Frequently Asked Questions for parents and carers

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Early Intervention

My child doesn’t have a disability – why do I need to know about the NDIS?

The NDIS not only provides funding for people with a diagnosed disability, it also provides early intervention packages for children with developmental delays in one or more area, such as communication or mobility. Information on the eligibility criteria for the NDIS is available on the NDIS website.

What is early intervention?

Early intervention refers to services that support children with a disability or developmental delay so they can get the best start in life. Such services help optimise the child’s development and ability to participate in family and community life.

Intervening early in the lives of children with a disability or developmental delay can lead to better outcomes for the child, and their families, over the long term.

Children with a disability or developmental delay may be eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

What type of early intervention services will be available for my child in 2015?

In 2015, early intervention programs will no longer be provided by the ACT Education and Training Directorate. These programs will be replaced by non government providers. To provide certainty for families and time for new providers to establish in the ACT, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) called for tenders from community organisations to provide these services. Six providers have been successful in their tender. These organisations are Northcott, Noah’s Ark (Victoria), Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT), Each and SDN Child & Family Services. The contracts with these organisations are not exclusive, so if you wish to use a provider not on this list, you will be able to do so.

Where will services be located?

At this stage we have not finalised the arrangements with providers regarding location of services. The Education and Training Directorate is working with the six organisations and the NDIA to ensure new services are accessible for all families. Families will be informed as soon as this information is available.

When will my child transition to the NDIS?

Children will transition to the Scheme according to an agreed phasing schedule. Children aged two to four years who are not starting school in 2015 are transitioning to the NDIS between October and December 2014. School aged children will transition throughout 2015.

As part of the agreement between the ACT and Commonwealth Governments, Education and Training has provided contact details for all people accessing disability education services. If your child is under school-age, you should have received an a letter from the NDIA including an Access Kit. Included in kit is a request for permission to allow the NDIA to contact the Education and Training Directorate and anyone else you think might be able to help provide information about your child.

If you have not yet received an Access Kit from the NDIA you are encouraged to contact them on 6146 8200.

How will I know if my child is eligible for early intervention under the NDIS?

The NDIS not only provides funding for people with a diagnosed disability, it also provides early intervention packages for some children with developmental delays in one or more areas, such as communication or mobility skills.

The NDIA will use information from assessments provided by medical specialists, psychologists and other allied health professionals to help determine eligibility for the scheme and also to plan future supports.

How does the NDIA help us to get the supports we need?

If the NDIA determines your child is eligible to access the NDIS, you will then be invited to meet with a planner to discuss the necessary and reasonable supports your child requires. Packages will be individualised for each child. You will be asked to bring to this conversation information about your goals and hopes for your child and your thoughts on what has worked well with the supports your child currently receives. The planner will use planning and assessment tools to guide the conversation. The plan for your child will include a statement of supports that reflects your conversation with the planner. This statement then enables the plan to be put into action.

HOLDER / TUESDAY / 21/10/14 / 01:00-2:30 pm
BELCONNEN / TUESDAY / 04/11/14 / 10:30–12:00 noon
HOLDER / THURSDAY / 06/11/14 / 10:30-12:00 noon
BRADDON / WEDNESDAY / 12/11/14 / 1:00-2:30 pm
BRADDON / WEDNESDAY / 12/11/14 / 6:00-7:30 pm
HOLDER / TUESDAY / 18/11/14 / 1:00-2:30 pm
BELCONNEN / THURSDAY / 20/11/14 / 1:00-2:30 pm
Braddon / Wednesday / 26/11/14 / 6:00-7:30 pm
HOLDER / THURSDAY / 27/11/14 / 10:30-12:00 noon
BELCONNEN / WEDNESDAY / 03/12/14 / 10:30-12:00 noon
BRADDON / THURSDAY / 11/12/14 / 1:00-2:30 pm

The NDIA invites you to attend a workshop to learn more about the NDIS planning process and preparing for planning conversations. If you are interested in attending, please contact the NDIA at or 6146 8200 for more information or to book a place.

What if my child is not eligible for NDIS support?

The ACT Government is establishing a new Child Development Service which brings together health and therapy services to assist children aged 0-6 years at risk of developmental delay. The first stage of the Child Development Service will be up and running in 2015, and will ensure that children not eligible for the NDIS will get ongoing support, through group programs and parent supports.

When can families meet the new providers?

An Open Day will be hosted by the Education and Training Directorate on 17 November where you can meet the new providers and find out more about the services they will deliver. The open day will take place at Hedley Beare Centre for Teaching and Learning, 51 Fremantle Drive, Stirling from 1pm-6pm. If you would like more information about this event please phone 6205 2693.

What if I am not happy with the service provided by our new early intervention provider?

The ACT government continues to be responsible for safeguards and quality standards during the trial of the NDIS. To ensure that existing safeguards and quality standards are being met, the ACT Government provides a recommendation of suitability to NDIA about any applications for registration from new specialist disability providers or any currently funded providers that want to expand their service delivery.

Through the tender process providers were be required to demonstrate they have appropriate policies, procedures and standards in place, including processes for clientfeedback and complaints. Families are also able to discuss concerns with the NDIA.

Can a provider refuse to take a child? What sort of safety net will there be?

Under the NDIS there are a number of safeguards that will ensure all participants, including children, get the support they need.

Until there is a nationally consistent approach to safeguards, all existing ACT safeguards will continue. The Disability Services (Disability Service Providers) Amendment Bill 2014 was passed to enable the ACT to maintain existing safeguards and quality standards for disability services during the NDIS trial. This means the safeguards and quality assurance frameworks that currently exist to protect people in the ACT will continue, but will be enforceable under law rather than just as conditions of contracts.

What assistance will be available to support my child’s transition to a new setting in 2015?

Education and Training has developed a process to support the transition of your child to a new service provider in 2015. Teachers have collated information for each child and asked parent consent to share this information with their new early intervention provider. Once families have had their planning discussion with the NDIA and have an individual plan for their child, the Directorate will work with the new provider and the family to share this information and attend the transition meeting if this is what the family would like.

The Education and Training Directorate has identified a liaison officer to help families and providers manage the transition to new services. Lindy Abbott, Senior Manager in Disability Education will fulfil this role and can be contacted on 62057 2327 or via email at .

Can my child who has a developmental delay or disability attend preschool?

All children will be able to access mainstream services such as early childhood education and care, preschool and school. Services within ACT Government schools will not change as a result of the NDIS.

The Education and Training Directorate currently provides additional resources to schools to support children with developmental delays and disabilities access and participate in preschool. This support will continue.

Where can I find more information?

Further information about the NDIS and early intervention services is available from the following sources:

·  NDIA website - Link to NDIA website

·  NDIA ACT Phone 6146 8200

·  Education and Training Website - Link to ACT Education and Training website

·  ACT Government information line (02) 6207 1086

·  Community Services Directorate website – Link to Community Services Directorate website

o  NDIS Update: Link to NDIS update on Community Services Directorate website

o  ACT NDIS Taskforce: Link to ACT NDIS Taskforce information on Community Services Directorate website

To contact the Transition Liaison Officer:

·  Lindy Abbott Phone 6207 2327 Email

October 2014