Slinfold Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Thursday 25 Oct 2007

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held on Thursday 25 October 2007

At 7.30pm at the Parish Room

339/07 Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Those present: Councillors A Mawer (Chairman), R Hillyard, C Burke, D Harding, A Skeates and N Jefferys.

Also present: Cllrs. R Nye (District), M Hodgson (WSCC) and Parish Clerk M Burroughs.

Apologies received: Cllrs. E Grundy and E Sorenson (prior commitment), D White (holiday), G Stenton Chandler and M Dunkerton (unwell) and District Cllr. Rowlinson.

340/07 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests

There were no declarations of interest or changes notified to Members’ Register of Interests

341/07 Chairman’s Announcements

  1. Local Development Framework, Reserve Housing Sites Consultation Document. Cllr. Mawer requested that Cllr. Burke review the consultation document and feedback if required on behalf of the Parish Council. The deadline for response is 23 November 2007.
  2. Bonfires - an email has been received from a Slinfold resident attaching an extract from HDC’s website entitled ‘Bonfire Advice to Households’. HDC advise that having a bonfire is likely to be seen as anti-social by many residents and that there are alternatives to burning garden waste. The Parish Council requested that the clerk communicate HDC’s advice and request that residents are considerate to their neighbours in the Parish Magazine.
  3. Six Acres - a request has been received from residents of Six Acres via Taylor Wimpey to replant the beds on the corner of the estate. The Parish Council has no responsibility for this piece of ground yet but has confirmed there will be no objection to the proposal.
  4. Parish Design Statement – the document has been passed back to HDC for minor amendments, a replacement photograph is required for the cover.
  5. DEFRA has published a booklet on ‘Ways to Tackle Climate Change’ which the clerk has a copy of should councillors wish to review.
  6. Cllr. Mawer advised that he had attended the County Local Committee (CLC) meeting on the 15th October regarding the NHS consultation on ‘Fit for the Future’. Cllr. Mawer confirmed that he spoke at the meeting and relayed the points raised by the Parish Council at last month’s meeting.

342/07 Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 27 September 2007

The draft Minutes, having been circulated, were taken as read. It was agreed that the Minutes be accepted and signed as a true record.

Cllr. Mawer advised that councillors who were present at the following sub-committee meetings had previously confirmed the minutes as a true record. Cllr. Mawer as a point of clarification advised that the approval by the Parish Council of the following minutes from sub-committees would result in the adoption of the recommendations made therein. This was accepted.

343/07 Approval of the Minutes of the Industrial Liaison Group held on 1 October 2007, previously circulated.

344/07 Approval of the Minutes of the Highways Meeting held on 8 October 2007, previously circulated.

345/07 Approval of the Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 16 October 2007, previously circulated.

346/07 Approval of the Minutes of the Youth Issues Committee Meeting held on 17 October 2007, previously circulated.

347/07 Approval of the Minutes of the Recreation Committee Meeting held on 17 October 2007, previously circulated.

The minutes having been accepted as a true record (343-47/07) and the recommendations contained therein were adopted.

348/07 Matters Arising from items 342-347/07 for information only

342/07 (Parish Council Meeting 27 September)

  1. The clerk has returned the remuneration questionnaires received from Councillors to HDC.
  2. A response to the Clemsfold and Rowhook Amenity Society (265/07) is outstanding pending the approval of the Highways minutes.
  3. Cllr. Hillyard has updated contacts for ‘The Emergency Plan’. The clerk will complete and publish accordingly. Cllr. Jefferys has been added as an Emergency Planner. Cllr. Hillyard will go through the plan with Cllr. Jefferys when it has been updated.
  4. Cllrs. White and Grundy have completed site visits following the receipt of RoSPA reports. The work required has been communicated to the clerk. The clerk will arrange for the repairs to be done.
  5. The Litter Warden is using the Trade Refuge Bin at the Red Lyon. It was agreed that the clerk should monitor the use of the bin for the next month.
  6. The meeting between N Peachey (Slinfold Village Hall Committee), Cllrs. Mawer, Nye and Rowlinson has not been arranged. The clerk will pursue this again.
  7. Cllr. White has investigated the loose dog in the KGV field that knocked down a young child. PCSO Hammond has talked to the mother of the child but she does not know who the owner of the dog is. There is little the police can do unless the owner of the dog can be identified.

343/07 (Industrial Liaison Group 1 October)

  • Russell Foxley, MD Flint Group has advised that they propose to remove the ‘Viewpoint Steps’ completely to avoid any Health and Safety issues. Sadly, the Parish Council agreed to accept this situation and the clerk should respond accordingly.

345/07 (Finance Committee Meeting 16 October)

Cllr. Mawer and the clerk visited Nat West on 24 October 2007 to review the Parish Council’s current banking arrangements. Nat West advised that they have introduced a number of new accounts for community organisations offering a better rate of interest than the existing Capital Reserve (Deposit) account.

The various options were discussed with interest rates varying from 2.85% to 3.85%. It was agreed that a new Bonus Saver Account be opened which, if only one withdrawal per quarter is made, will earn an interest rate of 3.85%. The position will be reviewed in 6 months time. Bank Mandates are also out of date with ‘leavers’ not having been deleted from the bank’s records. A new Authorised Signatory Sheet is required. The clerk will make the necessary arrangement to open the new account and update the bank mandate for all accounts.

346/07 (Youth Issues Committee Meeting 17 October)

Confirmation of the CRB checks for the appointed Youth Leaders has been received from The Weald, Billingshurst.

347/07 (Recreation Committee Meeting 17 October)

The clerk advised that she had received a response from John Willcox, CARES regarding the Recreation Committee’s concerns in obtaining quotes for Phase II of the KGV field. This matter will be discussed at the Parish Council meeting in December.

A discussion regarding dogs in the KGV field and the signage surrounding the field took place. Despite displaying a ‘NO DOGS’ sign on both entry gates, there are still reports of dogs in the field. Cllr. Nye advised that there could be options including a patrol by the Street Scene Team Wardens. Cllr. Nye will investigate possible options with HDC. Cllr. Hillyard suggested that a new sign be put up to explain the reasons for not walking dogs in the field. The clerk will explore these options with Cllr. Nye and Cllr. Hillyard.

349/07 Matters arising from the Public Session

There were no members of the public present at the meeting.

350/07 Planning Report

Cllr. Burke presented the previously circulated Planning Report to the Parish Council. The Parish Council agreed to accept the report.

New planning applications:

The following applications were received in the month and reviewed by the Planning Working Group. HDC have been advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows:

HDC Application number / Name Applicant or Agent / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Feedback to HDC Planning Committee
DC/07/2292 / Kingston Plant Hire / Lower Lodge Shooting Ground The Haven Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 9BE / Use of Lower Lodge Shooting Ground as an outdoor recreation centre comprising clay pigeon shooting, archery and off road driving (comprising armoured vehicles, hovercraft, quad bikes and other vehicles) by groups of up to 50 participants (Certificate of Lawful Development - Existing) / The Council's views (25/10) are 'finely' balanced. Concern was raised with regards to the environmental impact, particularly in relation to noise and pollution. Concern was also raised for public safety and measures need to be put in place to protect the Public Right of Ways. The Parish Councils views were split, as equally there is a strong feeling that this business is a going concern. Chairman had the casting vote and on balance no objection but re-iterate our concerns over the environmental impact and public safety.
DC/07/2288 / Mr & Mrs Burgess / 1 Tannery Close Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RW / Single-storey rear extension / No objection, unanimous 25 Oct
DC/07/2176 / Sussex Health Care / Clemsfold House Guildford Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3PW / Replacement of 11 lamp standards with 11 bollard lights / No objection 10/10/2007 (4 from 4 reviewed) ratified full council meeting 25 Oct
DC/07/2138 / Mrs Margaret Dunkerton / Forge House The Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RP / Erection of single garage / No objection, unanimous 25 Oct
DC/07/2139 / Mrs Margaret Dunkerton / Forge House The Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RP / Erection of single garage (Listed Building Consent) / No objection 11/10/2007 (3 from 3 reviewed) ratified full council meeting 25 Oct
DC/07/2121 / The Caravan Club / Caravan Camping Site Spring Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RT / Formation of 5 hard standing areas to accommodate touring caravans and vehicles / No objection 10/10/2007 (4 from 4 reviewed) ratified full council meeting 25 Oct
DC/07/1913 / F L Gamble and Sons / Nowhurst Business Park, Guildford Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3PJ / Use of site as Civil Engineering Depot / No objection 12/10/2007 as stands ratified full council meeting 25 Oct but further information required

Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC:

The Parish Council received a report on all previous applications currently pending consideration or a decision by HDC.

Cllr. Burke advised that correspondence had been received from a resident in Pinkhurst Lane. This resident is concerned that applications cannot readily and promptly be viewed by all interested parties, particularly if HDC has not consulted all neighbours and the interested party has no Internet access or cannot travel to HDC’s Offices to view the application. This resident suggests that we consider publishing an article to communicate the planning process to the residents of the Parish. Cllr. Burke and the clerk will place an article in the Parish Magazine.

Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn:

The following applications have been processed by HDC and the results follow:

HDC Application number / Name Applicant or Agent / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date) / Status on planning application /Enforcement
DC/07/2013 (amended plans received 16/10) / Mr R Barnes / 1 West Way Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SB / Single storey side extension and first floor front elevation extension / Objection (Unanimous) 14/09/2007, height & size ratified FC meet 27/09/2007 overpowers the adjacent property to the West. / Application Permitted
DC/07/1732 / Mr Jason Webber / Kent House Guildford Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3PH / Ground and first floor extension including the addition of conservatory to rear elevation / No objection (Unanimous) 06/09/2007, ratified full council meeting 27 Sept. / Application Permitted


DC/06/2049Change of use of land to overflow of vehicles owned by Toll House Toyota Garage including the retention of hardcore surface and bunds, Bramble Hill Farm, Five Oaks Road, Slinfold. The Parish Council objected to this application. A Planning Inspector visit has been arranged for 15th October 2007.

DC/07/0149Erection of re-claimed barn, Hayes Grange, Stane Street, Slinfold – The Parish Council did not object to this planning application. A Planning Inspector visit has been arranged for 9th October 2007.

Enforcement and other outstanding planning issues

-Old Strood - HDC advised 22 October 2007 that a planning application has not been received and that the owner has until 30 October to submit an application or proceedings will commence or direct action will be taken to take the garage down.
-Waterlands Chalet - HDC advised on the 22 October 2007 that they are obtaining evidence of residential occupancy to enable an enforcement notice to be served.

-Red Lyon Public House – progress on frontage. Madeleine Hartley, Team Leader Enforcement HDC advised 16 October 2007 that WSCC Highways will replace the unauthorised surface at the front of the Red Lyon with rolled tarmac and pea shingle. The costs incurred will be charged to the Public House. Cllr. Nye hoped that the work would be completed within six months.

-Old Telephone Exchange - Cllr. Burke appraised the Parish Council of this application that dates back to 2002. Cllr. Burke and the clerk are communicating with HDC to obtain more information on the planned lay-by. Concern was raised over vehicles parking on the road whilst construction is taking place. The clerk and Cllr. Burke will investigate this further.

351/07 Report from County Councillor

Cllr. Hodgson provided a report on the following matters:

  • Bridle Path 1630 has been resurfaced.
  • Speed Restrictions are an issue for many of the councillor’s parishes. Cllr. Hodgson will recommend that a County Local Committee meeting be held in the New Year. Letters will be sent to the various parishes and the matter will be dealt with in public, allowing members to speak. This is likely to take place mid-2008.
  • The double fatality on the A29.
  • Post Offices have now been reviewed; the results will be available in January 2008.
  • Cllr. Burke was congratulated on his achievements with regards to the ‘Missing Link’.

352/07 Report from District Councillors

Cllr. Nye provided an update on the Red Lyon Public House as detailed in 350/07. He also advised that there were strong feelings with regards to the West of Horsham Masterplan and confirmed that the preferred approach was Option 1 (Dual Carriageway).

353/07 Land West Of Horsham Consultation – response to published documentation and Stakeholders meeting

A discussion took place with regards to the ‘options’ following the publication of the consultation document. Cllr. Hodgson related the differing views of Warnham and Broadbridge Heath. Cllr. Mawer related his observations and those of Cllr. Grundy following her attendance at the Stakeholders Meeting. Cllr. Jefferys gave his views following a review of the consultation document. The Parish Council agreed that their response should be from a Slinfold perspective and voted unanimously for the preferred option 1 (dual carriageway). This will be conveyed to HDC prior to the deadline on 5th November.

354/07 Six Acres – Adoption of Land

Cllr. Mawer advised that he is waiting for a response from our solicitors.

355/07 KGV – Progress Update

Cllr. Mawer advised that his report is in progress and that this will be circulated prior to the next meeting.

356/07 KGV – School Safety Zone – response from Parish Council

Cllr. Hodgson advised that he had received a revised plan from Kate Smith, WSCC regarding the proposed markings and signage for the zone outside the school. Both Cllr. Hodgson and the clerk had received representations from residents who were opposed to the proposed changes. Cllr. Hodgson advised that this is a national initiative to ensure that the areas outside schools are safer; WSCC are keen to lay red road and ‘SLOW’ markings measuring 9.6 metres outside Hall Lands (A29 approach) and in The Street to raise awareness of the school’s position but that no further signage was proposed.

The Parish Council were strongly opposed to road markings in The Street as this would be in the heart of the Conservation Area and are unnecessary given the layout of the road but agreed that markings outside Hall Lands would slow traffic approaching from the A29. Cllr. Hodgson agreed to feedback to Kate Smith, WSCC on this basis. The Parish Council will also communicate that they would object to any change other than the markings outside Hall Lands.

357/07 Highways Matters

  • The Missing Link (Baystone Bridge to Christ’s Hospital Railway Station). Cllr. Burke presented the Order Decision made by the Planning Inspectorate dated 11 October 2007. The Parish Council conveyed thanks to Cllr. Burke for his tenacity and hard work in connection with this project.
  • Cllr. Harding advised that the route around the end of Hayes Lane/Lyons Road to the Post Office/Church is unsafe for motability scooter users. Cllr. Skeates will investigate and report to the clerk.
  • The Parish Council confirmed that it is not economical to repair the latch on the Downs Link gate in Hayes Lane.
  • Cllr. Harding advised that the drains and gullies need clearing to prevent flooding. The Parish Council requested that the clerk arrange for WSCC Highways to clear these mid-November.
  • Both cycle stands have been collected and have been offered to the Sports Association. Cllr. White awaits a response.

358/07 Youth Club – Decision on re-start