CV - Monika Johansson

Address: Malmavägen 15, 756 47 Uppsala Sweden

Phone: +46(0)18 - 67 20 41 (work)

+46(0)70 - 78 65 14 7 (home)


Citizenship: Swedish

  1. Master degree

2001M.Sc., Department of Natural Sciences, Skövde University, Skövde Sweden. Thesis title: “Generation of a Genomic Library from Mycobacterium smegmatis” Supervisor Prof. Kjell Holmgren

  1. Doctoral degree

2006Ph.D., Department of Plant Biology and Forest Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden. Thesis title: “The Role of Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase in Plant Mitochondria”. Supervisor Doc. Carina Knorpp

  1. Postdoctoral position:

2006-2009 Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology;

Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.

2009-2011 Department of Food Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden

  1. Associated professor

2015 Assoc. professor in Food Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden

  1. Current position

2011-Researcher, Department of Food Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden

  1. Previous employment

2006Scientist; Biochemistry and Protein research Department of Plant Biology and Forest Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden

2002-2006PhD student, Department of Plant Biology and Forest Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden

2001-2002Laboratory assistant, Department of Natural Sciences, Skövde University, Skövde Sweden

1990-1997 Maternity leave and various part time jobs

  1. Supervision of undergraduates students (last two years)

2015 Supervisor for master student. Project title: “Seasonal variation in plasmin/plasminogen activity in UHT milk”

2015 Supervisor for bachelor student. Project title: “Cheeses with blowing defect”

2015Supervisor for master student investigating “Composition of water buffalo milk during first weeks of lactation in relation to cheesemaking properties”

2015 Supervisor for master student investigating “Effects of milking frequency and milking systems on plasmin activity in bovine milk”

2014Supervisor for bachelor student investigating “Milk and metabolic health - consolidating conflicting evidence”

  1. Supervision of PhD students

2013 On going - supervisor for PhD student investigating “Continuous milking for robust cows and persistent and increased milk production – influence of the length of the dry period on

2012On going - supervisor for PhD student “Novel molecular markers for changes in meat quality”

Other pedagogic experience (Last two years)

2015 External examiner of PhD thesis “Acute phase proteins, proteomics and metabolomics in the diagnosis of bovine mastitis”. Graduate School College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK

2015 Masterwork opponent. Project title: “Tissue distribution of some porcine cytochrome P450 isoforms activities and its regulation”

2015Masterwork examinator “Galactose in dairy products”

2014Masterwork examinator“Quantification of protein fractions in aqueous phases

of whey and emulsions”

Granted projects

2016Sandbergs foundation. The project title: DNA based analyses of microbiota in milk fat fraction

2016SLU Global. Program aiming at capacity building within the area of Global Development Sustainable Food Science – How to Help Each Other

2015 Swedish Mountin cow breed association (Svensk Fjällrasförening). The project title: Correlation between different cow genotypes, feed management and milk protein quality

2015 DuPont Industrial Biosciences, Aarhus University. CE-based protein identification in fermented milk products

2014SLUmat:Plasmin activity in relation in continuous milking and milking in AMS

2012 SLUmat: Storage-limiting factors – best to know before “best before date” is settled

2011COST; Farm animal proteomics: A collaborative project between University of Glasgow,Scotland and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala

Investigation into the early detection of mastitis bacteria Streptococcus agalactiae and their strains in milk using peptide profiles generated by CE-MS analysis.