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International Civil Aviation Organization



Montreal, Canada 14 – 17 September 2011

Agenda Item 1: / Progress of work within ACP WGs F (Frequency), I (IPS) and M (Maintenance)

Working Group – F (Frequency) Summary of Activities

(Presented by Steve Mitchell, ACP WG-F Rapporteur)

This paper presents brief details the activities undertaken by WG-F since the last ACP WGW/3 meeting held from 18-22 January 2010 in Montreal. WG-F is tasked with addressing all ICAO spectrum management issues including assisting in the development of the ICAO positions for the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs) and material for input into various international radio regulatory fora.
The ACP WGW is invited to note the information presented in this paper and consider any action necessary regarding the maintenance of Annex 10 Volume V.


1.1  In line with the updated work program detailed for ACP WG-F by ACP WGW/3, WG-F have been progressing their work and have completed a number of tasks successfully since the meeting of ACP WGW/3 held in January 2010.

1.2  WG-F have held 3 meetings since ACP WGW/3 at the following locations and dates:

Mexico City, 21-30 April 2010

Cairo, 19-27 September 2010

Paris, 17-25 March 2011

Copies of all the WG-F meeting reports can be found on the ACP website.

1.3  In line with meeting the ACP Work Programme objectives each of the WG-F meetings was preceded by a spectrum seminar related to preparation for ITU WRC-12. These proved to be very successful with good participation from the regions. The next meeting of WG-F and the last to be held before WRC-12, will be held in Dakar, Senegal from the 6 – 14 October 2011 and will follow the same format as used for the previously three meetings.


ICAO Position for ITU WRC-12

2.1 Due to the ongoing work in preparation for WRC-12 and the short timescale until the WRC, a review of the ICAO Position for WRC-12 was undertaken at the Paris meeting in March 2011 with a goal to bring it up date based on studies. Certain ground rules were set for any proposed changes such that any changes were documented and not just verbal contributions. The meeting successfully completed the updated Position which has been subsequently approved by the ICAO Council.

ITU WRC-12 preparation

2.2 In the continuing preparation for WRC-12 WG-F have been working on two particular items which are of interest to the ACP. The first relates to WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.7 which is looking at the long-term spectrum availability and access for AMS(R)S by the aeronautical community. A number of methods are now available to satisfy this agenda item however there is no clear method providing the best approach. At the latest meeting of WG-F the meeting agreed to form a correspondence group under Mr Suzuki (Japan) in order to develop a solution that would address the needs of aviation and ICAO.

2.3 The second item of particular interest is with regards to WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.4 Resolution 420 which is looking at spectrum allocations for the 5GHz AeroMACS airport surface LAN. The main issue here is whether the spectrum allocation made at WRC-07 is adequate to meet the requirements of the system. As the system concept continues to develop greater safety related mobile facilities are envisaged but it is unclear whether these can be completely accommodated within the 59MHz allocation. It has been suggested by those outside aviation that the AeroMACS system should look at using LTE (Long Term Evolution) technology as the proponents of such a system suggest it is far more spectrally efficient than WiMax.

Update to ICAO RF Handbook (ICAO Doc. 9718)

2.4 Material on frequency planning criteria was received within WG-F which will be useful for inclusion in Volume II of the RF handbook. Since the group now have a basis to move on with the development of the second volume, a correspondence group has recently been formed under Robert Witzen in order to produce suitable material for the volume. It is expected that Volume II will be available towards the end of next year.

Interference from non-aeronautical sources

2.5 WG-F has become aware of two potential future sources of interference that are of particular interest to aviation. The first relates to the operation of a terrestrial broadband service known as the Complimentary Ground Component (CGC) which is being proposed for the mobile satellite service band where AMS(R)S operates and is adjacent to the GPS L1 frequency band. Given the proposed high radiated power for CGC the possibility for interference is significant. WG-F is currently monitoring studies being undertaken in the USA.

2.6 The other area of potential interference which is also being monitored relates to the activities by a number of States to identify large amounts of spectrum for broadband mobile services. A number of frequency bands used by aviation have been identified within these States as offering potential solutions and cover aeronautical communication, navigation and surveillance spectrum.

Annex 10 maintenance on spectrum related issues

2.7 WG-F has continued to successfully liaise with other panels and working groups. One area that has been identified where some improvement could be made is with respect to the maintenance of Annex 10 Volume V. Since this volume deals with spectrum and frequency issues, any proposed changes need to be considered by WG-M and then agreed by WG-F. To remove a step from this process it would be better if WG-F had responsibility for the maintenance of Volume V and WG-F wish the ACP WGW to consider this as an option. Since Volume V contains material related to communications, navigation and surveillance disciplines, WG-F through the Secretariat could continue to liaise with other panels particularly where changes are needed to other Annex 10 volumes that are of a spectrum/frequency management nature.


3.1 The ACP WGW is invited to:

a) Note the information presented in this paper and,

b) Consider any action necessary regarding the maintenance of Annex 10 Volume
