The Minutes Of The Annual Council Meeting of Shipley Parish Council Held On Monday 18th July 2016 at Coolham Village Hall, Coolham at 7:30pm

105/16 Attendance And Apologies For Absence

Those Present: W Beckett, J Coad (Chair), G De Zoete, T Hayes, G Lindsay, N King-Tours and S Roggendorff

Also Present: Paul Seabrook (The Fieldings Residents), Cllr Rowbottom and Parish Clerk F McNeile

Apologies: Cllr Baxter (Work), Cllr Lovett (Work), Cllr Sinton (Appointment), Cllr Emrich (Work)

106/16 To Receive Declarations of Interest, Notification of Changes to Members’ Interests and consider any requests for a dispensation

None received.

Cllr Lindsay and Cllr King-Tours duly completed the declaration of interest update for 2016.

107/16 Approval Of The Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Thursday 16th June 2016

The minutes having previously been circulated were taken as read. Cllr Coad proposed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a correct record, this was unanimously AGREED.

108/16 Election Of Vice Chairman

Cllr King-Tours stated that he was happy to remain as Vice Chairman. This motion was proposed by Cllr De Zoete seconded by Cllr Roggendorff and unanimously AGREED. Cllr King-Tours duly signed the acceptance of office.

10916 Matters Arising from Item 107/16 (For information only)

092/16 Sally Pavey has asked if the Parish Council will agree to receiving updates from CAGNE’s mailing. All members agreed with this proposal and the updates will be placed on the Parish Council website for public viewing.

094/16 The Clerk outlined plans and ideas for the Parish Council’s Research Evening. Members resolved that the date was changed to 3rd August 2016. The Clerk will issue further information following transport confirmation from Cllr Emrich.

095/16 All policy and member documentation has been scanned and added to the Parish Council website.

110/16 Report from the Police

Cllr Coad reported that there were significant changes to our PCSO structure on 4thJuly. The key issues to note are:

·  There is no longer a named PCSO for a parish area.

·  Horsham NPT have amalgamated with Adur & Worthing NPT to create a hub based approach.

·  There will be PCs and PCSOs based at either Worthing or Horsham police station.

·  The Police will be directing resources based on the information and intelligence received and the threat, harm and risk. Therefore, if it is deemed there is a need in your area, they will consider using resources from both Worthing and Horsham to deal with those issues.

111/16 Report from the County Councillor


112/16 Report from the District Councillors

Cllr Rowbottom reported that speed testing had taken place outside William Penn School. The test took place over a 2 hour period and another test was expected soon. Cllr Rowbottom will investigate further.

113/16 Report from Representatives on Outside Organisations


114/16 Public Session (Members of the Public may speak for up to 3 minutes at the discretion of the Chairman).

Paul Seabrook from The Fieldings Residents group addressed members regarding DC/16/0642 – Land West Of Mill Straight, Worthing Road, Southwater. The original building line within the planning was 20 metres of the trees which are mostly oaks and therefore under a tree preservation order. The residents of The Fieldings would like the border pushed back ideally to 40 meters away from the trees but would accept 35 metres. Their argument is partly legal and partly technical, and is associated with tree roots which have already caused extensive subsidence damage to houses in The Fieldings as well as the TPO’s.

Southwater PC agreed with the view of the residents at their last meeting on 7th July and the residents group would like the support of Shipley Parish Council as the development is technically within Shipley Parish.

115/16 Chairman’s Announcements


116/16 Coolham Pavilion Opening Event – Date & Format Confirmation

Members considered the responses to the doodle poll and agreed on the date of Thursday 25th August at 6:30pm. The Clerk will issue formal invitations and arrange for a new brass plate to be engraved. The Clerk will also liaise with Cllr A Jupp and arrange for a senior member of WSCC to attend and formally thank all those involved in the project. Drinks will be provided.

117/16 Coolham Playing Fields ‘Play Equipment’ Project – decide on budget allowance for new play equipment.

Cllr Coad reported that HDC have confirmed that the S106 awarded may be spent on any play equipment and that the time frame may also be extended as the Council is still proceeding with the project. £8488 has been secured through S106 and GACC funding. Cllr Coad proposed that up to £10,000 from the Solar Farm Community Donation is set aside for the project. This would top up the funds already received to give a budget of £18,500 + VAT for a variety of swings, climbing frames and rope slide equipment, aimed at 8 years and over and additional picnic tables to complete the project. Working within the agreed budget, Cllr Coad proposed that three or four options are presented to council at the next meeting to decide on preferred equipment and layout. Once this has been decided, the Council will go to tender for confirmed quotes on the proposed project. Cllrs Hayes asked if the remaining £15,000 from the Community Benefit donation would then be invested for future projects/needs. Cllr Coad agreed that this would be a good idea but emphasised that Conergy are also keen for the monies to be used towards a community benefit. Cllr King-Tours expressed concern regarding the safety and the longevity of ‘zip wires’.

Members unanimously AGREED to the additional £10,000 from the community donation to be put towards the project.

118/16 Dog Fouling – discuss problem of dog fouling at Coolham Playing Fields and potential solutions.

Dog fouling continues to be a serious problem at Coolham Playing Fields. Cllr Coad has observed a resident collecting their dog foul in bags and then throwing it into the hedge/bushes surrounding the playing fields. Cllr Coad has asked the offender to refrain from doing so but they continue to do so. Dog foul bags are also being left in the carpark and there is uncollected fouling on the fields, all of which present a significant health risk to users of the playing fields. Cllr Coad proposed that the costs of installing dog foul waste bins and the ongoing maintenance is investigated and that larger, new signs are installed.

Members agreed that the Clerk should investigate the costs of the bins and arrange for new signs to be made which include a penalty cost for dog foul offenders.

119/16 Planning Applications

8:05pm Gordon Lindsay left the room.

8:06pm Kate Rowbottom left the room.

Members confirmed that the new planning information sent in a zip file format is a good improvement.

DC/16/1433 Thornhill, Billingshurst Road, Coolham – Loft conversion and roof extension with side dormer window and roof lights front and back

After Consideration the Parish Council voted in favour of the application

Votes 6 Approve

DC/16/1456 St Andrews, Coolham Road, Brooks Green – First floor extension

After Consideration the Parish Council voted in favour of the application

Votes 6 Approve

DC/16/1350 Perrylands Place, Dial Post, Horsham – Demolition of existing bungalow, erection of two storey dwelling allocated on existing site with new footprint

After Consideration the Parish Council voted in favour of the application

Votes 6 Approve

However, a provision should be noted that the demolition of the bungalow takes place during a first stage of work, followed by the second stage erection work.

DC/16/1370 Land South Of Sewage Works, Thakeham Road, Coolham – Prior notification to change of use from agricultural building to a single dwelling

Cllr Coad explained that this planning comes under ‘Class Q – permitted development’ which means that HDC do not have to consult with the Parish Council on the application. HDC only have to consult with organisations such as Highways and Public Health.

DC/16/1398 Oakwood Farm, Hooklands Lane, Shipley – Prior notification to change of use from barns to single dwelling

Cllr Coad explained that this planning comes under ‘Class Q – permitted development’ which means that HDC do not have to consult with the Parish Council on the application. HDC only have to consult with organisations such as Highways and Public Health.

S106/16/0005 Land at Falconers Farm, Sincox Lane, Shipley – Discharge of S106 agreement related to SP/32/92

After Consideration the Parish Council voted in favour of the discharge

Votes 5 Approve 1 Abstention

DC/16/0642 – Land West Of Mill Straight, Worthing Road, Southwater – Approval Of Reserved Matters

After Consideration the Parish Council voted in favour of supporting the Fieldings Residents Group and noted the need for a minimum of a 35metre border between the house building and the tree line.

120/16 Planning Decisions

The Clerk issued an update of planning decisions made by HDC.

121/16 Roads, Footpaths, Bridleways & General Maintenance of the Parish

Pavements – update from Councillors.

The Clerk has been notified that the field hedge undergrowth on the verge of the A272 immediately west of the junction with Dragons Lane is making it impossible to see oncoming traffic when exiting the lane. The Clerk has asked Cllr Emrich if he will arrange for the hedge trimming as carried out in previous years

The Clerk has also been informed that WSCC may have inspected the potholes in the wrong lane in Dragons Green. The inspection should have been in Dragons Lane and not Dragons Green Road. The Clerk has reported the problems to Love West Sussex.

Cllr Coad requested that the hedgerow within the play area and along the field boundaries is cut back by Grasstex. The Clerk to request for this work to take place.

Cllr Coad requested that the Clerk investigate with WSCC Highways why the speeding device (cables across the road) along the Billingshurst Road was installed in a 60mph limit when it should be installed in the 30mph area.

Cllr Roggendorff stated that there are potholes next to each other in Hooklands Lane one which is 40mm in depth and another which is 38mm in depth which are 15cm apart but only the 40mm hole qualifies for repair according to a WSCC Highways worker. The Clerk to request that all potholes are repaired at the same time.

An email has also been received by Zsa Roggendorff from Chris Stark at WSCC Highways stating that Hooklands Lane is not a priority for surface repair resources in the foreseeable future and certainly not before 2019.

Cllr King-Tours raised a concern regarding the wood in Sincox Lane known as Ingrams Furze. Lots of trees have been cut down and the wood looks like a wood yard. Cllr King-Tours is concerned about the welfare of the birdlife and whether this activity should be allowed and whether the clearance of land is leading to other activity. The Clerk had been alerted to the environmental impact but will now investigate further with HDC Compliance for advice.

Cllr De Zoete raised concern regarding the road edge near Church Farm South which drops off steeply and may cause an accident in the future. The Clerk to report on Love West Sussex again.

Cllr Beckett reported that the 40mph road sign has been pushed over on the south side of Lackenhurst Lane. The Clerk to report on Love West Sussex again.

Cllr Coad reported that the flooding problems on Shipley Road near Goffs Farm is still occurring. The water is backing up to the bridge on Shipley Road. Cllr Coad noted that there was once a road side ditch which is now overgrown. If this ditch was reinstated the flooding would be dealt with. The Clerk to raise the matter with Cllr Emrich as this is part of the Knepp Estate.

Cllr De Zoete noted that the sign ‘Countryman Lane’ by the footpath is completely overgrown. The Clerk to report on Love West Sussex.

122/16 Payments

Payments July 2016 / £
Received since last meeting / Chq Nos
Councillor Coin Repayment / 1.99
Interest / 1.26
Paid since last meeting / Invoiced Services
Country Crafts / Church Close strimming / 105 / 001454
P J Consultants / Internal Accounts Audit / 182.13 / 001455
Grasstex / Grounds Maintenance & Shrub Prune / 779.88 / 001456
SLCC / Arnold Baker Reference Book / 76.60 / 001457
HALC / Subscription / 15.00 / 001458
WSCC Payroll / Staff Salaries / 785.46 / 001459
Clerks Expenses / Mileage, Broadband, (Concrete for Pavilion) / 193.57 / 001460
Three Mobile / Parish Mobile / 35.00 / DD
Coadman Contractors* / Pavilion materials / 1287.12 / 001461
* Payments authorised outside of a council meeting as per minute item 081/16 in accordance with the Council's Financial
Regulations Section 4, 4.5
Funds Transferred since last meeting
D/Acc. To C/Acc. / 0
Balances on Accounts.
Current Acc. / 571.25
Deposit Acc. / 28,820.31
Investment Acc. (NSI) / 5,212.45
Includes Neighbourhood Plan Grant / 2,500.00
Includes Operation Watershed 2014 / 550
To Pay after this Meeting. / Invoiced Services
Vision ICT Ltd / Website Hosting / 270.00 / 001462
M J Brown Ltd / Toilet hire - Pavilion project / 120.00 / 001463
Clerks Expenses / Mileage, Broadband, Etc / 168.33 / 001464
Coadman Contractors / Pavilion Guttering materials / 44.84 / 001465
Coadman Contractors / Coolham Playing Field Fencing / 1896.00 / 001466
WSCC / Staff Salaries - June / 1539.96 / 001467
Immediate Transfer D/Acc to C/Acc. / 4500.00

Cllr Coad proposed the authorisation of payments and Cllr King-Tours seconded the motion.

123/16 Date of next meeting

Thursday 8th September, The Andrew Hall, Shipley 7:30pm

Subject to planning applications and a requirement for an extraordinary meeting.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8:41pm.

Shipley Parish Council 18 July 2016 Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes Page 6 | 6