Hi Gerry,
I was great to meet and speak with you at Oshkosh. Thank you very much for the wonderful hospitality. The information you have provided will be very useful thank you. If you are ever down this way please make sure that you come see us. I would love to take you flying over the great scenery in SE Queensland. I have attached the link to my home club’s web site. We fly at Caboolture which is about 45 klm north of Brisbane. We have a second more soaring friendly airfield at a place called Watts Bridge which is about 65 klm west (inland) of Caboolture. There are some great photos on it. I hope you enjoy it.
HYPERLINK "http://glidingcaboolture.org.au/" \o "http://glidingcaboolture.org.au/" http://glidingcaboolture.org.au/
Best Regards
Peter John
General Aviation Task Force
Office of the Director of Aviation Safety
Tel: 07 3144 7470 | Fax: 07 3144 7599 | Mob: +61 408 230 810
Postal Address: CASA GPO Box 2005 CANBERRA ACT 2601
From: [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, 31 July 2012 1:29 AM
Cc: Anderson, Marilyn
Subject: FAA & Mitre Contacts
Hello Peter,
Here are answers to the questions we spoke of and I hope you get them in time for your meetings in Washington.

ADS-B Project Lead:

Rob Strain of Mitre, ( HYPERLINK "mailto:" \o "mailto:" ) working under contract
with FAA leading FAA/SSA MOU project. I know they have had a few test flights, but have had some snags with instrumentation issues, etc.
Robert C. Strain
Communications and Information
Mitre Corp
7515 Colshire drive
McLean, Virginia 22102
Phone -- 703-983-7739
email -- HYPERLINK "mailto:" \o "mailto:"


Vincent Capezzuto / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET
INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET
Functional Job Title: / Director of Surveillance and Broadcast Services
Service Unit: / En Route and Oceanic Services
Directorate: / En Route & Oceanic
Division: / Surveillance & Broadcast Services
INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET
Office Phone: / 202-385-8637
INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET
INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET
Physical Address: / Wilbur Wright Bldg. (FOB10B) / Mail Address: / Wilbur Wright Bldg. (FOB10B)
INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET
INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / FAA National Headquarters / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / FAA National Headquarters
INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / 600 Independence Ave., SW / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / 800 Independence Ave., SW
INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / Washington, DC 20597 / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET / Washington, DC 20591
INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET Room Number: / 3rd flr / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET Room Number:
INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET Desk Location: / INCLUDEPICTURE "aoladp://MA26353707-0002/image002.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET Mail Stop:

Peter, no one knew the hardware manufacturer, however Rob Strain surely will.
Regarding number the number of pilots and sailplanes in the United States, there are an estimated 28,556 pilots and 6624 sailplanes.
Please see the attached excel sheets on the breakdown.
I hope this helps and it was great meeting you all.
Kind regards,

Gerry Molidor
SSA, Region 7

HYPERLINK "mailto:" \o "mailto:"

815-861-9877 cell