2018-19 Club Background Information Form
National Premier Leagues
2018-19 Club Background Information Form
This 2018-19Club Background Information Form is used by US Club Soccer to gather information about clubs interested in joining the organization’sNational Premier Leagues (NPL).
SUBMISSION:This National Premier Leagues (NPL) 2018-19Club Background Information Formshould be returned to your regional representative 7 days after receiving - please also send a copy to NPL General Manager –Leo Garcia – .
Each NPL member club will be required to enter the club’s top team in every NPL age group for the 2018-19 season. In order to be considered for acceptance, these must be pre-existing teams.
Each NPL includes a Director of Coaching AdvisoryCommittee, consisting of the DOCs of the member clubs.The exact competition schedule and structure for each NPL is determined prior to the season, and will vary across each NPL. Every team must complete all scheduled NPL games in the season. NPL teams that qualify for the NPL Finals must participate in those events.
Standards and Guidelines:
Each NPL member club must follow all NPL club standards, playing rules and US Club Soccer policies. If you don’t have a copy of these documents prior to completing this form, please contact US Club Soccer to obtain them.
Annual League Fee:
In most cases, US Club Soccer establishes an annual fee for membership in the NPL. The annual league fee coversUS Club Soccer’s costs of administering the NPL, which also includes developing and maintaining the NPL website, berths in the NPL Finals, as well as US Club Soccer Player Development Programs (PDP).
Clubs will be responsible for referee and referee assigning fees for their home games.
In other cases, an existing league may run an NPL division on behalf of US Club Soccer. In this instance, a budget will be established between applicable parties, with US Club Soccer having final approval.
NPL MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION:Is your club interested in joining an existing NPL? / Yes No
If so, which NPL:
For which gender(s) is your club interested in joining? / Girls
Club Name:
Primary Contact: / Title:
Phone: / Fax:
Club Website:
Year Club Founded:
What is your club’s legal structure? (ex: for profit, not-for-profit, etc.)
How is Club Governed? (BOD, etc.)
Number of Competitive Teams (in all age groups): / Girls
Number of Rec Teams (in all age groups): / Girls
Total Number of Players (in all age groups): / Girls
Total Number of Full-Time Coaches:
Total Number of Part-Time Coaches:
What is your primary competitive season(s)? / Start Date End Date
Start Date End Date
Number of Fields Rented / Owned by the Club: / Rented Owned
Number of Match-Quality Field:
Does your club have access to turf fields? / Yes No
Does your club have access to lighted fields? / Yes No
Does your club have an indoor facility? / Yes No
If so, what size?
Dates of High School Season (Girls): / Start Date End Date
Name: / License Level:Phone: / Email:
Director of Coaching:
Name: / License Level:Phone: / Email:
Director of Coaching – Girls:
Name: / License Level:Phone: / Email:
13U 2006Girls Coach:
Name: / License Level:Phone: / Email:
14U 2005Girls Coach:
Name: / License Level:Phone: / Email:
15U 2004Girls Coach:
Name: / License Level:Phone: / Email:
16U 2003Girls Coach:
Name: / License Level:Phone: / Email:
17U 2002Girls Coach:
Name: / License Level:Phone: / Email:
19U 01-00 - Girls Coach:
Name: / License Level:Phone: / Email:
12U – 06s:
2017-18 Top League Participation (Name):2017-18 League Record:
2017-18 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top League Participation (Name):
2016-17 League Record:
2016-17 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
13U – 05s:
2017-18 Top League Participation (Name):2017-18 League Record:
2017-18 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top League Participation (Name):
2016-17 League Record:
2016-17 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
14U – 04s:
2017-18 Top League Participation (Name):2017-18 League Record:
2017-18 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top League Participation (Name):
2016-17 League Record:
2016-17 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
15U – 03s:
2017-18 Top League Participation (Name):2017-18 League Record:
2017-18 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top League Participation (Name):
2016-17 League Record:
2016-17 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
16U – 02s:
2017-18 Top League Participation (Name):2017-18 League Record:
2017-18 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top League Participation (Name):
2016-17 League Record:
2016-17 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
17U - 01s:
2017-18 Top League Participation (Name):2017-18 League Record:
2017-18 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2017-18 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top League Participation (Name):
2016-17 League Record:
2016-17 US Club Soccer National Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 US Youth Soccer State Cup: / W-L-T: Placement:
2016-17 Top Tournaments: / Name: W-L-T: Placement:
U.S. Soccer National Team Players:
Please list any youth and full U.S.National Team players that have played at your club.
Last Name / First Name / U.S. National TeamAge Group / Years Participated in Your Club
(ex: 2011-13)
Please include any additional players on a separate sheet of paper.
Participants in US Club Soccer’s id2 National Player Identification and Development Program:
Please list any players from your club that have participated in the id2 Program.
Last Name / First Name / Birth Year / Years Participated in Your Club(ex: 2014-17)
Please include any additional players on a separate sheet of paper.
Other Notable Players:
Please list other notable players to have played for your club. Please list the years in which they played for your club and the highest level they played upon leaving your club (top 50 college, professional, etc.).
Last Name / First Name / Highest Level Played / Years Participated in Your Club(ex: 2011-13)
Please include any additional players on a separate sheet of paper.
OTHER NOTABLE CLUB INFORMATION:Please provide any other information regarding your club that you feel is relevant.
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