Competition for entry into the International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) 2017


The Worldwise Team of the Geographical Association has launchedits competition designed especially for post 16 geography students. The top four entries in the competition will win places to participate in the International Geography Olympiad 2017 (iGeo) to be held in Serbia from 2 – 8 August 2017.

The Olympiad involves teams from more than40 countries across the world that come together to take part in a range of geographical activities and excursions and to share their culture and friendship. It contains three elements: a written response test, a multimedia test and a fieldwork test.

The official language of the iGeo is English and a country's team will be made up of four secondary school/college students who are aged between 16 and 19 (inclusive) on 30 June 2017. The UK team will be accompanied by two adults who are teacher volunteers with the Geographical Association.

GA Worldwise International Competition

TheWorldwise International Competition question on Global Systems can befound on page3 of this document. Completed answers must be returned to the GA gether with the completed cover sheet (Section 1).All entrants must meet the age requirements and are asked to make their geography teacher aware of their application.

Unless we can obtain sponsorship for this event, all participants will be asked to pay for transport and accommodation for the iGeo competition. We expect this to amount to around £500-£800 and as such participants should plan to raise funds through their own sponsored events.

Please read through the resources and instructions and complete Sections 1 and 2.

Your written answer must be no longer than 1500 words and should be completed in Arial size 11 font.

When you are ready to submit, delete the resources pages and email your section 1 and section 2 to . The closing date for entries is Monday5 December 2016. The winners who will be invited to be part of Team UK in Beijing will be contacted in early January 2017.

Section 1 – Cover Sheet


Home address

Email address

School name and address

Geography teacher's name and contact email address

I confirm that my geography teacher is aware of my application Y/N

I confirm I will be available to be part of Team UK and will be free to travel to Serbia on or before 1 August 2017 Y/N

GCSEs and grades (if known)

AS subjects and grades (if known)

Date of birth Age on 30June 2017

Interests and hobbies

Why would you like to be considered as part of TEAM UK for the Geography International Olympiad?

Section 2 –Competition questions

The national competition for 2017 explores the concepts of causality, systems, equilibrium, feedback, inequality, representation, identity,globalisation,interdependence, migrationand adaptation, sustainability, risk, resilience and thresholds.

“Borders tell us who is divided from whom by political geography. Infrastructure tells us who is connected via functional geography.”

Dr Parag Khanna (Global strategist and author)

Twitter @paragkhanna #CONNECTOGRAPHY

  1. Discuss the extent to which you agree with the quotation by Dr Khanna and that, in the future, global systems and megacities will grow in such ways that borders will have little role to play whilst infrastructure will be the key driving force.

You should support your discussion with examples of ways in which specific borders and infrastructure projects are expected to influence the growth of different global systems and megacities across the globe.

  1. How will such growth affect and influence people and economies in different parts of the world?

You may wish to consider both positive and negative ways in which different groups of people and societies will be affected by the future growth of specific global systems and megacities.

The websites below outline the A level subject content relating to Global systems that support the questions above:

Additional websites to support your initial thinking and planning:


Begin your written answer here:

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