RAC Region 3 Teleconference Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2007
1:00 – 2:00 pm Central Time
Missouri hosted this meeting.
Call-in instructions are as follows: Dial 866-685-1580 at the specified time and when prompted enter Conference Code 0009990061 followed by #. These instructions are valid for all future RAC3 calls, until further notice.
1. Introductions – Roll Call (Sandra)
Sandra Larson – Iowa DOT
Dick McReynolds – Kansas DOT
Tommy Nantung – Indiana DOT
Barry Partridge – Indiana DOT
Amy Schutzbach – Illinios DOT
Dave Lippert-Illinios DOT
Bill Stone (for Mara Campbell) – Missouri DOT
Ann Pahnke-Wisconsin DOT
Patty Broers -Illinios DOT
Amy was welcomed and asked to tell a bit about herself. Amy has been with IDOT for over 20 years, mostly on the research side and looks forward to working with those on the RAC Region III committee.
2. RAC Business – Sandra Larson
Sandra noted that there would be a RAC meeting Sunday, January 13, 2008 during the Annual TRB meeting in Washington, D.C. An agenda is expected soon. Strategic Plan for SCOR will be discussed and Dale Peabody of Maine will discuss the summer meeting in July in Maine. Dick added that a regional breakout meeting would probably take place at the end of that RAC meeting. Task groups will be providing updates as well. RAC Region III will then have their own breakout meeting. Sandra asked for agenda items to be included at the January meeting. Tommy suggested that the process for Pooled Fund Studies be clarified and updated. Sandra asked if there was a preference between formal or informal presentations given by individual states on their research activities? The majority preferred informal presentations and Sandra asked they each plan on that for the Region III breakout meeting at TRB in January.
3. Update on RAC/SCOR Business – Sandra Larson
Monique, Dick, and Sandra all attended the SCOR meeting recently in Nevada. Sandra stated that there is nothing formalized regarding the Pooled Fund process. There have been several drafts and Debra Elston of FHWA, reported on this at the RAC/SCOR meeting. Debra indicated there was to be a webinar with all the states to talk about the processes. Once that was completed, information would be sent to all the states. Debra also said that there has been a delay because the financial office has not signed off on the final, formal FHWA process. Something is expected soon. A brief discuss took place regarding the need of a formal letter from lead states, and the use of a FHWA form being needed.
Sandra announced that Marcie Keeney retired; Debra Elston is acting in her position until it can be filled.
Sandra noted that the most significant item discussed at the recent RAC/SCOR meeting was the SCOR Strategic Plan. There is a significant role for RAC and task groups in a companion document that the strategic plan references. The companion document discusses more of how things are going to happen and who is going to do it with the answer being the RAC members and task groups. Closer to January, there should be something sent for review.
Dick informed the group on what Pat Casey shared regarding feedback he received on the 37-page survey. 531 comments and 214 examples of successful applications were received. It will be further reported on at the TRB meeting in January.
4. Discussion on experience with new process for including a private company in pooled fund studies- All
Sandra indicated that she has pooled fund studies that include monies like that, but the monies go directly to CTRE who then puts it in for a portion of the project. Another project that is being done with the University of Iowa on teen drivers that GM has money in on and that goes to the researcher. Lock box procedures are used. But it was suggested that it is easier to have the money go directly to the university and track it your own office.
Ann noted there are some exemptions to the new process.
5. Other business
Dick informed the group that one other item that was on the agenda at the SCOR meeting was the NCHRP problem selection process. Many problem statements that rank fairly high, come in from other AASHTO committees, and are not prioritized and don’t appear to be under a strategic plan. The chairman, Susan Martinovich, of Nevada DOT sent a letter to all the other committee chairs stating that all the statements coming in from the committees need to be prioritized or at least discussed in terms of their strategic thinking. Some committees have complied, some have not. The independent ones coming in from the states did not figure into that.
Sandra reminded everyone that Brenda Douple sent a note regarding the NCHRP Synthesis solicitation that is due in February.
States that submitted problem statements for the NCHRP process, you should have received a note asking if you would like to comment on the FHWA/NCHRP comments that were tied to your problem statements.
Future Conference Calls
January 8, 2008 Wisconsin-host state
March 11, 2008 Illinois host-state
May 13, 2008 Indiana host-state
With no more business the meeting adjourned at 2:35 pm Central Time.