Revelation Of Power - 1 Corinthians 2:6-10

Intro: these are the last days in time and God is soon to return to rapture His church away. God is a God of seasons and He reveals Himself to us in seasons, increments, and in phases. As we approach the coming of our King He is showing us deeper revelations of who He really is and He is requiring fruit from the revelation that He is pouring on the church. So then it becomes our job to properly process and intimately interrogate His Word because there is more to it that meets the eyes. Our eyes haven’t seen, nor ears heard, neither do we understand the things that God has prepared for us. In this day there is an awesome Revelation of Power.

1.  The Power of The Holy Spirit: Jesus said in John 7:38 “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. Your belly is your Spirit, your innermost being; in your belly is the seat of your existence. It is who you really are. You are a spirit birthed out of the heart of God the Father. But somewhere down the line we have gotten caught up in an identity crisis. We as God’s people have forgotten who we are and who we were created to be. We are God’s Ambassadors here on earth. We are the most accurate representation of God to the heavens and earth and it’s time to manifest who we are. Beloved we are the sons of God though it does not yet appear. The whole earth is groaning with earnest expectation, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.

So howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect, yet not the wisdom of this world, but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery. We can speak the mysteries of God in a secular world because God has revealed them to us by His Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the comforter, teacher, the power, and the witness. Because of Him we are in the world but we are not of the world. We live in it but we can’t love it. This world is temporal but we are eternal, but while we’re here God is speaking to His Spirit inside of us.

2.  The Power of God’s Creation: when God created the heavens and the earth it was in preparations for His children. He created life on earth and give them the ability to reproduce after their own kind. But when it was time to create man God went into concert with Himself and said “Let Us Make man in Our image, after Our likeness.” Then He came down personally and shaped the very same earth that He created into the form of a man and breathed the breath of life and caused him to become a living soul. The image and likeness of God is the Spirit of God that was breathed into man, not the shell of flesh that housed Him.

There was wisdom into the Spirit that He breathed into man. In that wisdom was the Word of God (John 1), so when God breathed into man He breathed the Word that was with Him and was Him, and it became engrafted into mans being and was part of the chemical makeup of man [man had God’s Wisdom, Word, Will, and Ways in him]. This Word that was full of wisdom would cause man to rule and fulfill the commission given to him by God to replenish, subdue, be fruitful, and multiply. So Adam didn’t have to be: taught “that greater is He—He was more than a conqueror—told he could do all things—preached no weapon formed—reassured God would supply—reminded the earth is the Lords—pumped to give thanks to the Lord—to bless the Lord at all times.” They spent their time in sweet communion.

3.  The Power of Prophecy: This is how we are re-created at salvation, but because of the fall of man we have to be taught these things now. But when we learn who we are then no one has to tell us these things. You can speak life into your situation because of the engrafted word in your belly. Because you know who you are and who’s inside of you, you can speak to that situation in your life and watch God bring those words you spoke into existence. If we speak the Word of God according to the will of God concerning our situations God will see to it that life is produced. The life in Gods Word produces life. In Ezekiel 37:4 he was caught in the valley of dry bones and God commanded him to prophesy unto these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Then in verse 9 He commanded Ezekiel to prophesy unto the wind, and cause the wind to breathe upon these slain, that they may live.

Now it wasn’t the power in Ezekiel but when the bones and the wind heard God in Ezekiel’s voice they had no choice but to comply. I tell you today to prophesy to that dry place in your life, call that same wind to breathe upon your slain place that it may live.

4.  The Power of Warship: man was and is superior to satan. But satan has been able to trick man out of the knowledge of the riches hidden deep in his belly. Satan attacked man because he knew that man was superior to him and was his replacement to give glory to God. And he knew that man didn’t realize the awesome power and responsibility given to him (judge, jury, establish the KGD, pure worship and praise).

In heaven, there were angels designed specifically for purposes. Warfare (Michael and the Archangels), and there were angels specifically designed for worship (Lucifer and the worshiping angels), and there were angels specifically designed for prophetic messages (Gabriel and the messenger angels). Lucifer led a rebellion (expound).

Remember that Lucifer didn’t catch GOD off guard because the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. God the trinity had already designed Warship and a people who would carry out this awesome charge. So now when we pray we receive Intel from God so we can spread the message, praise we are doing warfare by sending angels to flight to fight adversarial demons, and worship we are giving God glory, charging and changing the atmosphere, His smoke starts to fill the room, and His train fills the temple. When we worship the pillars of the door shake and demons begin to tremble.

5.  The Power of God’s Wisdom: When sin came in GOD hid HIS wisdom in a mystery. GOD divided HIS Word into unsearchable riches that can only be revealed by HIS spirit [Written, Spoken, and Living]. Because had the demons and satan known this wisdom they would have never crucified the LORD OF GLORY. Satan was trying to stop the praise in the earth coming up from the earth; he was warring against the purpose of man and the consistency and potency of the WORD of GOD. He had tunnel vision because he couldn’t discern the wisdom of GOD. Even when Jesus told him if you destroy this temple in three days it will be raised again; except a seed fall to the ground and die it abides alone; if I be lifted up I will draw all me unto me.