Book Reviewer Application




Mailing Address:

Preferred Categories:

Tell us a bit about you. Are you a writer? What do you do for work?

Why are you interested in being a book reviewer for The Nonfiction Book Awards?

How many books can you review for us each year? (Please note that we ask for a minimum commitment of four books per year.) 4-6 7-10 11-15 16+

Sample review: Please write a one-paragraph review describing a book you have enjoyed reading.


Book Reviewer Agreement

As a reviewer/judge for the Nonfiction Book Awards, hosted by Stephanie Chandler Enterprises, LLC, you agree to read and review a minimum of four books per year, and then complete an evaluation form and contribute a brief written review for each book (one to five paragraphs) within the designated time period (usually four weeks).

In exchange for your efforts, you will receive complimentary “Authority” membership to the Nonfiction Authors Association, which begins after you submit your first book review and remains active as long as you are a reviewer in good standing.

Reviewers are not permitted to review books of friends or family and should disclose any conflict of interest should it arise. Your comments and written review in the evaluation form may be shared publicly and/or with the author, though your identity remains anonymous. You may, however, let others know that you are a reviewer for this program, but should never discuss specific books or authors publicly.

Reviewers should not communicate directly with any author involved in the review process. All communications should be handled by team members of Stephanie Chandler Enterprises, LLC.

When a review assignment is made, you will receive a copy of the author’s book, typically in digital format, though occasionally in print format. You agree to never share, rent, distribute or sell any print or digital books you receive under this agreement. Physical books should be either kept for your personal collection or donated to a library or charitable organization.

Reviewer status may be cancelled at any time if commitments are not kept, a conflict arises, or for any reason determined by the management of Stephanie Chandler Enterprises, LLC. Reviewer can also opt out of the program at any time, though we appreciate advanced notice whenever possible. Opting out of the program will also cancel your Authority-level member access in the Nonfiction Authors Association.

By signing this agreement, you acknowledge that you are neither an employee or contractor of Stephanie Chandler Enterprises, LLC, but a volunteer participant in the Nonfiction Book Awards program.

Please sign below to acknowledge acceptance of this agreement (digital signature is fine):

Reviewer Name:______Date:______


Please return this document via email to .

Nonfiction Book Awards | Nonfiction Authors Association