Presiding over the meeting, Cllr Hutchison

In Attendance:

Cllr Chapman, Cllr R Tinkler, Cllr Hallamand Mrs J Ripley Parish Clerk.

1)48.13 Apologies for absence

Cllr Fieldgave his apologies and council RESOLVED to accept them.

2)49.13 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Hutchison declared an interest in item 10i as the letter is from her husband.

3)50.13 Signing of the Minutes

Notes from the last meeting held on 12th March 2013 were taken as read & council RESOLVED to accept them as minutes.

4)51.13 Police Matters


5)52.13 To discuss applications for co-option to council


6)53.13 To discuss Queen Mother Nature Reserve and Resolve on its future administration

Mr Hargreaves updated the council on what is happening at the nature reserve.

Several ideas and points were discussed ending in a proposal for the following:

  • More wild flowers to be planted in the meadow
  • A month by month synopsis diary of events in the nature reserve to be put on the notice board at the reserve, Mr Hargreaves kindly agreed to do this.
  • When grazing Animals are put in meadow a single strand of electric fencing will be placed a metre in from existing fence and warning notices put in place.

These proposals were seconded and RESOLVED.

Council thanked Mr Hargreaves and his volunteers for their continued work.

7)54.13 Questions on District Councillor’s Report

No report or District Councillor at meeting.

8)55.13 Clerks Report

All correspondence from the March meeting has been dealt with.

Council 2012-13 Internal Audit has been booked and the External Audit papers have arrived, this seems to be early this year and councils date is 24th June.

PAYE has been completed for the last financial year and all submissions made, the clerk is at present learning how to do Real Time submissions as of end April 2013.

All Allotment rent invoices for April have been sent out.

2012-13 VAT return refund request has been completed and submitted.

Four out of the five Councillors booked in for Councillor training on 19th March were able to attend and all found the evening beneficial.

9)56.13 Financial Matters

Accounts for payment:

Money In: Nil

Date / Payee / Ref / Item / Chq No / Net / VAT / Gross
9/4/13 / Mrs J Ripley / T1 / Expenses / £100.75 / £100.75
9/4/13 / LCC / T2 / Allotment rent / £477.00 / £477.00
9/4/13 / Digley Ass / T3 / Annual Play
Inspection report / £40.00 / £8.00 / £48.00
9/4/13 / Malc Firth / T4 / Ground Maint / £362.75 / £72.55 / £435.30
9/4/13 / SHIDB / T5 / Rates / £285.63 / £285.63
9/4/13 / CPRE / Best Kept Village
Comp / 101845 / £15.00 / £15.00
28/4/13 / Mrs Ripley / T6 / Wages April / £1017.12 / £1017.12

Council RESOVLED to pay accounts as put before them.

  1. To Resolve on Clerks pay increase as per the terms of her contract

It was proposed to increase clerks pay by one increment point as per contract from 29 to 30, this was seconded and RESOLVED.

  1. End of Year Bank reconciliation.

The Clerk handed out the year end Bank Reconciliation.

10)57.13 Correspondence

a.SHDC – Copies of meeting agendas and minutes

b.Mr Scott - letter

c.HM Revenue & Customs – changes to PAYE

d.LCC Highways – Speed limit changes (item 15)

e.SHDC – Housing advice poster(distributed for notice boards)

f.Grant Thornton – Audit form and details

g.LCC – Election notices (distributed for notice boards)

h.Holbeach & District Community Vehicle – Introduction

i.Parishioner – Exit from Worths Factor

Following a discussion it was decided that the clerk should write to Worths passing on concerns.

j.CPRE – Best Kept Village Comp

Only Gedney to enter this year

k.LALC - News

11)58.13 To discuss Play/open areas

  1. To adopt Risk Assessment for Memorial in Gedney Dyke and Resolve on highlighted areas:

It was proposed by Cllr Hutchison to adopt the risk assessment and seconded by Cllr Hallam this was RESOLVED.

Following a discussion it was proposed for the clerk to:

  • Write to C Wright and Sons, requesting the temporary removal of their bench so as to reduce the risk of impalement on the railings until work is carried out to remove the risk.
  • To get 3 quotations to remove/bend the spikes at the top of the wrought iron fencing.

This was seconded and RESOLVED.

The Slide improvement project at Walker Memorial park is due to start in a fortnight.

12)59.13 To discuss Cemetery matters

Clerk reported that the cemetery bin has now been emptied and the notice board updated with contact details.

Cllr Chapman reported that the seat needs varnishing, clerk to get a quote from Eastview Services.

13)60.13 To Resolve on Council Inspection Trip

Inspection trip to stay as is for July.

14)61.13 Planning Matters


H06-0212-13 Ms Nigbar, Sunrise Farm, Ravens Bank, Sutton St James

Construction of Agricultural barn

Council supported this application.

H06-0271-13 Mr Kerry, Fen House Bungalow, GedneyBroadgate

Side Extension with brick plinth and render to whole bungalow

Council supported this application.


APP/A2525/D/13/2195247 on H06-0703-12 4 Church St Dawsmere


H06-1030-12 Mr Wyles, Rosalyn Main Road Gedney Drove End

Proposed replacement dwelling (amendments)


15)62.16 Highways and Footways

  1. Update on outstanding matters


  1. To report any new matters

Proposed speed limit change from 60mph to 50mpe on B1359 Gedney Rd Long Sutton

16)63.13To Resolve on the position of Cemetery clerk to be included in Parish Clerks Duties and change hours of work accordingly:

Cllr Hutchison proposed that the position of Cemetery Clerk be amalgamated with the job of PrishClerk and hours be increased by one per week from 19 to 20 to incorporate this work,this was seconded by Cllr Chapman and RESOLVED.

17) 64.13 To discuss Broadband within the Parish

See attached report.

18) 65.13 Date of next meeting:

14th May at Gedney Dyke Village Hall

There being no more business the meeting closed at 9.20 pm




Superfast broadband

for Lincolnshire -

a County Council update

Superfast speeds are just around the corner with a multi-million pound broadband project

due to start imminently. Businesses and communities across Lincolnshire are set to benefit from fast,

affordable fibre broadband as Lincolnshire County Council and BT , on 13 March, revealed the details of the

planned roll-out of superfast broadband across the county.

The council has signed a contract with BT to build on the existing telecoms infrastructure in the county so that

at least 88% of all properties should have access to superfast broadband by April 2016, with the council aiming

for everyone else to have access to at least of 2Mb/s broadband. For the first time ever, broadband

should be available everywhere in Lincolnshire.

The deal is the largest of its kind in the East Midlands and sixth largest nationally.

Councillor Kelly Smith, Executive Member for Finance and HR, said:

"The internet is transforming our lives - at home, at work and at school. And thanks to this investment by local

councils, BT and national government, everyone will be able to reap the benefits offered by digital technology.

This project is going to dramatically improve broadband speeds across the county, bringing a wealth

of opportunities for residents and businesses alike. This is the start of an exciting new era for our county."

Bill Murphy, Managing Director, Next Generation Access, BT, added: "777/'s is great news for Lincolnshire.

We're already seeing the positive impact faster, fibre broadband is having on businesses and residents in the

county and now, thanks to this partnership, the benefits will be felt much wider, helping boost the local economy.


Initial information on what's planned can now be found online at , although please

be aware these details may change. Alternatively, residents can contact the council's customer service centre

on 01522 782066.

The project, which is part of the Government's Broadband Delivery UK programme, will see around £48m of

public and private sector money invested in improving the county's broadband infrastructure. The cash includes

£11.2m from the county council, £4m from the district authorities, £14.3m from national government

and £18.8m from BT.

Communications Minister Ed Vaizey said:

"It's fantastic that for the first time, broadband will be available everywhere in Lincolnshire as the result of one

of our largest superfast broadband projects in the country. The UK already does more business online than

any other European country, and widespread access to superfast broadband will provide a tremendous boost

to Lincolnshire's local economy."

BT was chosen following a competitive selection process. Work on the project will start imminently with the

first superfast connections expected to be available in January 2014. The roll-out will begin with a period of

planning and detailed surveying, before Openreach, BT's local network business, starts work on the ground.

In addition, £300,000 from the European Regional Development Fund will be used to bring superfast speeds

to east coast communities in and around Ingoldmells and Wrangle through wireless technology, with the improvements

being carried out by Lincoln firm AB Internet.

1Gedney Parish Council