyer, brochure, article etc.)Presentation of the project for use in lessons Citizenship. / ROC Nijmegen / 7th April 2010 / 20 / Invitation and reaction afterwards of the organization. (Christine v Well e-mail)
Presentation / workshop EnerCities with teacher trainers HAN Nijmegen / HAN Nijmegen / 15th June 2010 / 15 / Invitation E-mail from Aike van der Hoef
Presentatie Duurzaam MBO
Stand Duurzaam MBO / ROC Amsterdam / 2d June 2010 / 26 - 50 / Poster Duurzaam MBO
Deelnemerslijst (list of attendees)
Presentation / Workshop during CVI ICT conference / Veldhoven / 14 – 15 april 2010 / 10 attendees workshop
About 1500 attended the conference / Blog online
2 photographs
Exhibition at the ICT Expo 2010 in Brussel / Brussels / 26 – 29 th Sept 2010 / More than 1500 persons visited the Expo. Project stand was visited by at least 50 persons / Pics
Present at Educa Berlin 2010 / Berlin / 1 – 3 dec. 2010 / About 2000 attendees of the conference. W. Koekkoek and E. Luijten spoke directly about Enercities with 8 persons / Award Engage Quality
Virtual Sig Conference / Utrecht / 20 April 2011 / There 10 teachers attending the workshop / about 120 visitors on the conference / Website review
Symposium / Zwolle / 8 June 2011 / About 200 persons attended / Pictures
Presentation / HAN / 28 March 2011 / About 20 teachers attended / Jos en Jaouad?
Stand at the conference “We teach the future” / Eindhoven / 15/12/2010 / About 100 teachers attended this event, to which participated also Princess Laurentine
Activity / Place / Date / Persons reached (number) / Evidence (pic, flyer, brochure, article etc.)Teachers’ Seminar
(opening day) / Hermoupolis, Syros island / 28.01.2011 / ~60 / Program, official announcement, pictures, presentations, poster, invitation
Teachers’ Seminar
(main) / Hermoupolis, Syros island & Milos island / 29 & 30.01.2011 / ~40 / Program, official announcement , pictures, presentations, poster, invitation, certificate
Meeting “Environmental education & local society” / Hermoupolis, Syros island / 15.02.2011 / ~100 / Program, pictures, presentation, brochure, certificate, video
Local event (Competition) / Athens, Syros island, Milos island / 02.04.2011 / ~60 / Official announcement, Pictures, article, web link, scores
Congress “The Pact of Islands & the Role of Insular Authorities in Sustainable Energy Planning / Hermoupolis, Syros island / 12 & 13.04.2011 / ~150 / Program, pictures, brochure
International Meeting on Energy Saving / Hermoupolis, Syros island / 16.04.2011 / ~50 / Program, pictures, presentation, article, web link
ENNEREG Project Meeting and Events
1st Knowledge Transfer Workshop & Greek Replication Event / Hermoupolis, Syros island / 8 – 10.06.2011 / ~30 / Program, pictures, presentation
Activity / Place / Date / Persons reached (number) / Evidence (pic, flyer, brochure, article etc.)071-ICT / Leiden, NL / 50 (audience) / Online programme and announcements on LinkedIn and
ICT2010 / Brussels, BE / 27-29 September 2010 / 800+ visitors; many views on the ICT2010 platform where an interview with the EnerCities team was presented. / ICT2010 website, videos, images
Sutainability day Hogeschool Leiden / Leiden, NL / 15 November 2010 / 200+ teachers and other employees of Hogeschool Leiden / Stand, images
Sustainability week Calant College Amsterdam / Amsterdam, NL / 27-29 April 2011 / 125 students / Sustainability week programme; participation in online questionnaire EnerCities
Sustainability in education programmes in NL (steering group workshop) / Arnhem, NL / 28 March 2011 / 20 professionals in the field of teaching, sustainability / Programme
Sustainability in education programmes in NL (workshop for teachers) / Arnhem, NL / 16 June 2011 / 30+ teachers following the course / Programme
EDEN Conference Workshop / Dublin, IR / 19 June 2011 / 20 workshop participants, 450+ reader of the conference proceedings / Programme, proceedings, images
EDEN Conference Academic Paper presentation / Dublin, IR / 19 June 2011 / 40+ audience paper presentation, 450+ reader of the conference proceedings; 80+ receivers of hard copy version of paper / Programme, proceedings
Paper pubished in eLearning Papers / Online / As from mid July 2011 / 1000+ professional in Europe in the field of elearning; summary of paper translated in 21 European languages / Online availability of paper
EnerCities in the email newsletters of ‘Duurzaam MBO’ / Online / Multiple edication of the last 2 years mentioning EnerCities / 400+ receivers of the newsletter / Various newsletter containing information about EnerCities
Dutch game award ‘NL Best Online Game 2010’ / Utrecht, NL / 100+ audience during award ceremony; tweets / Award, images, tweets
ENGAGE eLearning Award Berlin / Berlin, DE / 50+ audience during award ceremony; tweets / Award, images, tweets
Presented on the website ‘e-learning.nl’ as one of the nominees for the ‘NL Best eLearning Tool 2011’. / 21 March 2011 – 5 April 2011 / 2000+ website visitors.
Presentation of EnerCities to the jury of the ‘NL Best eLearning Tool 2011’. / 22 March 2011
Nominated for the ‘NL Best eLearning Tool 2011’. / 5 April 2011 / 50+ audience during award ceremony; tweets; 500+ visitors to the elearning conference where EnerCities was shown as nominee. / Nomination, tweets
Blog posting by Marleen van den Berg / 5 February 2010 / Dutch blog visitors
Blog posting by Christopher Mack / December 8th, 2009 / International blog visitors
Activity / Place / Date / Persons reached (number) / Evidence (pic, flyer, brochure, article etc.)Enercities page on the paladinstudios.com website / / n/a / 2,836
Pageviews / statistics:
Written and released press release for version 1.0 (Dutch and English; Paladin hired a professional PR firm for dissemination) / n/a / February 3rd 2010 / 5000+ /
Written and released press release for the Facebook beta (English) / n/a / December 3rd 2009 / 500+ /
Blog coverage: Inside Social Games did an article on EnerCities, as a direct result from the press release about the Facebook beta. ISG is the biggest social game blog in the world, with thousands of key game industry members reading the blog daily. / / December 8th 2009 / 1000+ /
Dutch Game Awards: Paladin submitted EnerCities for the Dutch Game Awards, and attended the award ceremony. EnerCities got the prestigious Best Online Game award, beating several entertainment games. / Amersfoort, The Netherlands / November 24 2011 / 500+ / Award motivation:
ENGAGE Awards: Paladin attended the award ceremony for the ENGAGE awards, where EnerCities won the Best Learning Game award. The ceremony was live streamed on the Internet. / Berlin, Germany / 100+
Games For Change presentation: We were invited to New York to present EnerCities at Games For Change. This is one of the biggest serious games conferences in the world. The keynote of this event was held by mr. Al Gore. / New York City, US / June 20, 2011 / 1000+ / Video of the presentation:
Speaker schedule:
(presentation was on Monday)
Game page on G4C.org:
Presentation on slideshare:
London Applied Serious Games event: Paladin presented the EnerCities project at a local serious games conference in London. / London, UK / 100
Festival of Games presentation / Utrecht
Game In The City presentation / Amersfoort
Leidsch Dagblad coverage: Article in the local newspaper. / Leiden
E-Virtuoses presentation / Lille, France / May 31 2010 / 100 in audience / presentation:
Video interview with Vincent Evers, one of the biggest tech bloggers in NL. / Leiden / Feb 3rd 2010 / 500+ /
Coverage in DutchCowboys.nl / Marketingfacts.nl / Feb 5th 2010 / 500+ /
YouTube movies: We created a trailer and a gameplay walkthrough on YouTube. / YouTube / 2010-2011 / 2674 views / Gameplay:
GDC Holland Pavillion: The trailer of EnerCities was continuously shown in the Holland Pavillion at the Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco. In addition, EnerCities was featured in the Holland magazine. / San Francisco / February 2011 / 250+ / article:
Israel language conversion: At time of writing this report, we are negotiating a Hebrew translation for the Israelian market. / - / H2 2011 / not yet launched / not yet launched
ID College Zoetermeer: pitched EnerCities to one of the teachers, who then used the game in their classes. / Zoetermeer / Q1 2011 / 50+ students / See school statistics
Research: Paladin has actively supported researchers who did research on EnerCities and the impact of the game. We did interviews, made the database available, and supplied the researchers with other information. / - / 2010-2011 / n/a
Clubgreen.nl Q&A page ( / July 2011 / 100+ /
Presentation of
EnerCities to the jury of
the ‘NL Best eLearning
Tool 2011’. / Utrecht / March 22 2011 / - / nomination for the award
071-ICT presentation together with Erik Knol / Leiden / 50 / presentation:
ICT2010 / Brussels / September 27-29 2010 / 800+
Activity / Place / Date / Persons reached (number) / Evidence (pic, flyer, brochure, article etc.)EnerCities on Facebook / Province of Granada, Web / 1-12-2009 / 100 / Web page of the Energy Agency, as well now in facebook of the Eenrgy Agency
Participation in Kioto course for Teachers of Granada / "Centro del Profesorado Granada", CEP Granada / 3-12-2009 / 40 / Photo, Event in CEP Granada,
EnerCities Rollout and facebook advertisement / Province of Granada, Web / 3-2-2010 / 120 / Energy Agency Web and Local Media (files attached)
Dynamo Effect (Local Radio Coffe, inclusion of Enercities) / EnerCities on local Radios of Andalusia / 25-2-2010 / Unknown / Progrm of the Event
1st Competition awareness campaign / Province of Granada, Web / 29/03/2010 and others / 220 / Energy Agency Web and Local Media (files attached)
1st European Competition and Local Competition / Spain, Province of Granada, Web / 20/04/2010 and others / 320 / Event and Local Media (photos and files attached), Energy Agency youtube chanel
Display Campaign Europe, inclusion of EnerCities / Salerno (Italy), European Campaign / 28-4-2010 / Unknown / Event brochure, Presentation, TheAPEGR channel in
Dynamo Effect (Energy Day participation with inclusion of EnerCities) / EnerCities on local Radios of Andalusia / 5-6-2010 / Unknown / Progrma of the Event
1st Prize to European and Local Competitions / IES Pedro Jimenez Montoya. Baza (Granada) / 29-10-2010 / 123.193 / Event in Baza and Local Media (photos and files attached)
2nd European Competition / Spain, Province of Granada, Web / 17-1-2011 / 30 / Energy Agency web site
Teenergy, EnerCities and other project synergies / Province of Granada, Web / 21/01/2011 and others / 39.376 / Local Media (files attached)
Questionnaires Lottery Prize / Province of Granada, Web / 15-2-2011 / 200 / Event and local media (photos and files attached)
3rd European Competition / Spain, Province of Granada, Web / 8-3-2011 / 160 / Event and Local Media (files attached)
PV visit. Prize to 2nd and 3rd Euroepan Competitions. "En Clave de Sol" Exhibition Visit / Energy Agency of Granada building / 14-4-2011 / 40 / Event in Diputacion Building and EUSEW Media (photos and files attached)
European Solar Days 2011 / Province of Granada, Web / 6-5-2011 / 130 / Events and Local Media (photos and files attached)
4th European Competition / Spain, Province of Granada, Web / 6-5-2011 / 130 / Event and Local Media (photos and files attached)
EnerCities event 12/05/2011 / University of Granada and Environmental center of Sierra Nevada / 12-5-2011 / 113.742 / Event and Local Media (photos and files attached)
Final Conference EnerCities / Dublin EDEN conference / 20-6-2011 / Unknown / Energy Agency channels, twitter, facebook
Energy Agency of Granada Web Site / / All project / 360 / Web site material
Provincial Government of Granada Web Site / / All project / Unknown / Web site material
Different hits on Spanish blogs / Spanish speaker countries, mainly spain / All project / Unknown / Attached files
Facebook site EAG / / 2011 / 133 / Web site material
Twitter channel EAG / / 2011 / 29 / Web site material
Youtube channel EAG / / 2011 / 300 / Web site material
Prize to 4th European Competition and Questionnaire Lottery / Province of Granada, Web / July-September 2011 / WORKING ON IT NOW AS POST-PROJECT ACTIVITIES, WILL BE DONE DURING THE LAST QUARTER OF THE YEAR 2011 / Event in Diputacion and Local Media (photos and files attached).
T-Shirt competition, Energía 3D Campaign / Andalusia Community / September 2011 / Possible Local Media (photos and files attached).
Final Report Disemination, EnerCities conclusions / Province of Granada, Web / October 2011 / Event in Diputacion and Local Media (photos and files attached).