13th March 2013

Dear Parent(s)/Carer,

As part of our participation in the BBC News School Report, the BBC has offered us a free tour of BBC Broadcasting House on Friday 22nd March 2013.

As your daughter is part of the BBC News School Report team she has the opportunity to come on the trip.

The trip will be completely free as travel has been arranged at no cost; however your daughter will need to bring a packed lunch on the day.

We will be leaving school at 10:40am and catching the 11:02am train to London Victoria from Carshalton where we will catch the Victoria Line to Oxford Circus. The BBC Broadcasting House is a 5 minute walk from Oxford Circus tube station.

We will have time to eat lunch before the tour. After the tour has finished we will catch the Victoria line back to London Victoria then catch the 15:17pm train back to Carshalton. We would expect to be back at school no later than 16:00pm.

More information about the tour can be found on the BBC website:


If you wish your daughter to participate, please return the reply slip to guarantee your daughter’s place on the trip.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. K Dunk

Teacher of Film and Media Studies

REPLY SLIP: Return to Mr K Dunk, Media Studies by Monday 18th March 2013

Visit: BBC Broadcasting House on Friday 22nd March (Please TICK the statements to give permission)

Daughter’s name: ______Tutor Group: ______

I give permission for my daughter to take part in the above visit, I confirm that a Generic School Consent Form has been signed and returned to the school.

I agree to my daughter travelling from Carshalton station to the venue accompanied.

I agree to my daughter travelling home from Carshalton station at around 16.00hrs.

My daughter is in receipt of Free School Meals and will require a packed lunch on the day.

I agree to my daughter walking home from Carshalton train station


I will be collecting my daughter from school at around 16.00hours.

Signed: ______Date: ______

PRINT NAME: ______

References//Open Ref/Amber PEARCE/