Mrs. Womack Room

I would first like to welcome you to English I. I am looking forward to a very successful and fun semester with you and your parents. I know that it will be great! It is not always about how smart you are, but it is about how much effort you’re willing to put forth. This is definitely true when it comes to this class. Work hard, and it will pay off for you! 

Course Description:

English I is designed to prepare students for success on the NC Final Exam. The focus of this course is to develop students’ reading, writing, grammar, and communication skills.Students will apply critical thinking to everything that we study. By the end of this course, students will be able to:

read and respond to a variety of texts

answer research questions

make and support an informed opinion

understand different concepts, elements, and literary terms

understand and apply conventions of grammar and language usage

English I Honors focuses not only on the above components, but also focuses more on independent assignments such as out of class projects, out of class reading, in class presentations, etc.

Materials Needed:

  • Three-ring notebook (It will be helpful to have dividers in your binder).
  • Blue and black ink pens, pencils, highlighters
  • Colored pencils
  • College rule notebook paper
  • Honors students are responsible for obtaining and reading four supplementary novels throughout the semester. More information (titles to choose from, corresponding assignments, etc.) about this will come soon.

Late Work:

I expect homework and class work to be turned in on time. Please adhere to all deadlines! Each day, students will place homework in the green basket when they enter, unless instructed to do otherwise. Late assignments are frowned upon, but they will be penalized 10 points for each day they are late. If you miss school, you have three days to make up work before the late policy applies. Students can ask their classmates about missed assignments, or they can ask me before or after class.

Grading (The entire English Department follows the same scales).

CP Scale

Homework (includes classwork)35%A= 100-90

Quizzes15%B= 89-80

Tests25%C= 79-70

Projects25%D= 69-60

F= 59 and below

Honors Scale

Homework (includes class work)25%A= 99-90

Quizzes15%B= 89-80

Tests30%C= 79-70

Projects30%D= 69-60

F= 59 and below

Classroom Expectations:

  • You should be on time for class each day.
  • You should keep a positive attitude and always try your best.
  • You should come to class prepared each day.
  • You should always respect yourself as well as others.
  • You should follow the rules and regulations set forth by Williams High as well as Alamance Burlington School System. (These can be found in the handbook).
  • Absolutely no food is allowed in the classroom.

If a student chooses to break a rule, the consequences are the following:(Except for tardies. For each tardy, students will be given lunch detention.

  1. Warning
  2. Parent contact
  3. 15 minute morning detention with teacher
  4. Administrator referral

*Depending on the severity of the action, these consequences may not follow this order.

Policy on Cheating:

If you are found to be cheating (giving OR receiving help on any assignment without teacher permission), you will receive a zero on the assignment, your parents will be contacted, and you may be referred to an administrator for further disciplinary action. Cheating also includes copying someone else’s ideas from a book, internet site, movie, or other source without citing these sources. This is called plagiarism and will not be tolerated.

*Please be sure to read over this information and share it with your parents, as well. They should sign below. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to discuss them with me.

Thank you!

Parent Signature ______Date ______