OBJ-702-002a Appendix 1 Four Crosses Meeting



Draft Minutes of a meeting held on Thursday 28th November 2013 in

Four Crosses Village Centre at 7.00 p.m.

Present; Chairman Cllr D M Foulkes presiding, Councillors Frances Buckingham, E A Jones, D K Evans, C R Gilliard and N H Savage,

Apologies: Cllrs Mrs P Shapter, J C Benbow, W J Lee and C M Jenner. 2013/498

The Chairman welcomed the members of the public and representatives from National Grid who had agreed to answer any questions. 2013/499

Jeremy Lee, Project manager, explained that the new T-Pylon was still under development and although it is a direct replacement for the usual pylon he admitted that more would be necessary if the line was not straight. He also explained that there would be a difference with the foundations used depending on the soil structure. The next stage of consultation by National Grid will be Summer 2014 and then a planning application in 2015 which will be considered by the Planning Inspectorate. After a decision has been made there will be a 6 week period for a judicial appeal. Clerk asked that the next consultation should include an event in Four Crosses.

Members of the Public felt it was unreasonable to underground only at Meifod as the same arguments could be used for the Cultural/Scenic area of Llanymynech/Bryn Mawr Hills.

They were also asked to underground it for health reasons as they are passing between 2 Primary Schools. Jackie Fenn, National Grid, responded that they follow guidelines with regard to health precautions. She explained their reasoning behind the decision not to underground which was disagreed with by everyone present. Residents explained that the Caravan parks are vital to keep local businesses viable and that the presence of a pylon line will have a detrimental effect.

Chairman asked what clearance width is needed for the pylon corridor – Jeremy replied that they will be conducting a tree survey shortly and that there is no exclusion zone.

Residents also explained that due to the high water table in Four Crosses there will be increased costs of overgrounding which may not yet have been fully evaluated and that the final extra cost of undergrounding will be minimal to the average taxpayer. Jeremy replied that judgements have to be made as to how wisely they spend their money. He was also asked if the Wind Farm development did not go ahead would National grid recoup the money they have spent so far from the developers to which he answered yes and he was also asked if the wind farms did not proceed would there then be no need for a pylon line to which he answered yes. He was also asked as to how much development was necessary to justify a pylon line to which he gave no definitive answer. He was also asked if the sole purpose of National Grid was to take the electricity from the Wind Farms to which he replied yes and added if there were no Wind Farms there would be no need for pylons.

The Chairman thanked the National Grid Team for attending and the members of the public for asking the questions.

Deytheur Trust 2013/500

Mr Glyn James gave a report of the Deytheur Trust who have now awarded 49 Grants. The majority of these were for students living & studying away from home. A Grant of £65 had been awarded to ‘A’ level students and a Grant of £100 had also been given to Llandysilio School to buy books for the School Library. The Trustees were congratulated by the Councillors for managing the funds so well.

Minutes of the meeting held on 24th October 2013 were circulated, confirmed and signed.


Matters arising;-

2013/502 (2013/453) (2013/403) Awaiting Estimate from Gornal Farm to enlarge the pipe

2013/503 (2013/454) (2013/404)

a)Mid Wales Trunk Road Agency have replied that they cannot allow double white lines past Greenfield Cottages as it does not meet the criteria – clerk to request a copy of the guidelines.

b) War Memorial – chains will now be resprayed

2013/504 (2013/455) (2013/405) Still awaiting reply from Powys C.C re: Zebra Crossing & traffic calming improvements.

2013/505 (2013/456) (2013/406) Clerk had obtained a price for signs needed for Dog Control order on Foxen Manor – suggested approach One Voice Wales for alternative quotes and also to find out if a Welsh sign was needed.

2013/506 (2013/457) (2013/407) Cllr Frances Buckingham is adding Financial regulations to Standing Orders. Copy of this + Code of Conduct will be circulated to all Councillors for final approval.

2013/507 (2013/458) (2013/408) It was agreed that the response to National Grid consultation will be to maintain the objection because of the impact on Tourism, Businesses, Daily Lives and Flooding and also ask that undergrounding by Llanymynech Hill is considered.

2013/508 (2013/489) Street Light FC105 at Llys Rhysnant has now been repaired.

2013/509 (2013/490) County Cllr A E Jones will ask Powys C.C to consider request for additional parking at Llys Rhysnant in next years Budget. Some of the Houses currently have no parking allocated.

2013/510 (2013/495) Clerk to obtain quotes to replace the Parc Hafod hedge along the de-trunked section of the A483 opposite the Golden Lion with a metal one.

2013/511 (2013/336a) Thanks were given to County Cllr A E Jones who had completed the fencing for Cycles at Llandysilio School – Invoice for £150.

Sports & Recreation

2013/512 Details of Skate Park suggestions sent to teenagers who took part but no response as yet – Clerk will see what Grants are available.

2013/513 Awaiting quotes from Football Club re: showers and discussion on Licence.

2013/514 reply received from Powys C.C re: risk assessment for Legionnaires Disease. It was agreed that there was minimal risk and in view that the showers were being upgraded that this should be reviewed annually.

2013/515 It was agreed to ask Ray Parry Playgrounds to carry out the necessary repairs to the play equipment following the RosSpa Inspection report.


2013/516 Invoice from Benbow Garden services Ltd for £198.57

2013/517 Details of additional training courses being offered by One Voice Wales next year

2013/518 Information from Powys Teaching Health Board on Self-referral for Physiotherapy.

2013/519 Notice of Planning Training organized by One Voice Wales at Mochdre Old School on Thursday 12th Dec

2013/520 Ringmaster survey received for comments on role of Police Commissioner – it was agreed to reply that not enough time had been given for the online Survey.

2013/521 Notice of a review taking place on the Regional technical Statements originally produced in 2008 for the North and South Wales Regional Aggregate Working Parties

2013/522 Consultation from Welsh Assembly as to its new £6 million Nature Fund – Clerk will suggest Old school House Garden.

2013/523 Notice of changes to car parking system at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital – to be monitored.

2013/524 Notice of a meeting of Montgomeryshire Local Council Forum on Tuesday 19th November at 7.30 p.m. Attendance at this first evening meeting was disappointed but it was hoped more Councils will attend the next meeting on the 7th Jan.

2013/525 Email request from Cllr Jeff Green from Llandrindod Wells for support to keep Public Toilets open – this was agreed as it was felt that savings could be achieved by using local contractors.

2013/527 Details from X2 Connect Ltd of parts/paint for K6 Red Kiosks - noted

2013/528 Meeting organized for Tuesday 12th November to discuss Web sites with Gloversure Ltd.

Cllr Frances Buckingham had attended the meeting which she found very useful. Costings had been prepared by Gloversure which showed that the more Councils that joined the more savings could be gained. It was noted that there was an annual fee of £85.00 Frances was asked to find out if the Data was backed up.

2013/529 Play for wales for circulation.


2013/530 Bank balances as at 28th November 2013

Current Account £ 355.13

Deposit Account £18441.38

Sports & Recreation Account £ 654.25

Parc Hafod Account £35491.08

Bank statements were checked and initialed by Cllr D M Foulkes.

2013/531 Permission to pay;-

i) Benbow Garden Services Ltd £198.57 under s19 (3) L.G (misc purposes) Act 1976

ii) Mrs C E Davies (litter Picking Equipment) £223.74 under L.G.A 1972 s112

iii) Royal British Legion £30 under L.G.A 1972 s137

iv) Mr Arwel Jones £150.00 under L.G.A 1972 s137


2013/532 Standing water on the B4393 past Maesteg has now caused the hedge to die – County Cllr A E Jones will notify Highways.

2013/533 Cable to the temporary lights at Canal Bridge had been stolen – now replaced.

Any other business

2013/534 Scout Leader, Mr Chris Gilliard, thanked the Council for the litter picking equipment.

2013/535 Council had been asked to consider the possibility of funding a Cabinet to display the Four Crosses W.I Exhibits – this was considered a good idea and prices would be obtained.

The Chairman wished Councillors a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and closed the meeting at 10.00 p.m

Next Meeting Thursday 23rd January 2014