Monitoring Schedule, Nontransient Noncommunity Groundwater System

Sample Schedule Guide

Water systems have different monitoring requirements based on factors like water system type, source water type, and population served. In order to understand how often your water system needs to test for different contaminants, you must develop sample schedules customized to your own water system. First, review the information available at Then, use this guide to document your system’s requirements.

How to Use this Guide

This guide includes an example monitoring schedule and blank forms that you can copy and fill in. The example monitoring schedule is typical for a groundwater system with three wells serving 3,000 people. Your sampling requirements may be different. Many water systems need more samples at new wells than at existing wells. Monitoring requirements for some distribution samples vary with population.

If you do not know the Facility IDs and sample point IDs in your system, they can be found on Drinking Water Watch at

Special instructions for systems installing new wells

Sample schedules must be submitted as part of a Water System Management Plan (WSMP). Water systems must have a complete WSMP before receiving an Authorization to Construct from the Public Water Supply Section. For new well projects, the facility ID and sampling point ID may not have been assigned by the time you prepare your WSMP. If this is the case, leave the facility id and sampling point id blank for now. Once the well is activated you can go back and add the codes in. The sampling guide will be a reference for your future use.

***Note about asbestos sampling: water systems in vulnerable counties or containing asbestos cement pipe may be required to monitor for asbestos. Depending on circumstances samples may be required either at the entry point or in the distribution system. The example system below is required to take asbestos samples in the distribution. For more specific information on your system, contact the Compliance Services Branch or your regional office.***

***Note about secondaries: this group includes sodium, sulfate, manganese, and iron. These chemicals are typically collected and tested along with inorganics samples.***


·  Entry point. The point where water enters a distribution system. Many entry points are labeled E01, E02, or similar.

·  Sampling point. A point where a sample is collected. Water systems should use consistent sampling point codes for all entry point samples.

·  Water System Facility: A unit of the water system. All water systems have a distribution facility whose ID is D01. Groundwater systems will also have at least one well. Any water systems treating the water (such as adding chlorine) will also have at least one treatment plant.


Monitoring Schedule, Nontransient Noncommunity Groundwater System

Water System ID: NC0101010

Water System Name: Example New Groundwater System

Number of Wells: ___3__

Number of Treatment Plants: ___3__

Number of Entry Points: ___3__

Population Served: _3,000

Facility Name: Distribution

Facility ID: D01

Analyte Group or Individual Analyte / Number of Samples / Frequency
Asbestos / 1 / Initial, then every 9 years
Bacti (total Coliform) / 3 / Monthly
Lead and Copper / 20 / Every 6 months
Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) and
Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) / 3 MRT sites (1 per
entry point) / Yearly,
between 7/1 and 9/30

Facility Name: _Treatment Plant #1_

Facility ID: __P01__

Sampling Point ID: __E01__

Analyte Group or Individual Analyte / Number of Samples / Frequency
Synthetic Organic Chemicals/
Pesticides (SOC) / 1 / Quarterly
Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC) / 1 / Quarterly
Inorganic Chemicals (IOC) / 1 / Initial sample, then every 3 yrs
Nitrite / 1 / Initial sample
Nitrate / 1 / Yearly

Facility Name: _Treatment Plant #2_

Facility ID: __P02__

Sampling Point ID: __E02__

Analyte Group or Individual Analyte / Number of Samples / Frequency
Synthetic Organic Chemicals/
Pesticides (SOC) / 1 / Quarterly
Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC) / 1 / Quarterly
Inorganic Chemicals (IOC) and
Secondaries (IOS) / 1 / Initial sample, then every 3 yrs
Nitrite / 1 / Initial sample
Nitrate / 1 / Yearly

Facility Name: _Treatment Plant #3_

Facility ID: __P03__

Sampling Point ID: __E03__

Analyte Group or Individual Analyte / Number of Samples / Frequency
Synthetic Organic Chemicals/
Pesticides (SOC) / 1 / Quarterly
Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC) / 1 / Quarterly
Inorganic Chemicals (IOC) / 1 / Initial sample, then every 3 yrs
Nitrite / 1 / Initial sample
Nitrate / 1 / Yearly

Monitoring Schedule, Nontransient Noncommunity Groundwater System

Water System ID: NC______

Water System Name: ______

Number of Wells: _____

Number of Treatment Plants: _____

Number of Entry Points: _____

Population Served: _____

Facility Name: Distribution

Facility ID: D01

Analyte Group or Individual Analyte / Number of Samples / Frequency

Facility Name: ______

Facility ID: _____

Sampling Point ID: _____

Analyte Group or Individual Analyte / Number of Samples / Frequency

Monitoring Schedule, Nontransient Noncommunity Groundwater System

Facility Name: ______

Facility ID: _____

Sampling Point ID: _____

Analyte Group or Individual Analyte / Number of Samples / Frequency

Facility Name: ______

Facility ID: _____

Sampling Point ID: _____

Analyte Group or Individual Analyte / Number of Samples / Frequency