Mrs. Warlick’s

ABC’s of First Grade

Your Reference for First Grade

A – Attendance/Absences (and tardies)

Attendance is very important at New Hope. However, if Your Child becomes ill before leaving for school, please keep him/her at home. When your child returns to school after an absence, you must send a note the following day to school.

The note should include the following information:

  1. Child's name
  2. Date of absence
  3. Reason for absence
  4. Parent/guardian signature

Please refer to the student handbook and the attendance letter in your open house packet for excused absences and tardies.

Tardies - If your child arrives at school after 7:45 a.m. an adult must sign the child in at the office. A tardy slip is then given to the child to give to his/her teacher.

We encourage good attendance and New Hope Elementary and even give rewards to those who are at school every day! If your child is at school every day for the first two weeks of school, they will receive a “No Homework Pass.”

B – Birthdays/Book Clubs

Birthdays are special occasions for all of the children. Many students enjoy sharing their special day with their school friends. Birthday cakes or treats are allowed at school but have to be eaten during lunchtime only. Please no candies, hats, horns, or favors. Balloons or glass containers may not be taken on the school bus. Birthday parties are not allowed in the classroom.

I will be sending home book club forms (from Scholastic) each month for you to purchase books for your child at a reduced rate. Book orders will also help us to earn Free books for our classroom. You do not have to participate in ordering books, however, if you choose to participate, please make checks payable to Scholastic Book Club.

C - Conferences

I will hold conferences throughout the school year so that we can discuss your child's progress and any areas of concern. If you would like to request a conference please do not hesitate. You may jot a little note in the parent/teacher communication section of their agenda.

D - Donations

Donations are always appreciated in our classroom. Items that are needed throughout the year:

  • expos
  • Small toys for the prize box (happy meal toys)
  • Clorox wipes
  • Treats (individually wrapped or small packets of M&,M's, "smarties", sweet tarts, skittles, etc.)

-Paper towels

E - Early Dismissals

If you must pick your child up early, sign him/her out at the office first. You may not come down to the classroom, out to the playground, or leave the lunchroom with your child to check them out. The office will use the intercom to call your child to the office, after you have signed them out. Only people listed on your child's emergency form will be permitted to check your child out early.

F - Field Trips

Information on field trips will be given to you as the date approaches.

G – Games/Toys

Games, toys, stuffed animals, bubbles, Pokémon cards, etc… are not allowed. PLEASE make sure your child leaves these things at home.

H – Homework

I give homework because it is useful in reinforcing what has been taught in class, teaches responsibility, helps students develop positive study habits, and enables you to see your child’s strengths and weaknesses. Homework assignments can be found on the weekly newsletter, and sent home Mondays. It does not need to be turned in until Friday morning.

I - Information on Health

Contagious Diseases: If your child has pink eye or any other disease (chicken pox, impetigo, etc.), he/she should stay home from school for as long as the doctor advises. Sickness: If your child becomes ill at school, the teacher will send your child to the school clinic. The nurse will contact a parent/guardian or person listed on the emergency forms if warranted. It is imperative that you list the name and telephone number of at least two people on the emergency forms to be contacted locally in case the school cannot reach you.

Medication: If your child takes medication he/she must take it in the office where it is stored. Teachers are not allowed to dispense medication to students. Please fill out and return the form about medication located in your packet.

J – Journals

Students will write in journals daily. This is a chance for students to be creative and express their thoughts while incorporating skills learned in class. You will be amazed as you watch their skills develop this year!


K – Keep Up!

You can "keep up" with all class info by using the “Bee book” Bring Everything Everyday. The binder you purchased this year will be brought to and from school everyday. It will be used to store lunch money, phonics notebook, sight word folder, agenda, etc. There is a sheet in your packet explaining the bee book. On Wednesday you will receive your child’s weekly graded papers in the blue communication folder. The graded papers on the left side must be signed and returned.

L - Lunch/Meals/Snack
  • Your child may bring his/her lunch from home or our cafeteria staff offers a nutritious lunch. Student lunches will be $2.20 a day and breakfast is available for $1.15.Extra milk costs $.30. Please send check/money in your child’s bee book. If you are sending a check, your phone number must be listed on the check. Free and reduced lunch/breakfast applications will be given out in your child's school information packet.
  • New Hope uses computers and bar codes to keep up with paid lunches. If you send a $5 bill, all will have to be applied to lunch. Change from lunch will not be made to pay for ice cream, so lunch and ice cream money should be separate. Your child is responsible for keeping up with and turning in money.
  • You must contact me to pre-order salad or sandwich trays. You are more than welcome to come and eat with your child. If you come to eat with your child, you need to sit with your child up on stage, or at the visitors table. You will not be able to sit with your child’s class. If you are bringing a special treat for the class, (i.e. cupcakes, cookies, etc.) please check with your child’s teacher first. Some students may have certain food allergies. If you are bringing in a special treat, please make sure that you bring in enough for the entire class, not just your child’s closest friends.
  • Your child will be able to purchase tokens for ice cream or slushies on Wednesdays. Tokens cost $1.00. We will post in the newsletter when token sales begin. They can only be purchased in the morning. If your child is tardy the day of token sales, and money has already been turned in, then they may not order an ice cream that day.
  • Snack Policy-This year we will have a morning snack. It will be an individual snack, so each child will bring their own. Because we have so much to learn this year, we will work as we eat. Please send healthy snacks that are not messy. Examples of good snacks include grapes, banana, goldfish, fruit snacks, etc...
  • Drink Policy – Students may bring a water bottle that will not leak or spill. Only water is allowed in class. Therefore, please do not send any other drinks that are not plain clear water unless it remains in their lunchbox for them to take to lunch.
M – Me-Mrs. Warlick

I am happy to be teaching your child here at New Hope this year. I am beginning my 6th year of teaching this year, with all of those here at NHE in first grade!I am certified in grades K through 5th and received my bachelor’s degree and master’s degrees from Mercer University. I look forward to working with and getting to know you and your child this year! My email address is .

N - Newsletters

A weekly newsletter can be found on the first grade website. The newsletter will contain spelling words, home work, skills being taught; upcoming events, and important announcements. If you do not have internet access please let me know.

O - Open Communication

If you need to share a question, comment, or concern with me, please feel free to write a note in your child's agenda, email me, call me at the school (leavea message with the secretary or call me after 2:30), or schedule an appointment for a conference. Communication is very important for developing relationships. My email address

P - Phonics

Phonics is the foundation for reading. The spiral notebook that you have provided will be used as a phonics notebook and should come home daily. Your child will write the phonetic concept that was taught that day and examples using that concept. Part of their homework is to review the rules and have your child read the words to you. Phonics tests will be given weekly. The will be given dictation sentences and will be expected to apply phonics concepts learned this week or previously. Sentences will also be graded for correct capitalization, punctuation and finger spacing.

Q – Quizzes

Phonics, and reading comprehension tests will be on Fridays. Math, science, and social studies assessments will be given periodically throughout the grading periods. I will send home graded papers on Wednesday. This will give you a chance to see the progress your child is making. Your child’s assessments will be stapled together. If your child makes a 3 on the assessments then, they are understanding the standard. A 2 on a paper would mean they are making progress and you need to review the problems that they got wrong with your child. A 1 on the assignment indicates that your child is not understanding and needs some extra practice and review. A 0 on the assignment indicates that your child has made no progress toward achieving the standard.

Please sign the sheet and return the assessment packet no later than Friday. You may keep the work that is not stapled.

R – Rules

An explanation of the school behavior plan was given out at open house.


Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself

Never give up

Include others

Give your best everyday

Have work completed

Talk only at appropriate times and places

Show respect for yourself and others at all times open house.

Students Who Behave Will Earn:

  • Praise from teacher and staff
  • Positive notes, candy, small prizes, certificates, etc.
  • Fun Friday once a month if 85% of points are earned

It is in your child’s best interest that we work together in relationship to his/her schooling. Therefore, your child’s agenda will be used to document their behavior. There is a box in the agenda for conduct that will reflect how many points your child has for the day. The agenda will be used for communication between the two of us regarding behavior and academic work. Please initial the agenda nightly. The school policy states that a student will lose 1 point each day their agenda is not signed.


Standards are what students should know and be able to do. We will be using the Common Core Georgia Performance standards (known as CCGPS). Your child will be assessed and evaluated throughout the year on the standards. You will be given more information regarding the Standards Based Report Card as the year progresses.

You may view the standards on the Georgia Department of Education website

T - Transportation

Car Riders:

If your child is a "car rider":

In the morning…

  • Use the circular driveway in the front of the school.
  • Please do not drop your child OFF before 7:05. No one will be on duty to supervise your child before this time.

In the afternoon...

  • You must have your designated tag in your car in order to pick up your child. We may not place a child in your car without a tag.
  • You may not park and come pick up your child. You need to stay in your vehicle.
  • Single car riders will be in the left hand lane and family car riders need to stay in the right hand lane.
  • Wait INSIDE your car for pickup instructions from designated school personnel.
  • If your child forgets their tag, you will be notified and will need to pull around and park your vehicle and come into the office to get them. We can only place children in the car if both parties have corresponding tags (parent and child). This is for the safety of all children.

Day Care:

Please let me know which daycare your child will attend.

Bus information:

If your child is going to ride the bus to and from school, check with the school office to get the correct bus assignments. For pick-up/drop-off location and times call the transportation department at 770-957-2025. If your child is riding a bus to a place other than his/her home (i.e. day care, babysitters, etc.) Please let me know! Children may not ride a bus home with their friend. They are only allowed to ride their designated bus. Please review with your child his/her bus number.

After School Program (ASEP): There is an After School Program available from 2:30-6:00. You must register your child for the program, if you wish for them to attend. Money for the program should be paid separately at the After School desk.

** If your child's mode of transportation changes, a written note is required. The note must be on a separate sheet of paper (please do not write it in the agenda). The note needs to include the child’s first and last name, the date that the change will occur, and the parent signature. Telephone messages will not be an acceptable way to make these changes. However, a signed faxed message with your driver’s license is acceptable.**

U-Units of Study

We will be learning a lot this year. Information will be given in the newsletter.

V - Volunteering

The best way to get to know our school, make friends, and feel a part of our school is through volunteering. Please join PTO and inquire about volunteering. I will need parent volunteers for various activities throughout the year. If you are interested in volunteering your time and talents, please fill out the VOLUNTEER sheet and return with your child. I will need room parents, parents to read to the class or with individual students, etc… I’m looking forward to having a GREAT GROUP of parents to work with this year!!

W - We are a Team!
Please feel free to talk to me any time you have comments, concerns, or questions regarding your child. I feel it is our job to work together as parent and teacher to help your child have a successful year!
X – Extra Special

We have lots of fun and exciting experiences in First grade! Crafts, field trips, reading, and making class books are just some examples. At the end of the year all first graders will receive a participation award. Students can also earn an attendance award if they have perfect attendance. Each teacher will choose 1 student to receive a citizenship award too. The art, music and PE teachers give 1 award per classroom for outstanding performance.

Y - You

Congratulations! You are the parent of a first-grader! You will be amazed at just how much your child will grow this year. Most likely, your child has had the seeds of reading and writing planted and during first grade; those seeds will grow and blossom, making your child an accomplished reader and writer! The change will be dramatic --- just compare a tiny seed with a full-grown sunflower! That's the kind of growth you'll see this year!


Please help your child get enough zzzz’s! Our school day is very full and a good night’s rest will help them be successful at school.

Let's Have a Terrific Year of Learning!