History Africa Notes

April 15, 2004

Class B

v  Trans-Saharan Trade

Ø  Berbers

§  Controlled trade routes

·  Camels

·  Invented saddles

·  Raiders and plunderers

·  Controlled oasis towns

·  Poisoned wells

·  Forced people to use the Berbers as guides

§  Trade

·  Gold

·  Salt

¨  Preserves food

¨  Counteracts dehydration

·  Slaves

§  Location

·  Niger River

·  Senegal River

v  Ghana

Ø  “War Chief”

Ø  King

Ø  Big Armies

§  (20,000+ men)

§  1000 just to protect the king

Ø  Social Hierarchy

§  Aristocrats

§  Merchants

§  Farmers

§  Slaves

Ø  How king gets power

§  Control the gold (value)

§  Taxes/duties

·  Imports and exports

·  More on exports to keep goods within Ghana

§  Royal Estate

·  People farm land, but pay tribute to king

§  Tributary States

·  Other rulers divide country to divide rulership

§  King controls all

Ø  Divided by religion (50/50)

§  Muslims

·  12 mosques

·  Imam- religious head

·  Muezzins- caller of prayers

§  El Ghaba

·  Animism- belief in the sole of everything

·  Very protection

¨  Had wall protecting them from others

Ø  Soninke

Ø  King likes Muslims because they bring many thing- politics, education

Ø  How to become King

§  Matrilineal

·  Son of the king’s sister becomes king

·  Normally eldest sister’s eldest son

v  Mali

Ø  Sundiata

§  1230-1255

§  Trade with Europe begun

§  Capital=Niani

Ø  Mansa Musa

§  1312-1337

§  Pilgrimage to Mecca

·  Value of gold in Cairo decreases

¨  12 years to recover

·  Mali on map

¨  Everyone wanted to know who those extravagant people were

·  Al-Saheli (mosque architect)

·  Exposure to Mediterranean World

·  Change to Muslim dress

·  Timbuktu (formerly only trade center)

¨  Becomes a social/educational center

¨  Berbers no longer in control of the city

·  Trade routes under royal control

¨  Mansa Musa’s people are now guides

·  Expand in all directions

Ø  Mansa=King

v  Songhai

Ø  Sunni Ali (1464- 1492)

§  Denounces Muslims

§  Leads military conquests

§  Tries to kill Muslims

§  Muslims revolt

§  Leaders of the revolt are killed

Ø  Askia Muhammad (1493- 1598)

§  Muslim

§  Documents were written degrading Sunni Ali

·  All good records were destroyed except about war


·  Good relations with Cairo caliph

·  Gives gold

¨  Somewhat bad for economy

¨  Alms to the poor

·  Makes a hostel for pilgrims that encourages his people to go to Mecca

·  Centralized Bureaucracy

¨  Nepotism

·  Control of territory

¨  Land

Ø  Cavalry

§  Horses

§  Chainmail

¨  Water

Ø  War Canoes

·  Religion for support of people

·  Standardizes weights and measures

¨  Influence on trade