2nd Six Weeks Test Review

1.  Review “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs

·  Find examples of foreshadowing.

·  Find examples of symbolism (especially the paw).

·  Determine the mood of the story and how the author creates it.

2.  Review “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe

·  Know the point-of-view from which the story is told.

·  What does the narrator want the audience to know about him? Why?

·  How would you characterize the narrator (actions, attitude)?

·  What is the narrator’s attitude toward the old man?

·  How does Poe create suspense in the story (find specific examples)?

·  What motivates the narrator to kill the old man? To confess?

·  What is the resolution to the story?

3.  Figurative Language & Literary Elements

Know the definitions (and be able to identify examples) for all of the following:

·  mood

·  simile

·  foreshadowing

·  metaphor

·  personification

·  protagonist

·  antagonist

·  suspense

·  allusion

·  hyperbole

·  onomatopoeia

·  dialect

·  genre

·  flashback

·  exposition

·  plot

·  point of view (1st, 2nd, 3rd objective/limited/omniscient)

4.  Complete the review on verb tense and review the worksheet we did in class.

5.  Complete the review on sentence types and review your notes from class.

6.  Complete the review on sensory language and review the booklet we created in class.

7.  Review the vocabulary word parts from all 4 units.

Verb Tense Review

The following paragraph contains10errors in verb tense.
Hard Luck -- A bank teller in Italy was jilted by his girlfriend and decide the only thing left to do was kill himself. He stolen a car with the idea of crashing it, but the car broken down. He steal another one, but it was too slow, and he barely dent a fender when he crashed the car into a tree. The police arrive and charge the man with auto theft. While being questioned, he stab himself in the chest with a dagger. Quick action by the police officers saved the man's life. On the way to his cell, he jumped out through a third-story window. A snowdrift broken his fall. A judge suspends the man's sentence, saying, "I'm sure fate still has something in store for you."

Sentence Types Review

1.Pauline loves to go to the beach and spend her days sunbathing.
A. Simple Sentence
B. Compound Sentence
C. Complex Sentence

2.Pauline says there is nothing relaxing about chopping wood, swatting mosquitoes, and cooking over a woodstove.
A. Simple Sentence
B. Compound Sentence
C. Complex Sentence

3.After a lengthy, noisy debate, they decided to take separate vacations.
A. Simple Sentence
B. Compound Sentence
C. Complex Sentence

4.Bruno went to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and Pauline went to Cape Cod.
A. Simple Sentence
B. Compound Sentence
C. Complex Sentence

5.Although they are 250 miles apart, they keep in constant contact on the internet.
A. Simple Sentence
B. Compound Sentence
C. Complex Sentence

6.Bruno did not take his laptop to the beach, nor did Pauline.
A. Simple Sentence
B. Compound Sentence
C. Complex Sentence

Sensory Language Review

1.  Which sentence is the best example of sensory language?

a.  The dog was cute, young, and energetic.

b.  The dog was white and brown and liked running around the yard

c.  The white and brown dog ran in circles around the yard, kicking up dust, and barking with a

high pitched yelp.

d.  The white and brown dog was a Pug and was about five months old.

2.  Circle the letter of the sentence in each pair that uses the best sensory language. Then underline the sensory words.

a.  Karleenstrolled down the hall.

b.  Karleenwalked down the hall.

c.  Aaron punched out the letters on his old typewriter because his computer had a virus.

d.  Aaron used his typewriter because his computer did not work.

e.  The kids laughed their heads off at the comedian's jokes.

f.  The kids' faces grew red, their stomachs ached, and their eyes watered as the comedian continued.

3.  “Gregor's eyes turned next to the window, and the overcast sky - one could hear raindrops beating on the window gutter - made him quite melancholy.”What sensory imagery is used in this excerpt from Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphasis”?

a.  sound and taste

b.  sight and touch

c.  taste and touch

d.  sight and sound

4.  “No doubt I now grewverypale; - but I talked more fluently, and with a heightened voice. Yet the sound increased - and what could I do? It wasa low, dull, quick sound - much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton. I gasped for breath - and yet the officers heard it not.” - What imagery does Poe use in this excerpt from 'The Tell-Tale Heart'?

a.  sound

b.  sight

c.  smell

5.  “He was not interested in the snow. When he got off the freight, one early evening during the depression, Sargeant never even noticed the snow. But he must have felt it seeping down his neck, cold, wet, sopping in his shoes.” - What imagery does Langston Hughes use in this excerpt from his short story, 'On the Road'?

a.  sight

b.  sound

c.  touch


ANSWERS: Verb Tense Review

Hard Luck

A bank teller in Italy was jilted by his girlfriend anddecidedthe only thing left to do was kill himself. Hestolea car with the idea of crashing it, but the carbrokedown. Hestoleanother one, but it was too slow, and he barelydenteda fender when he crashed the car into a tree. The policearrivedandchargedthe man with auto theft. While being questioned, hestabbedhimself in the chest with a dagger. Quick action by the police officers saved the man's life. On the way to his cell, he jumped out through a third-story window. A snowdriftbrokehis fall. A judgesuspendedthe man's sentence, saying, "I'm sure fate still has something in store for you."

ANSWERS: Sentence Types Review

1.  A, Simple (subject = Pauline; compound verb = to go, spend)

2.  A, Simple (subject = Pauline; verb = says)

3.  C, Complex (subordinating conjunction, aka AAAWWUBBIS = After)

4.  B, Compound (coordinating conjunction, aka FANBOYS = ,and)

5.  C, Complex (subordinating conjunction, aka AAAWWUBBIS = Although)

6.  B, Compound (coordinating conjunction, aka FANBOYS = ,nor)

ANSWERS: Sensory Language Review

1.  C The white and brown dog ran in circles around the yard, kicking up dust, and barking

with a high pitched yelp

2.  A Karleenstrolled down the hall.

C Aaron punched out the letters on his old typewriter because his computer had a virus.

F The kids' faces grew red, their stomachs ached, and their eyes watered as the comedian continued.

3.  D “Gregor's eyes turned next to the window, and the overcast sky - one could hear

raindrops beating on the window gutter - made him quite melancholy.”

4.  A “No doubt I now grewverypale; - but I talked more fluently, and with a heightened

voice. Yet the sound increased - and what could I do? It wasa low, dull, quick sound - much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton. I gasped for breath - and yet the officers heard it not.”

5.  C “He was not interested in the snow. When he got off the freight, one early evening

during the depression, Sargeant never even noticed the snow. But he must have felt it seeping down his neck, cold, wet, sopping in his shoes.”