Fax(573)365-8458 ***Form must be filled out completely***
Name:Email Address:
Cell Phone:
Boat Make:
Boat Model:
Year Built:
License # or Boat Name:
Where is Boat Located: / Dock: Slip#:
Location of Boat Keys:
Location of Lift Keys /Combination to locks:
OK to winterize my boat after: / (2 weeks advanced notice recommended)
Winterization INCLUDES Engines, generator systems, head systems, washer/dryer, dishwasher, seawater wash down, heat exchangers, shaft coolers,transmission oil coolers, sea strainers, and seacocks. We use blue -100 degree non-toxic, environmentally safe antifreezewith corrosion inhibitors. The water dilution factor increases freeze protection drastically compared to the pink -50 degree antifreeze.
- Unless we have special instructions, after winterizing we will leave the shore power cords as we found them, turn the batteries off and leave the battery charger/ converter OFF. Lampe Marine Maintenance, LLC is not responsible for dead or low batteries in the spring.
- All agreements are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis. If freezing weather sets in before your scheduled winterization date, Lampe Marine Maintenance, LLC cannot assume liability for your boat.
- Holding tank must be empty and fuel tanks need to be 3/4 full. All freezable items such as alcohol, food, drink, etc… must be removed from your boat.
- Rates quoted below are for LABOR ONLY! All materials are additional unless specified.
- Please keep in mind that Lampe MarineMaintenance, LLC cannot control the weather. Therefore, we recommend that all boats are winterized no later than October 15TH. Lampe Marine Maintenance, LLC requires 2 weeks advanced notice to schedule your winterization.
- Lampe Marine Maintenance, LLC will not assume liability for freeze damage of outdrives unless we perform an annual factory-certified outdrive service prior to winterizing.
- Any vessel with closed coolant system-If antifreeze in block is found insufficient, antifreeze will be changed resulting in an additional charge.
- Lampe Marine Maintenance, LLC can not assume responsibility for winterization unless boat is dewinterized by Lampe Marine Maintenance, LLC.
Please complete any special instructions in the section below:
Please check the description that is most like your vessel:(These rates includeLABOR ONLY! Parts are additional unless specified)
W1 16' to 40' in length, 1 engine, with no system, no water, no head, no a/c $100.00
W216' to 40' In length, 1 engine with small water system and head$120.00
W316' to 40' in length, 2engines with no system, no water, no head, no a/c $160.00
W416' to 32' in length, 1 engine with head, water system, a/c &/or generator $175.00
W5 16' to 32' in length, 2 engines with head, water system only $225.00
W6 16' to 32' in length, 2 engines with head, water system, ac and/or generator $275.00
W7Over 32' in length, 2 engines with water system, generator, a/c, washer/dryer (opt) $325.00
WTETriple engine application add $100.00
WO50 Over 50’ in length add $100.00
WPWC Personal water craft $90.00
WAMDInstall Anti-Mildew Bag (2 pack) $11.58
WIFSInstall Fuel Stabilizer per can (treats 30 gal) $9.00
SCService Call (Local Area only) $40.00
SC-RService Call (Remote Area – west of GG bridge or north across Community Toll Bridge) min$65.00
WHOHaul Out-Trailer min $50.00
WHOTLHaul Out-Travel Lift $10.00 per foot
WDSDrive Service (Merc) includes parts and labor $135.00 per drive
OC-SEngine Oil Change (Gas includes parts-up to 7 qts of merc oil/filter-and labor) $115.15 per engine
OC-GGenerator Oil Change (Gas includes parts and labor) $85.24
WDEOCDiesel Engine Oil Change Time and Materials
WDSVDrive Service (Volvo) Time and Materials
WODFOil Disposal Fees $5.00 per service
WFWCFuel/Water Separator Change (includes parts and labor) $31.23 per engine
I have read and agree to the conditions set forth in this agreement. I do hereby authorize Lampe Marine Maintenance to service my watercraft. I have a customer agreement on file at Lampe Marine Maintenance, LLC and authorize the terms set forth in the agreement.
Please bill me at above address Please bill to credit card number on file
Customer Signature Date
P.O Box 1315. * Rocky Mount, MO65072 * Tel:573-392-2999 * Fax: 573-365-8458