Mini Scaffold / Issued March 2012
Risk Assessment
Ref # P 00013
Manual Handling Ref # MH 0009
Crush / -  Hand/finger injury during set-up
Material falling / -  Use tool lanyards and good housekeeping
Fall from height / -  Collapse of structure; working outside safety rail area

This work instruction is for the use of a Mini Scaffold.


To be familiar with and trained in this work instruction




·  Ensure that two persons shall move the platform components whether to store or set up

·  Visually inspect the components for defects before assembly (i.e.) dents, chips, non-slip treads


·  Ensure that the platform can be set-up on level ground

·  Assemble components in order as recommended in Manufacturer’s Instructions

·  Ensure that all components are tightly fitted

·  Sole boards to be placed under the feet if working on soil

·  Equipment to be tagged Out until erection is complete


·  Erect exclusion barriers around scaffold area to reduce potential for interface with other workers

·  Scaffold shall be visually inspected prior to workers ascending to commence work

·  Workers to stay within the confines of the scaffold at all times

·  Do not exceed Load Rating of the Scaffold – this should take into consideration the combined weight of personnel working within the scaffold

·  Toe boards should be fitted on the deck level

·  Ensure no gaps or holes in deck area

·  Use tool lanyards

·  Maintain good housekeeping on deck


·  All castors must be fitted with brakes

·  Castor brakes must be applied at all times whilst the scaffold is in use

·  Mobile scaffold must not be used on sloping surfaces greater than 7 degrees

·  Scaffold ‘fittings’ and other connections should be securely tightened. Where ‘safety fittings’ are used, they should be fitted in accordance with the scaffold plan.

·  All scaffold components should be installed as the scaffold is erected.

·  Clear and unobstructed access should be not less than 450mm wide, where passage is required by persons and hand tools only.

·  Planks or decking forming the surface of a working platform should be of uniform thickness, fixed to prevent uplift or displacement in normal use and positioned to avoid significant gaps and tripping hazards.

·  Consider using specifically designed loading platforms and/or back propping to prevent overloading the building floor or the scaffold.

·  Limit the number of workers on a scaffold at any one time.

·  Develop a methodical work sequence if more than one worker will be on the scaffold at the one time, for example, allocate specific tasks to each scaffolder.

·  Work from a full deck of planks whenever possible.

·  Where a ladder encroaches on a working platform, an unobstructed access of at least 450mm width along the full length of the working platform should be provided.

·  Do not climb on guardrails to gain extra height.


·  Prior to any work commencing the barricading of dismantling area (using danger tape) and signage (scaffolders working above) needs to be in place to ensure the safety of persons should any components fall from height during deconstruction.

·  Edge protection and any means of access can be removed as the scaffolding is dismantled, provided it is removed at the last possible stage.

·  Ensure that when dismantling scaffold, the platform immediately below the level the worker is standing on, has a full set of planks across its width and is no lower than 2 metres.

·  A section of the scaffold may be left open to allow the lowering of planks or other scaffolding components between levels.


The Mini Scaffold opens the worker to the potential for injury, all care and the above instructions shall be followed at all times to reduce the risk of injury. Use of the Mini Scaffold shall be documented in a SWMS and appropriate Controls put in place

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Version: 1

Issued: February 2012

Review: 2017