Freedom of InformationA
FOI 6266Response
- What services are available to support your populations to change their lifestyle behaviours (including smoking cessation, healthy eating, maintaining a healthy weight, physical activity and drinking responsibly)?
- Are these services accessible by people living with or beyond cancer?
- Do these services follow the appropriate NICE guidance?
- How are these services delivered i.e. face to face (individual or group); digitally (text, email) etc?
- Are there any inclusion or exclusion criteria?
- How long does the service last i.e. how long is an individual supported to change their lifestyle behaviour?
Please use the table below to answer the questions above for each lifestyle behaviour
Smoking cessation (add rows as appropriate)
Service Name / Brief description / NICE guidance followed(e.g. PH1; PH6; PH10; PH46; PH48; PH49) / Delivery method (e.g. Individual, face to face, group, mail, phone, digital – text; email etc) / Accessible by people living with or beyond cancer / Inclusion / exclusion criteria / Length of the support (e.g. 12 week programme of support)
STOP! / STOP is an evidence-based, NCSCT accredited stop smoking service serving LLR. / •NICE (PH 45) (2013)
•NICE Guidance (PH 26) June 2010
•NICE Pathways: Smoking Prevention and Cessation in Schools. January 2014.
•NICE (PH 10) (2008)
•NICE (TA 123) (2007)
•NICE Guidance (PH15).
•NICE (TA 39) (2002) / STOP offers 1 to 1, groups, home visits, telephone and text support. / Yes / STOP services are available to anyone 12 and over who lives, works or is registered to a GP in Leicestershire or Rutland. / Up to 12 weeks
Healthy Weight (add rows as appropriate)
Service Name / Brief description / NICE guidance followed(e.g. (e.g. PH6; PH49;PH53; CG43) / Delivery method (e.g. Individual, face to face, group, mail, phone, digital – text; email) / Accessible by people living with or beyond cancer / Inclusion / exclusion criteria / Length of the support (e.g. 12 week programme of support)
LEAP (tier 2) weight Management Programme / Dietetic lead service for patients with BMI >28 with co-morbidities. / PH29, PH53, NG27
Interventions by the service provide must comply with the following in line with the following (not exhaustive) list of service delivery standards:-
- Overweight and obese adults: lifestyle weight management (2014)
- Obesity: the prevention, identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and children (2006) CG43
- Four commonly used methods to increase physical activity: brief interventions in primary care, exercise referral schemes, pedometers and community based exercise programmes for walking and cycling (2006) PH02
- Behaviour change the principles for effective interventions (2007) PH06
- Maternal and child nutrition (2008) PH11
- Prevention of cardiovascular disease (2010) PH25
- Weight management before, during and after pregnancy (2010) PH27
- Preventing type 2 diabetes – population and community interventions (2011) PH35
- Preventing type 2 diabetes – risk identification and interventions for individuals at high risk (2012) PH38
- Obesity: working with local communities (2012) PH42
- Assessing body mass index and waist circumference thresholds for intervening to prevent ill health and premature death among adults from black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups in the UK (2013) PH46
- Behaviour change: individual approaches (2014) PH49
Weightwatchers / Tier 1 weight management service / PH29, PH53, NG27
Interventions by the service provide must comply with the following in line with the following (not exhaustive) list of service delivery standards:-
- Overweight and obese adults: lifestyle weight management (2014)
- Obesity: the prevention, identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and children (2006) CG43
- Four commonly used methods to increase physical activity: brief interventions in primary care, exercise referral schemes, pedometers and community based exercise programmes for walking and cycling (2006) PH02
- Behaviour change the principles for effective interventions (2007) PH06
- Maternal and child nutrition (2008) PH11
- Prevention of cardiovascular disease (2010) PH25
- Weight management before, during and after pregnancy (2010) PH27
- Preventing type 2 diabetes – population and community interventions (2011) PH35
- Preventing type 2 diabetes – risk identification and interventions for individuals at high risk (2012) PH38
- Obesity: working with local communities (2012) PH42
- Assessing body mass index and waist circumference thresholds for intervening to prevent ill health and premature death among adults from black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups in the UK (2013) PH46
- Behaviour change: individual approaches (2014) PH49
Aged 16 years or more.
Motivated to lose weight.
BMI 25 kg/m2 and above
No history of an eating disorder.
Are not pregnant or breastfeeding / 12 weeks
FLIC (Family Lifestyle Club) weight management programme for children & Families / Dietetic lead service for overweight children / PH47
Interventions by the service provide must comply with the following in line with the following (not exhaustive) list of service delivery standards:-
- Obesity: the prevention, identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and children (2006) CG43
- Four commonly used methods to increase physical activity: brief interventions in primary care, exercise referral schemes, pedometers and community based exercise programmes for walking and cycling (2006) PH02
- Behaviour change the principles for effective interventions (2007) PH06
- Maternal and child nutrition (2008) PH11
- Promoting physical activity in the workplace (2008) PH13
- Promoting physical activity in children and young people (2009) PH17
- Obesity: working with local communities (2012) PH42
- Assessing body mass index and waist circumference thresholds for intervening to prevent ill health and premature death among adults from black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups in the UK (2013) PH46
- Overweight and obese children and young people: lifestyle weight management services 2013 (PH47)
- Behaviour change: individual approaches (2014) PH49
Healthy Eating (add rows as appropriate)
Service Name / Brief description / NICE guidance followed(e.g. PH6; PH49;PH53; CG43) / Delivery method (e.g. Individual, face to face, group, mail, phone, digital – text; email) / Accessible by people living with or beyond cancer / Inclusion / exclusion criteria / Length of the support (e.g. 12 week programme of support)
Basic Cookery skills / Adult Learning team lead programme to provide basic life skills around buying, preparing, cooking and storage of food /
- Behaviour change: individual approaches (2014) PH49
- Obesity: working with local communities (2012) PH42
Master Gardeners / Development of a network of volunteer Master Gardeners to support communities to grow their own food /
- Behaviour change: individual approaches (2014) PH49
- Obesity: working with local communities (2012) PH42
Alcoholsupport (add rows as appropriate)
Service Name / Brief description / NICE guidance followed(e.g. PH6; PH49; PH24) / Delivery method (e.g. Individual, face to face, group, mail, phone, digital – text; email) / Accessible by people living with or beyond cancer / Inclusion / exclusion criteria / Length of the support (e.g. 12 week programme of support)
CBS- Alcohol Risk Reduction Scheme / Screening and brief advice for adults drinking at increasing or higher risk / PH24 / Individual face to face in GP practices and pharmacies / Yes / U-16’s / Brief intervention (eg 10mins)referral where appropriate
Alcohol Liaison Nurse Service / Hospital based alcohol based harm reduction for those identified as having alcohol related issues / QS11
CG115 / Individual face to face screening, brief interventions, harm reduction advice, preparation for assisted withdrawal, referral / yes / U-18’s / Whilst in hospital setting
Swanswell Substance Misuse Specialist Service / Advice, harm reduction, psychosocial and clinical treatment interventions / Delivered in line with the Department of Health’s Clinical Guidelines for Drug Dependency and Misuse and relevant NICE technical appraisals/guidance. / Individual face to face, support/peer support groups. / yes / none / Dependent on individual care/recovery plan
In-Patient Detoxification Service / Hospital based detox for dependent alcohol users / Delivered in line with the Department of Health’s Clinical Guidelines for Drug Dependency and Misuse and relevant NICE technical appraisals/guidance. / Individual hospital based / Yes / U18’s
Serious acute psychotic morbidity
Serious physical morbidity / Dependent on individual care/recovery plan
Criminal Justice Substance Misuse Service / Advice, harm reduction, psychosocial and clinical treatment interventions for people involved in the criminal justice system / Delivered in line with the Department of Health’s Clinical Guidelines for Drug Dependency and Misuse and relevant NICE technical appraisals/guidance. / Individual face to face, support/peer support groups. / Yes / U-18’s / Dependent on individual care/recovery plan
Physical Activity support (add rows as appropriate)
Service Name / Brief description / NICE guidance followed(e.g. PH6; PH49; PH2; PH13; PH16; PH44; PH54) / Delivery method (e.g. Individual, face to face, group, mail, phone, digital – text; email etc) / Accessible by people living with or beyond cancer / Inclusion / exclusion criteria / Length of the support (e.g. 12 week programme of support)
Exercise referral / Targeted tier 2 physical activity programme for inactive patients with medical conditions that benefit from increased physical activity. We currently have a specialist programme for cardiac rehabilitation and are developing plans for new specialist services around cancer , pulmonary rehab, pain management & falls prevention. / Interventions by the service provide must comply with the following in line with the following (not exhaustive) list of service delivery standards:-
- Obesity: the prevention, identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and children (2006) CG43
- Four commonly used methods to increase physical activity: brief interventions in primary care, exercise referral schemes, pedometers and community based exercise programmes for walking and cycling (2006) PH02
- Behaviour change the principles for effective interventions (2007) PH06
- Promoting physical activity in the workplace (2008) PH13
- Promoting physical activity in children and young people (2009) PH17
- Obesity: working with local communities (2012) PH42
- Behaviour change: individual approaches (2014) PH49
Universal Tier 1 Physical activity programmes / A broad range of physical activity programmes, including universal to more targeted activities delivered by District Councils and commercial sector local leisure providers / As above / Varied / Yes as part of wider community / None, although funded activities are increasingly becoming more targeted at specific user groups and populations / Varied
General Behaviour Change
Service Name / Brief description / NICE guidance followed(e.g. PH6; PH49) / Delivery method (e.g. Individual, face to face, group, mail, phone, digital – text; email etc) / Accessible by people living with or beyond cancer / Inclusion / exclusion criteria / Length of the support (e.g. 12 week programme of support)