First Circular

Announcement & Call for Papers

9th International Symposium on Weatherability (ISW)

3rdInternational Workshop on Polymer Degradation and Stability

(March2829, 2013 at JAIST Tokyosatellite campus at Shinagawa Inter City Bldg.Tokyo,Japan)


We take pleasure in inviting you to participate and present a paper in the 9th InternationalSymposium on Weatherability (ISW)combinedwith 3rdInternational Workshop on Polymer Degradation and Stabilityto be held in Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (JAIST) Tokyo satellite campus at Shinagawa Inter City Bldg. Tokyo Japan on March28 and 29 2013organized by Materials life society (MLS) and JAIST.

MLS is the only organization in Japan for study specially on weatherlability, durability and life time prediction of many kinds of industrial products or materials more than 20 years since its establishment in 1988.

These meetings will provide good opportunity to meet each other of experts from industry and institute of all over the world.

Main Topics in 2013 are:

- Weathering of Plastics and Coatings or relevant materials

- Stabilization of Polymers and Mechanisms

- Correlation Field and Laboratory Tests

- Analysis of Polymer Degradation

- Determination or Simulation of Relevant Climatic Factors

- New Test Procedures and Devices

- Standardization

- etc


Official language will be English


Contributions to the Symposium can either be presented as 30min oral presentations or as posters.

Please submit an abstract not exceeding 300 words together with the exact title and name(s) of the author(s) and the type of presentation (oral/poster) by e-mail to

Ms.Emiko Arai

Materials life society, Japan (MLS).

2-6-8 Kayaba-cho nihonbashi Chuo Word Tokyo, Japan


The papers will be published in the Symposium Proceedings, which will appear at the beginning of the event. Guidelines on how to prepare thecamera ready text is shown in the last page.

Submission of Registration Form , abstract and camera ready manuscripts

Registration form, Abstract not exceeding 300 words and camera ready manuscripts (see last page) together with the exact title and name(s) of the author(s) by e-mail to :

Ms.Emiko Arai

Materials life society, Japan (MLS).

2-6-8 Kayaba-cho nihonbashi Chuo Ward Tokyo, Japan



Submission of abstract : November30, 2012

Submission of camera ready manuscripts : January 28 , 2013

Invited Speakers (Decided up to now)

Prof.Graeme George (AUS)

Prof. Jacques LACOSTE(FRN)

Dr. Mathew Celina(USA)

Organizing Committee


KURODA (Gunma Univ.)

KURIYAMA(Yamagata Univ.)

ITO (WasedaUniv.)

TAKIZAWA(Bridgestone Co.)

SATO(Tohoku Electronic Industrial Co.,Ltd.)





International Symposium on Weatherability ISW is being organized on behalf of Materials life society (MLS), Japan.

Participation Fee

Participation fee is ¥20,000 (about 250US$). This fee does not include welcome party fee, which is another ¥4,000 (about 50US$).

Registration fee must be paid in cash on arrival at venue.

Conference Venue

The symposium will be held in JAIST Tokyosatellite campus atShinagawa Inter City Bldg. It takes only five minutes walk from JR Shinagawa station. Shinagawa station is located in the center of Tokyo.It takes 20 minute from JR Tokyo station by train.

Address:2-15-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-6019 JAPAN


Accommodation for the Symposium will be booked through the web site.

Registration form

Type of participation / Oral presentation / Poster / Audit
Name/First name/Title
Title of presentation
Abstract within 300 words for oral presentation.