Pennbrook Middle School
Monday, February1,2016
“B” Day, Cycle 16
School Day 92/Remaining Days 88
7th Grade Common Homeroom
Reminder: Students are to be in their Homerooms at 8:00am daily. Due to an increase in after-school activities, especially on Fridays, there may be additional traffic in the drop-off lane. Please plan accordingly.
8/9 Course Selection Assembly: Penn Time
Reading Olympics: 3:00-4:00pm
Dance Team Practice: 3:00-4:00pm
NPSD Wind Ensemble: 7:00pm
The PennbrookBook Fair is here! Today through February 5th you will be able to browse a spectacular selection of books, posters, and other merchandise in the Pennbrook IMC. Come out to see what’s hot this year and pick up a book or two that you like. Each visitor to the Book Fair will be entered into a drawing to win a free book! We’ll pick one winner each day of the fair. Whether you visit the fair with a class or stop by during Penn Time, you won’t want to miss the Pennbrook Book Fair!
The Valentine Dance is this Friday, February 5!
All 8th and 9th graders are invited to attend! Guests from other schools are permitted when you bring in a completed guest form (available on Pennbrook’s website) at the time of the ticket purchase.
Tickets will be on sale at lunchWednesday through Friday this week for $5.00
Tickets will be sold at the door to Pennbrook students for $7.00.
No guest tickets may be purchased at the door.
There will be a DJ, a selfie station, free food and drinks, and door prizes!
See Miss Pearcey in Room 52 or Miss Seiler in Room 62 with questions.
Art Club will meet on February 11 from 3:00-5:00 pm.
Dance Team practice is after school from 3:00-4:00 pm in Room 91 every Monday and Friday. See Miss D’Abbene for details.
North Penn will be having their boys spring track interest meeting on Feb. 2 in the K pod computer lab after school. Coach Jones will stay to meet with any 9th grader interested. If you cannot attend the meeting everything you need tom know is on Coach Jones’ website. Informational packets can be picked up in the main office later this week.
Interested in playing girls lacrosse for North Penn High School in the Spring? There will be a mandatory parent/player meeting on Thursday, February 18 at 7:00 in room C039. This is only for 9th graders that have a high degree of lacrosse skill and the dedication/time required to play on the Varsity team.
Hey Flyers fans-keep reading. You have until Monday morning to get your book recommendations to Mrs. Cassel. So c’mon Pennbrook, tell us all “What should Matt Read?”
7th & 8th Grade spring sports will start on Monday, March 21.
9th Grade Spring Sports will start on Monday, March 14.
For the most up-to-date and complete Pennbrooksports information, please visit Pennbrook’s Athletic Welcome Page. This can be found under the “Our School” tab: “Pennbrook Athletics.”
For sports information/questions, please call 215-853-1603 or email Mrs.
Kohler at
Sports of the Week: Feb 1, 2016
Date / Sport / Location / Dismiss / Pick Up / Bus#Mon 2/1 / 9 Boys Basketball / @ Penndale / 2:10
Tues 2/2 / 7/8 Boys Basketball
9 Boys Basketball / @Pennfield
@Quakertown / 2:10
Wed 2/3 / 7/8 Boys Basketball / @Penn View / 2:10
Thurs 2/4 / 9 Boys Basketball / Home vs. Hatboro Horsham / 2:50
Fri 2/5
Date / High SchoolSport
(all 9th graders) / Location / Dismiss / Pick Up / Bus #
Mon 2/1 / Boys and Girls Bowling vs. Plymouth Whitemarsh / Facenda Whitaker / 2:20
Tues 2/2 / Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball / Home vs. Souderton
@Souderton / Shuttle
Wed 2/3 / Boys and Girls Bowling vs. Pennridge (Senior Night)
Boys and Girls Swimming / Earl Bowl Lanes
@Pennsbury / 2:00
Thurs 2/4 / Girls Basketball
(Senior Night)
Boys Basketball / Home vs. Hatboro Horsham
@Hatboro Horsham / Shuttle
Fri 2/5
Sat.2/6 / .
Need help writing your paper?
Need help editing a paper?
Need help revising a paper you already wrote?
Come see Miss Senderling in the
Where?? - Room 90
When?? - Penn Time any day of the week!
Pass?? – Get a purple pass from your teacher
Bring a paper or writing assignment fromANY SUBJECT AREA
that you would like help with. Miss Senderling will be happy to work with
you to perfect your paper!
Math Support is available all students every morning at 7:40AM in the IMC-7. Please bring your books and handouts!
The Math Center is open during Penn Time in room 89.
All students are welcome.
Please get a purple pass from your HR teacher.
Mrs. Lyon and Mrs. DiLuigi
Please be aware that you can obtain information regarding the Jr. ROTC Program from the High School by clicking on the JROTC/teacher site below:
ThePennbrook IMC is open after school for student use, from 3:00-5:00pm on Thursdays.
Students are able to use the IMC for homework, research, projects, test preparation, and all related academic activities. The late bus is available on Thursdays as well.
Pennbrook Sports . . .Late Buses run onTuesdays and Thursdays at 5:00pm.
High School Sports . . .Late Buses from North Penn run Mondays, Wednesdays& Thursdays.
There is a 3:00 pm Sports shuttle (BUS #29) from Pennbrook to the High School
To schedule an appointment with Mr. Galante, please call 215-853-1600 or email Mrs. McConaghy at
Student Absences:
All absences should be made by a phone call, note, email or fax. If you have reported the absence to attendance by anyone of these means, you DO NOT have to notify the school in any other way. If your student arrives late, they must present an excuse for tardiness at the attendance office. If a phone call, email, note or fax is not received by the attendance office, the absence will be unexcused.
(please note that you must have the underscore _ before the PBAttendance when emailing)
Fax: 215-699-0151 Attn: Attendance Office
Call: Attendance at 215-853-1602 or the main office at 215-699-9287
Days Absent:When a student is absent for three or more days a request can be made for missed assignments through Mrs. Behrens or by emailingYou can also check your student’s teacher’s web page on Pennbrook’s website. Most teachers post their assignments on a regular basis.
Vacation:If going on vacation during the school year please make sure to send a note at leastone week in advance to the Attendance Office. If your absence will exceed ten school days, you will need to contact Mrs. Amy Keller, Registrar, at 215-368-0400 to make an appointment to re-register before returning to school.
Student Pickup: For questions or information on picking up your child during the school day, please call 215-853-1601 or email Mrs. Behrens at
Lunch Accounts:Remember to put money into your child’s lunch account. It is very easy with the new program: and follow the on-screen instructions to create an account. There is also a toll free number (1-866-821-0306) that families can call to make payments and check their student’s account, if they do not have access to the internet. There is a charge of 4.75% each time a deposit is made through MyPaymentsPlus. Please note these fees do not go to NPSD, but is the cost of online transactions with MyPaymentsPlus. Families can benefit by this system because it allows you to: make payments using a credit card, debit card or check; check account balances online and via a toll free phone number; auto-pay a student’s account when it reaches a low balance; receive notifications when a student’s account balance is low; view a student account balance 24/7; monitor student purchases to what they are purchasing; inform the cafeteria staff about your child’s food allergies which will enable a computerized reminder system to prompt cashiers to review the student’s purchase for possible reactions.
Visitors:All visitors to Pennbrook are required to show their NPSD staff ID or a driver’s license at our reception desk. If you are coming to an IEP, Team or Teacher meeting or to volunteer, you must show your license and register with our new security system.
Student Illness/Nurse:Students should not be using cell phones to call home when they are ill. Students need to visit the Nurse and the Nurse should contact the parents to come and pick up their student. Please remind your children regarding this rule.
Id Cards are available from Mrs. Lancia in the Guidance Office for $3.00.
Late Bus: North Penn School District runs a late bus every Tuesday and Thursday. Students are picked up from Pennbrook at 5:15PM.
Bus Pass Reminder:In order to ride home with a friend on a different bus, a student must get a bus pass from the main office. Each student must have a note from a parent authorizing the bus pass and must include the names of all students involved, the date and a parent’s signature. If a note is forgotten, only then, can an email be sent in its place by no later than 10:00AM of that day. The email address is . Verbals over the phone are not acceptable. Also, all requests must be made by the end of Lunch Study; which is 11:53. Bus Passes will not be given out after this time. NO bus passes on early dismissal days per Transportation Department.
INFORMATION CHANGES:If the home address, home/cell phone number or guardianship of your child changes, please contact the Guidance Secretary, Mrs. Lancia at or call 215-853-1610.
Parents Please Note:If you are withdrawing your student from Pennbrook due to a family move or changing to another school within the District or out of state – please email Mrs. Lancia, Guidance Secretary,, so records can be copied and sent. Mrs. Lancia will email you the forms necessary so she can withdraw your student.