Possible Complications of Dental Procedures


They explainedthatlocalanesthesiaisadministeredviainjection, substances that cause reversible blockade of pain sensation,to make the treatment without pain. The local anesthesia may cause, among other things, ulceration of the mucosa at the injection site, pain, limitation of the mouth opening movement, decreased in blood pressure, syncope, urticaria, asthma,angioneuroticedema, and in rare cases ventricular fibrillation, or death, which may require urgent treatment.

The main purpose of these treatments is to remove the affected hard tissues, pulp protection, and restoration, to preserve the tooth and its function, restoring at the same time, whenever possible, the appropriate aesthetics.

They explainedthat it is possible the appearance of a greater sensitivity, which usually disappear spontaneously, and that, especially in deep caries, can produce effects on the dental pulp that will require endodontic treatment, so the tooth will be fragile and may be necessary to carry out other reconstruction or placement of a prosthetic crown.

I also understand that I may not be satisfied, aesthetically, with the shape and color of the tooth after the treatment, because the qualities of direct restorations will never be identical to their healthy appearance.


The main purpose of the intervention is the elimination of pulp tissue when it becomes inflamed or infected, or with a granulomatous or cystic process, filling the pulp chamber and root ducts, preserving the tooth.

I have been advised that, even thetechniqueispracticedcorrectly, it is possible that the infection or cystic or granulation process, cannot becompletely eliminated, so you may need retreatment or periapical surgery after a few weeks, months or even years.

They also told me that it is possible the occurrence of postoperative sensitivity, change the color of the crown, the weakening and fracture of the tooth and the breaking of any instrument that might require other treatments.


The main purpose is the total or partial replacement of missing teeth, or the anatomical reconstruction of teeth that have lost structure.
The operation consists in the preparation of the mouth by carving the adjacent teeth, or the proper management of soft tissue, and in making the impression to prepare the models.

They have been told that the removable prosthesis can cause nausea, ulcers, aches, mobility in case of low bone support, which requires a process of adaptation that may require alterations and can be a long time, somustgoperiodicallytovisitthedentist.


The procedureinvolvestheextractionofa toothfromits alveolus, underlocalanesthesia, that afterperformed the diagnostic testshave beenestimatedaccurately,hasruled outtheimplementation ofrestorative dentistryprocedures, sothatit becomes impossible topreserve.

Despitehaving taken allthemeasuresthat have been considerednecessary, may cause an infection, a profuse bleeding, rupture ofthecrownof thetooth, lacerationsin themucosa, displacementoftheroot to the maxillary sinusorotherstructures, fracture of the intraradicular partition wall,ormaxillary tuberosity, temporomandibularjoint dislocation, andevenfractureof thejaw, which does notdepend onthesuccessful implementation of theintervention,they are unpredictable, in which casethephysicianwill takeaccurate measurements,andcontinuetheextraction.


Are the surgicalinterventions that areperformed intheoralcavitytoremoveimpacted teeth, infections, cystsortumorsaffectingthe jaws and /orsoft tissuesoftheoralcavityortongue, ortoremodelthesetissuesto seatcorrectlydentalprosthesis.
They have beentoldthat theseoperations, toclarifytheincisionoftheoralmucosaortongue, edematousprocessescanoccur, inflammations, infections, hematomas, pain, mucosalacerations, which does notdepend ontheformormode ofinterventionperformed,andits proper performance. They also explain thatby theirproximity,regardlessofthetechniqueused and itsproperimplementation,maybeinjuredsomeother structuresuch astheinferioralveolar nerveorits terminal branches,orthelingual nerve, whichinvolvesanesthesiaornumbness oftheliporchinarea, which may be temporaryorpermanent, orthe maxillary sinuscouldbe the causeofsinusitis.

() Periodontics

Periodontaltreatmentaimstheeliminationofthe etiological factors thatcausediseaseof the tissuesthat supporttheteeth, throughscalingtechniques androot planingorperiodontalsurgerytopreventperiodontaldisease progressionandensurethe maintenanceof theteethover time, functionandaesthetics.
I understandthateven when carried out asuccessful implementation of thetechnicalprocessescanoccuredematous, swelling, painor soresinthe mucous membranes.
Theyalsoexplainedthatit ispossible toincreasesensitivityandtooth mobility, which should normallydisappear spontaneously orbyconductingsubsequent treatments.Alsowillproducealengtheningoftheteethas a result of theelimination of thediseased tissue.

I also understandthatcause of the characteristics ofperiodontaldisease, the required objectivecannotbe obtained, in whole or in part, irrespectiveofthetechniqueand itsproperimplementation.


Intolerance orallergiestoanestheticsormedicationsrequired fortreatment, ulceration of themucosaintheinjection pointofanesthesia, pain, nausea, hematomasordiscolorationof theskinor mucous membranes,limited movementofmouth opening, decreased blood pressure, andventricularfibrillationmayrequireemergency treatment.

Inflammation,abscesses,bleeding, infections, bone sequestration, oral antral communications, oral nasalorfistula formation, increased sensitivity postoperative,weakeningand fractureof teethorportionsof bone, or infectious processes.

Sensitiveormotordisorderssuch asanesthesia, paresthesia, hyperesthesia ormovements alterationsormusclefunction.

Need forother surgical proceduresortreatments,accessoriesand tests,whichshould beperformedat this clinicby theirstafforeveninotherclinicsand otherprofessionalsin dentistry.

Incaseofimplants, transplantation, ofteethor othertissuesor materials, their lossorneed to bereplacedue to intolerance, infection orabnormalmasticatory forces.

OTHER: ______


It is expected that the dental treatment indicated in this document take approximately ______months, however, also I understand that it can take more time, during which I must visit the dentist regularly according to the scheduled appointments, and especially during and after treatment, I must look carefully my dental hygiene through the techniques indicated above.


The Undersigned ______in my personal capacity as a representative of a minor ______


ThatDr ______explainedme thatI mustreceivedental treatmentof ______andexplainedandclarifiedina vocabularythatisunderstandableto me, the size,scopeandpossibleconsequences, effects orinconvenienceofthe treatmentabove.

Some of the possible complications, sequelae, disorders,risks orpre-, trans-or postoperative discomforts , arethefollowing:______

I declarethatifthese complicationsoccur, I acceptthe discomfortsandrisks mentioned andthoselisted asderivativesof the treatment.Any notesorAdditionalclarificationiswrittenon the backofthissheetandshall be fittedwiththe signatureofthe patientorthe responsible person.


I understandthatfailure the followinstructionsthatthe Dr ______indicated to me, the treatmentmaynothavetheexpected successorcomplications may ariseand needotherinterventionsor treatments, withoutany implication thatthe previoushave beenexecutedincorrectlyorwithoutproperscientificand technicalcapacityrequired.

Therefore, ImanifestthatI amsatisfied with the informationreceived andunderstandthe scopeandrisks of the treatment.

In theseconditions:

I am agree that you can make methedental treatmentsspecifiedat the beginningof this document.

In ______Date______
The patient or legal representative: ______
DR. ______
Witness ______