Royal Wedding Celebrations 29th April 2011
What Do You Like and Dislike About Kempsford Parish?
-Footpaths around Whelford
-Friendly people x 2
-Community spirit
-Great relationship between school, church, pub and village hall
-Good community spirit, friendly residents
-Relationship with surrounding areas
-Air Tattoo!
-Bruce Arkell for allowing local people to walk his land (Sue Griffin)
-USAF Fairford
-Air show
-Quarries and the related lorries
-Speeding traffic
-Desecration of our countryside by the extraction industries
-No public (residents) access to River Thames
-Lorries, gravel extraction, lack of access to river, too many pheasants!
-Kempsford quarry eyesore
-Disgraceful old Kempsford quarry area
-Lack of access to River Thames
-Disregard for speed limits
-Yellow lines!
-Litter, especially on Cricklade Road
-Speed on our roads
-Lorries break up the roads!
-Proposal for double yellow lines on top road x 2
-Yellow lines – there should NOT be any in our village – there is only a need for them 2 weeks a year (Air Tattoo) and they can be temporary!
-Dog poo being left by owners
-The Whelford Road being taken over by Air Tattoo spectators making it unsafe for cyclists
-Air Tattoo spectators parking in residential areas so residents don’t have spaces
-Cyclists ignoring cycle track
-Insufficient footpath access to river
-No real centre to act as a focus for the community
-Some apathy to supporting community activities/facilities
-Footpath from Reevey to Dunfield turning
-Wider footpath from Reevey to Mount Pleasant
-More 30mph signs through village of Kempsford
-Better play areas for children
-Somewhere for teenagers to congregate, action against lorries through village
-Footpath from Oatlands Bridge into village along line of old canal
-Improved footpath along Kempsford Quarry
-Substantial effort needed to link up with other footpaths so we can walk to e.g. Marston Meysey or Lechlade
-Litter picks esp along C124 x 2
-More footpaths!
-We need a village shop
-We need a footpath to the river (Sue Griffin)
-Are we wasting good money keeping a village hall when there’s a perfectly good hall next door? Added comments from different authors:
1.Do not agree. Village Hall is for Village, School hall is for school. My parents and others like them paid £1 a brick to build the village. A lot of cash in those days. HANDS OFF.
2.But we need to move on.
-Access to river would transform village
-Better playing facilities which do not disturb local residents
-Better/more footpaths
-Community shop
-Axe and Compass should be converted to community facility
-Village hall needs refurbishment or rebuilding
-We need a skate park!