Nordisk Kunstnarsenter Dale /Nordic Artists' Centre Dale


Nordisk Kunstnarsenter Dale [English title: Nordic Artists' Centre Dale], formerly Nordisk Kunstnarsenter Dalsåsen in the Norwegian county of Sogn og Fjordane, hereunder ”the Centre”, is a non-commercial, self-owning foundation established in accordance with the Norwegian law of 23 May 1980 no. 11 regarding foundations etc, on the basis of a donation made by Thora and Oddleif Fagerheim.


The purpose of the Centre is to promote and develop Nordic collaboration in the fields of pictorial art, architecture and design by means of its function as a residential centre.


3.1. The foundation’s base capital consists of the donated property called Lidskjalv, (Norwegian property reference 63, 185 and 186) (ca. 6000m2). The base capital includes existing buildings, which consist of a residential house built in 1972, a guest studio building built in 1997, five residential units built in 1997 and a smaller guest house built in 1998.

3.2. The property’s value in 1991 was 1,680,000 Norwegian kroner.


4.1. The Board is the foundation’s highest organ. The Foundation is to have a Board with a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 members. The Norwegian State appoints the Chair of the Board. Other than this, the Board is self-supplementing. The Chair is appointed for a period of four years. The other Board members are appointed for a period of three years. The Chair of the Board must be a Norwegian citizen. Other Board members can be recruited from other Nordic countries.

4.2. The Board is to ensure that the operation is run in accordance with the Foundation’s aims. The Board approves the budget, accounts, strategy and annual report. Resolutions of the Board are approved by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the Chair has a casting vote. The Board appoints the Centre’s director.


5.1. The Norwegian State guarantees the financing of operations and maintenance of the Centre’s existing buildings in accordance with and on the basis of the agreement of 16.09.1991.

5.2. The Centre can receive subsidies, gifts or other operational contributions from other parties.


The post of Director is a six-year fixed-term post. The Director is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Centre. The Director reports directly to the Chair of the Board. The Director appoints the other staff.


7.1. Proposals to change these Articles of Association are to be resolved by the Board. Any changes to the Centre’s Articles of Association are to be in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Norwegian law (Stiftingslova).

7.2. In the event that the Foundation’s purpose becomes no longer applicable or the Centre no longer has the means of operating, the base capital is to be used to meet the costs incurred in connection with closing the Centre. If the Centre is closed, it is desirable that Fjaler local authority should take over the property, equipment and buildings owned by the Foundation.

Dale i Sunnfjord 02.09.2011

Eli Borchgrevin Stina Högkvist

Chair of Board Board member

Markus Degermann Khaled Ramadan

Board member Board member