377 Main Street, Fawn Grove, Pennsylvania 17321


Committee of the Whole

Community Room

November 1, 2012@ 6:30 P.M.

Present: Dr. Rona Kaufmann, Dr. Leslie Trimmer, Mrs. Mary Childress, Mrs. Jennifer Tobias, Mrs. Karrie Strickland, Mrs. Tonia Wright, Mrs. Mary Hyson, Dr. Anna Bickford and Ms. Susan Gibbs. The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m.

Budget & Finance

•Update on budget process and timeline – Dr. Kaufmann reported she will present the 2013-2014 Preliminary Budget before the Committee of the Whole Meeting on December 6, 2012 @ 6:30 p.m. In addition, the Board will hold a special voting meeting after the Committee of the Whole Meeting on February 7, 2013 to approve the 2013-2014 Preliminary Budget.

•Amendment to bus contract– Dr. Kaufmann asked for the support of the Board to amend the bus contact allowing our Bus Contractors to keep buses in their fleet until age 12, presently age 10. This will be on the November 15 Board Agenda.

•TIF - There was a discussion on the TIF project. Dr. Kaufmann has negotiateda third option for the district. Looking to approve TIF at the November 15, 2012 Board Meeting.

Buildings & Grounds

•Hurricane Sandy – Dr. Kaufmann reported on the District areas affected by the hurricane.

•Fuel tank issues – Dr. Kaufmann reported of problems with the fuel tanks at several school sites.

•Elevator status - Dr. Kaufmann reported that we are still having problems with the elevator at Kennard-Dale and it should be fixed by Tuesday, November 6, 2012. All repairs are covered under our maintenance agreement with the company.

•Awnings for portable structures at Kennard-Dale High School have been ordered and will be installed as soon as they arrive.

•Van replacement – one of our district vans was recently totaled in an accident. The Board supported the suggestion from Superintendent Kaufmann and Buildings and Grounds to purchase a small economical truck to replace the van.


  • There was a discussion on the inclement weather make-up days which will be January 2, 2013 and February 19, 2013. Dr. Kaufmann will add more information to the website explaining the state guidelines and the impact of make-up days for the district
  • Dr. Kaufmann reported on the Air Quality reports that were received this week on Fawn, West, East.
  • Dr. Kaufmann reminded the Board that the MOU’s for both Act 93 and Support Staff will expire

June 30, 2013 and that committees with Board representation will need to be formed.


  • SAT Report was discussed and distributed to Board Members.
  • Home Logic Use Reportwas discussed and distributed to Board Members.


•Update regarding interviews for West Principal- first round interviews had to be rescheduled due to the hurricane and will be held next week.

•Dr. Kaufmann asked for the Board’s support to release support staff early on November 21, 2012 and December 21, 2012. The board supported this recommendation.

Policies (for final adoption) – Dr. Kaufmann confirmed that all policies had been reviewed for final adoption at the November 15, 2012 Regular Board Meeting.

•005 - Organization

•007- Distribution

•117 - Homebound Instruction

•315, 415, 515 - Exit Interviews – Employee

•339, 439, 539 - Uncompensated Leave – Employee

•606 - Tax Collection

The meeting ended at 7:33 p.m.

Next Meeting: December 6, 2012 @ 6:30